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Triple update today, see links below.

Robo April: (9 new images)


This one is only getting started. 9 images of April North meeting a mysterious double, who’ll later be revealed to be a robot. This image set will be used to make the sequel to NKAW2, which can also be found in this link.

DC Marvel Jam (35 new images):


I haven’t really named this one. It’s just Superman vs Captain Marvel, but Wonder Woman, Harley Quinn and more (possibly the better version of Ms. Marvel) are going to appear. This was actually the jam session that inspired the Harley v WW set, so they’ll clash again later on in this jam session, stay tuned! But right now, it’s just a bout between Supes and Marvel.

Disney Rumble (18 new images):


This is the beginning of a very large 4-on-4 battle, organised into 1-on-1s, unless it breaks down at some point and becomes a big shmoz. I’ve only opened 2 character folders for it in the Vault so far, one for Chel and one for Jessica Kim, as they are the two battling in this debut set. As more characters battle, I’ll open their folders as-and-when.

Link to the whole Vault:


As always, links expire within a month.



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