A Peek at the Dame Nation (Patreon)
Quick look at the revised/new version of the Dame Nation. Karen James is a colossal giantess who lives her day-to-day life broken into thousands and thousands of human-sized fragments of herself. They are usually identical, but can vary in size and strength, depending on what Karen needs from them.
For example, two could merge to form a taller one, or they could merge to form a more muscular one - it's all about mass distribution, and of course, if need be; she can completely merge all copies together to become the giantess once again.
There is no limit to how small The Dame Nation can make her fragments, meaning she could even break her bodies down to cell-size and invade people internally! - Karen James seemingly doesn't even bleed, as damage "shatters" her bodies instead, and those shards - of course - are just more dames belonging to the nation.
She is smooth, she is sultry, she's... ....actually quite a nice lady! --- But err... the government have declared her a bio-hazard.
Gee. I hope they don't send any self-righteously arrogant superheroes to deal with her.
...ahem... ...