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Hey! This is that rap I swore to publish like few months ago or so, and here it is - take this pack of my passion to your face, even if its a bit cringey, I don't care, I fxxking loved doing that. This is a rap for goat character called "Kirlim" made by discord user @jockoclown, who I was helping with voice acting, and it was a blast to work on. So yeah, here is the text:

Kirlim is my name, a person that cannot be tamed,

I'm playing a game, I've made, okay? Get ready to be ashamed.

You all call me a goat. In reality I am THE GOAT,

Even the God is afraid of me, don't believe me? You cope.

I am a sheep in wolf clothes, I am a shear of wool poses,

I am a fear, everyone knows it, look at my grin, this is what shows it.

Don't be mutton for punishment. Taking a lot is a foolish thing.

But taking me serious? You are delirious. I was just joking, wink.

Explaination for some lyrics (boring): Kirlim is a goat character, so I tried to use a lot of goat and sheep related puns, such as "shear of wool poses" which is a pun for "sheer of cool poses", using shearing wool as a pun. THE GOAT, obviously, the greatest of all time, as a pun, cuz its literally a GOAT. Same for wool clothes, while "mutton for punishment" is a pun on "glutton for punishment" which is a person, who is always eager to undertake hard or unpleasant tasks. So yeah, I tried to make most out of this text and have fun with it, even tho, I wasn't asked to do it...

Link to the intrumental used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntR6aoL53rY



yeah who cares if its "cringey" i think it's sick and idk the character but the explanation at the end helped and i think it fits perfectly