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(note: Images above aren’t all of them, they’re just the ones I’ve clear for promo’s sake. For all images, visit the archives!)

Hello, folks, hope you’re all keeping well!

Here’s a fresh link to the Patreon Vault:


(link expires 11th of October, consult a future post for a fresh one!)

The big updates this past week were the April North vs Katherine Romanova boxing bout (search their names in the Vault, or view on DeviantArt here: https://www.deviantart.com/labyssitory/gallery/85085968/april-north-iThere’s a subfolder for the two different versions!)

Also this week, in vault was a HUGE push for the She-Hulk vs Power Girl bout, with a giant 51 images added to the budding image set, and after conferring with you guys, I can confirm that She-Hulk vs Power Girl will be worked on AGAIN this week, so even more images are on the way, along with Chloe vs Emma! It’s muscle madness! – Search either of the sets mentioned in this paragraph via name in the Patreon vault.

(PS: Thanks for everyone who’ve already said some really nice things about this set, I massively appreciate it!)

And finally, I regret to tell you (or don’t regret?) that… …it’s all over, folks: MAMAGEDDON IS UPON US. – Say goodbye to your loved ones, ram-raid the nearest liquor store and make an uncomfortable pass at that co-worker who you’re certain will say no, because Mamageddon will begin this coming week, and we have a smaller (damn good!) commission to enjoy first: “Appetit for Extraction”, let’s call it the appetizer, a little taste of what’s to come.

In this 30+ page commission (available in the Patreon Vault or at Gumroad) the busty and burly Super Tits strives to take on Mamageddon, well-aware of how dangerous the villainess is. But unfortunately, our busty blonde gets caught in the tendrils of Mamageddon, who begins sucking and draining the juices from ST’s great big super tits!! --- ST tries to fly away, but her body is rapidly deflating, and Mama is sucking, suckling and slurping all of the heroine’s power away, absorbing it into herself. - The result is a withered and drained Super Tits laying on the ground, and a big powerful Mamageddon with two chunky tendrils, colossal knockers and a devastatingly huge shlong flying through the sky – Victory, for one bad Mama Jammer!


- Doc



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