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Greetings Conquerors!

I wanted to give you all an update on the progress thus far of Version 0.2, which is primarily an update to the city management aspects of the mod. After all, what would the point of conquering cities be if you don't have the ability to manage them?


The main feature that this update is built around is the new loyalty system! Each city and village will have a certain loyalty for your faction, depending on how well your faction is taking care of the citizens in the specific city or village. Loyalty comes in five tiers:

- Devoted

Allows recruitment of much more troops per day as well as much more resource output

- Loyal

Allows recruitment of more troops per day as well as more resource output

- Neutral

No benefit or loss

- Disloyal

Less recruitment of troops per day and less resource output. Also adds possibility of protests breaking out

- Rebellious

Much less recruitment of troops per day and much less resource output. Also adds possibility of rebellion

The protests and rebellions are not done as of now but they'll be in when I release the new version.

Loyalty is decreased by not having enough food in the city's reserves, not stationing any armies to protect the city, and throwing too many "parties" with Jarls(more on this later). Loyalty increases by having enough food, stationing more troops, and holding parades!


Speaking of food in the city's reserves, that brings me to my next point. City economies will now be able to be managed separately from the faction economy. This means that cities and villages will have their own independent reserves that you can store resources in or transfer them straight to your faction.

The most important out of these however is the food reserves, because once it goes to 0, the loyalty of that city or village will plummet, and you'll be dealing with greater problems.


But maybe you don't want to have to worry about managing each and every city and village that you conquer. After all, it does get hard trying to balance it all! That's where your cities governments come in! The Jarls that you appoint will now have a function, which is to manage the cities economy themselves and transfer any excess resources to your faction's reserves and if they need food, will take food from your faction's reserves automatically. If your faction does not have food then the city will begin to starve and lose loyalty with your faction. If you don't want the Jarl to manage the city economy you can just as well manage their cities economy yourself by speaking to them. You are also now able to fire your Jarls as you please.

This brings me to a new government position... the Village Leader! They will serve as a sort of Jarl for any village you own. Their primary purpose is to manage the economy of the village and ensure their village's resources are being met.

Another change to city governments is that Jarls will now appoint Stewards to help them manage the city! If you don't like their choice you can choose any NPC to be a Steward in any city.

These city stewards will take the place of the vanilla stewards and give you the same options you had with them like purchasing property(which you'll receive for free since the land technically belongs to you).


One of the ways to get some loyalty is by throwing a parade! This can be done by talking to your Steward and choosing which city to hold the parade in. The parade will happen the next day at the city of your choosing and you will be able to show your military might to your citizens!

The armies that are participating in the parade will be the armies that are in the garrison at the time of the parade.

That's what I have so far in the update. My future plans for it are:

- incorporating protests and rebellions

- adding a court system where you can listen to your people's grievances

- have people in the city reflect the prosperity of the city (i.e if a city is poor more people will wear rags, more thieves, etc.) (shoutout to Simdrew1993 for the idea)

- add customization of palace decor like rugs and table cloth (also shoutout to Simdrew1993)

Again, thank you all for being an important part of this mod!



The sneak peak looks fantastic! One thing I would say, is I'd love if the radiant quests (bounties) could be implemented on the new stewards.

Crystal Diamond

This looks awesome! I'm really excited about the parade feature! It's those little things that I love!