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Hello, my vast magical gathering of forget me nots! It’s that time of the week again, and I’ve got more than two large balls in my big bag of tricks, today!

(It appears I’m in a somewhat wordier mood today, have you noticed?)

Fresh Patreon Vault link:


(link expires 25th October)

Let’s get down to it!

(everything in this list can be found in the Patreon Vault, apart from the announcement of alphafemz (only because I’m still working out where to put it!)

The DC Marvel Jam:

53 new images for this muscular super jam session, totally 99 in the vault (also available at my store). Last time we say Superman defeat Captain Marvel, then Wonder Woman defeating Superman. Well, not Harley’s involved and this’ll be the second set I’ve got where Harley decks Wonder Woman. Fun fact, this set was actually made BEFORE the Harley vs Wonder Woman set already in the vault, I just never rendered it! So now we got 2 sets of Harley beating the snot out of Wonder Woman. Oh, what a shame, however will we go on! Whoops. The sarcasm detector just blew up…


Mamageddon advances 20 images, and they were NOT easy images, so I’m especially happy with them. With her big meaty tendrils she continues to pump and suck the energy from Fleshless and Dani’s bodies – the smaller they get, the bigger she gets! – Fingers crossed folks, part 1 should be finished and released next week. This’ll be complete with dialogue and stuff!

Sarah X episode 1:

Sarah is existing off the clock, right now. Any addition to her story isn’t in my work schedule, it’s just in my spare time. 5 new images for her this week, she crushes Buck with a big hand, Cindy tries to expand her muscles and gets noped – we’re nearly done with this one, the set should be only 20-25 images, but a surprising amount of stuff can happen in that time!

She Hulk vs Power Girl:

These great big chicken nuggets STILL haven’t quelled their contentment for one another. Jeez, you can’t take them anywhere! 24 new images as they lock a test of strength, smooshing those big busts together. That’s 100 images in total now, the scales will soon begin to seesaw, someone will be taking the lead soon! – The first 100 images have been released to the store for non-Patreon fans.

AlphaFemZ on DeviantArt:

And finally, Alpha Fem Z, my brand new Deviant Art page: https://www.deviantart.com/alphafemz

Bella Kingdom has borrowed a couple of her muscle-buddies to create a new consortium of muscular superwomen stories over on alphafemz. These are AI-assisted stories with IRay illustrations (that’s the higher quality rendering engine) made by me. Please don’t ask why the rest of my work doesn’t use Iray – my computer hates that question, the poor bugger! – But if you like the big heart of a muscle girl mixed with some ridiculous super powers and even more ridiculous bouts of violence, then the alphafemz stories are for you! (Chapters 1 and 2 of Bella’s story have been attached to this post. Just wait for Chapter 3, though. That one’s going to bring it on home!)

And that’s all I got for ya! – Hope you all have a fantastic week, and thank you once again for you’re ongoing support!

- Doc



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