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This isn't in the Vault yet, I just wanted to upload something today. The full installment of this will be tomorrow - it featurs Queen Obsidian taking on a new woman of equal size and strength: Lady The End, and the battle will be right there on the court!

I love renders like this, for those of you who don't know Obsidian's background, she's native to the Obsidian Planet, which was named after her because she ruled it 250,000 years ago. Her rule ended with her being frozen in time, and when she woke up in the modern day, she saw a planet more organized, less needing her as its Queen. 

So despite her massive size and strength, she's also got a sort of "retired goddess" glow about her, which makes her quite upbeat and fun-loving. But it makes scenes like this fun to do, where Tomi is teaching her the inner-workings of basketball. Obsidian doesn't really get it, of course. In her time most games were held in a PIT. ;)



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