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Hey! This month was rough, had to deal with a few things (it's funny how just when i get comfortable with my project shit takes a turn). Anyways, I'm still working working on the project, and I will finish it even if it kills me. I still have a few "official" nsfw scenes to go, but the barrel will be drained pretty soon. So I will either have to switch to making NSFW illustrations of characters or making animations which don't add anything to the pilot. I want to stay away from the latter because it will take time away from completing things that need to be done in the pilot, but I'll probably reconsider it if I ever get more funding for this. Right now all my effort is going into getting the voices into a few critical scenes and making a little trailer.

Here's a nsfw pinup I did instead of an animation: https://i.imgur.com/kQtIWTL.jpg

and a SFW animation: https://yadi.sk/i/PmhZD_Vm3akt7F

I'm still experimenting with the FX, so it will probably change in the final version.



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