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(fresh link to the vault: https://1drv.ms/f/s!Aljb5SKpaTyxjZoezOvcYInNFsznOw?e=Y4cNbx )

Hey, folks. Mama-3 drops hopefully tomorrow or the day after, but I just wanted to get a seperate post in featuring stuff I've been working on lately.

I'm hoping to do more Iray images from heron (if you look at the first two images of this post, ity's easy to tell wthis is Iray, the more advanced rendering engine) but it should also be known that my PC isn't powerful enough to make BIG image sets sit it, just fun images, smaller sets, or illustrations for short stories like alphafemz, etc.

Finally, to increase my YouTube presence, I've developing an animated series for Molly Tyro. It'll be SFW, but highly suggestive, lol. We're talking 1-2 minute combat animations. I want to do a series for the shapeshifting side of things, too, but I'm still choosing who the star of that may be.

The animations will be in Iray, but done in a .gif format to go easy on the PC. - More info later. Right now I want to get Mama-3 out, then I want to do some vautl stuff (feel like I haven't touchjed the vault in ages!) I've got some comissions to work on, then another Emily part, then back to Mama.

Hope you're all well, and looking forward to Mama tomorrow!



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