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(wasn't going to post this ramble I wrote a few days ago, but after a few nice messages about She hulk vs Power Girl, I thought some folks might find it interesting. all the best!)

Hiya, folks, I fancy a chin-wag today, hope you don’t mind. I did an exorbitant amount of work on Mamageddon yesterday (only 20 new frames, but they were extremely difficult!) so today I’m chilling out with some Vault work, which I find easier, especially when it’s all punch-ups and meaty grapples!

I’ve decided to keep your suggestions in circulation until further notice. That doesn’t mean that anything in the vault outside of the following list is off the table, I may work on that stuff out of hours, or of course, you can suggest me to bring them back into the fold, too. Here’s my notes made from the suggestions I got last Monday/Tuesday:

She Hulk vs Power Girl,

She-Hulk vs Titania

Vizor Tyro vs Amanda

Harley vs She Hulk

Boobzilla vs Barscolla

Sarah X

Emma vs Chloe

Futa Olive?

Harley vs She Hulk (expanding futa)

Super Girl's Rampage

(footnote: Tech Wars (Cortana vs Sam) was also suggested, but I regret to inform you there was a massive accident with data, and I lost a whole bunch of work for Tech Wars. I will return to it eventually, but right now I’m licking my wounds because we lost 200 new images for it, I wish I was kidding. So you’ll understand why I don’t even wanna look at that project right now!)

So, all of these are in circulation. I’ll be revolving through them when I have time to do Vault work. The Futa Olive one has actually been suggested by 2 people, but it’s still up in the air as to what we’re going to do with her, so give me a comment if you’ve got an idea. Harley vs She-Hulk will be similar to Harley vs WW (not suggested, so not listed here) but it’ll be an even encounter unlike Harley vs WW. Harley will get buff, and the battle will be even. There’s also going to be an Expanding Shemale Fight Club style battle between Harley and She Hulk in a different canon. – Super Girl’s Rampage is something I’ve wanted to do for ages. We’re going top tune up a buffer version of her and make her beat up all those people on the internet whop usually beat her up. Watch your ass, Galatea! Wonder Woman! Power Girl! And lots more, ha ha!

So today, if all goes well – I’ll be adding more to She Hulk and Power Girl’s set. Methinks it’s going to be some test of strength stuff and rest-holds, and I’m looking forward to depicting an “I’m so fucking done with this” kinda stare down, with the two exhausted, just trying to work out HTF they can damage each-other.

Now, I’ve mentioned before that someone’s going to take the lead at some point, and whoever it is will be owed a receipt for that. This is what I call "balancing the equities". When you bill two unstoppable forces, you have to balance the power back and fourth like a seesaw, it’s my absolutely favourite part of making fights, and it’s especially why I love making the big battles so much.

For example, we all know it’s logical for this set to go on for HUNDREDS of images. We know this, because they’ve already gone 100 images of being completely even. Imagine how CRAP it would be if one of them was KO’d in the next 10 images? What a sudden ending that would feel, abrupt and devoid of respect for what they’ve been through.

I believe everything we’ve seen still counts as “the introduction”, because we’re still waiting for the cracks to show, and the scales to start tipping back and fourth. – The best fights have one solid ending, but with countless firm defeats. If we look at She-Hulk vs Titania, the last update to that bout saw She-Hulk’s defeat. She’s on the ground after taking a sound beating, smashed through a wall, and she’s currently struggling to get to her feet with Titania standing over her like a boss. But you probably remember how earlier in the battle, Shulkie had a pretty good handle on Titania, after stuffing her in that bin and giving her Deep Purple a sound Black Sabbathing.

So those two are currently 1-1 if you’re scoring, but She-Hulk vs Power Girl are still 0-0. Yes, they’ve been knocked down, but ask yourself if being knocked down by a punch is the same as having your crotch denotated while being trapped in a rubbish bin, or repeatedly punched in the face before being slammed through solid brick? I’d say PG and Shulk are 0-0.

Anywho, that’s enough rabbiting from me, just a mild insight into howe my demented little mind works. I’m actually going to render some more of the DC Marvel Jam because I’ve just realised that was set to go ages ago, won’t take a tick, then it’s onto some more 0-0 with PG and Shulkie for possibly the last time before someone scores!

All the best, thanks for your input and support, keep slamming!

- Doc


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