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Hey, folks, just a rambling by the by. - I've decided to throw in the towel this week in terms of work, and just take a couple of days to heal. I'm not exactly sure what's gone wrong, I've just had one of those weeks where I'm a bit slow, sluggish, and not a lot seems to have gotten done. I think it's a bit of mental health and a bit of the heat which is a scorcher, right now, I can't even lift my water bottle without breaking a sweat!

To attack what I think has caused this week's brain-jam: I believe in future, when the month starts, the Emily Saunders project will be completely frozen until all commissions are completed. Now, don't worry. I don't take that many commissions a month, I purposefully don't take on too much so that there is time for Emily and the ongoing Vault stuff, but I've made the mistake of thinking it was easy to jump between the Emily project and the commissions.

It isn't.

And it's not about the easiness of the projects, or the durations, or complexities, anything like that. It's purely the mindset. It's like commissions and Emily Saunders require two different types of brains, lol. - So, starting next month, Emily Saunders will remain quiet until all commissions are completed. Ongoing Vault stuff will still continue to be made because that's the hobby-side of the Labyssitory, I just make that stuff when I've got a free moment or the urge to do something.

On a random note,

I updated my workspace to boost morale. It still needs sorting, but check it out! Now my PC and my drawing stuff are all in the same place, and the whole room is dedicated to all my arts and crafts. I chucked my bed in the front room and now I don't know what to call the front room. The Living Bed Room.

This is ground zero for the family cartoon I'm working on, as well as Labyssitory's first IRAY project (IRAY is the advanced rendering engine which I rarely use due to the time it takes to render). I just hope you like muscles, moms, punk and metal!

Anyway, just wanted to say ello before I disapear for a few days. I might do a weekly post on Monday, but it'll likely be a small one with no main bits or pieces.  Maybe just something for the Vault. 

Thanks in advance for understanding, especially the Emily fans, who were expecting a new part this Monday, which obviously will be delayed.

All the best, guys.

- Doc



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