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Hi, folks. - So, some folks have asked about Emily Saunders, and what's going on with her. Here's an update for that. 

Quick notes: 

Sarah X will be running late this week, unless something magical happens tomorrow. Just can't seem to nail the ending. Am giving myself the weekend at the very latest for the comic.

Additionally, new comics are coming for OTHER stuff, too. Sarah X will be the only series expected routinely. The aim is for one Sarah X episode a week, and anything I can throw on top of that. But life is as life does, and who knows when I'll stumble trying to hit my Sarah quota. I'll do my best, though!

Mamageddon isn't finished. It's not even halfway down. This series will continue in the Filament rendering engine for the sake of contenuety. We're far too deep into the series to change the engine now, and the series demands far too many images for me to switch to Iray, we'll be here all year!

The battles in the Vault have SO much work to be done on them, as I will be RE-RENDERING as much of them as possible in Iray, then continuing them. 

Now, back to Emily!

First and foremost, I hope this doesn't send a chill down your spine, but Emily Saunders #4 is officially cancelled. - However, it's cancellation is actually at a vantage point, as we're at the closing of Mr. Rutterson's act, so at least Ruth's establishment is complete.

Emily 1, 2, 3, and 4 will be scored off as "Emily Saunders Series 1", and we will begin Series 2 from this point onwards, with Emily and Jacob as our main characters, and Katherine, Ruth, and possibly "the legal team" as supporting or guest roles. 

Emily's new episodes will be done in the format of Sarah's comics, as it is a very doable process which I find to be fun, enjoyable, and everyone else seems to enjoy it too, so we all win! - So instead of a long-term storyline, it will be a 25-image minimum story just like Sarah. This will allow "themed" episodes, and it'll give me the cool opportunity to do things like make an entire episode revolving around the complexity of one particular transformation, almost like the sitcom equivelent of a transformation story, where what she becomes will be relevant to the tale.

Series 2 will likely open with a 2-3 parter, just finishing up the "Jacob's been kidnapped" story. We'll get him back, and establish a ground-zero for the couple living happily, maybe even making some sort of twisted peace with Katherine (so they'll be on good terms, with the door open a crack for her to be the antagonist whenever we want) and of course, I myself am dying to make the Omniverse battle at some point.

And finally, of course - it'll be in Iray. This solves the whole issue of whether I continue Episode 4 with the new rendering engine. We're just going to declare Episode 4 finished early, so we can move straight on with Series 2, and unlock a whole new load of fun with Emily and Jacob!

All the best folks, stay tuned! 

- Doc



Thanks for the update. Personally Sarah X and Emily Saunders are my top two stories out of the large collection you have. They are also what brought me here in the first place. Also big thank you for busting your butt every week. I definitely understand the difficulties of creating within tight deadlines.


Thanks! I kinda needed that, today. :) Having a rough week for Sarah. Ironically, I was supposed to be "giving myself a break" by giving her a less complicated foe this week (futa with no powers) but err... I dunno. For reasons unknown, it's just been a bit of a struggle, I think the foe I chose (Gash) just isn't meshing that well with her. With a few extra days I'm sure to come up with something I'm happy with, but it's certainly a learning curve! Thanks again, D3main, it means a lot!