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Hey, folks, happy new year!

Sorry for my hiatus extending a bit longer than expected, I've been on a bit of an odysee, lately. Ever since my '1937' comic landed I've kinda been a bit depressed, and just thinking things through. The response for such a big project wasn't fantastic due to difficulties distributing it, but as well, I put a considerably high amount of energy into a very minimal return, at the best of times. And that isn't a poke at my audience, that is a poke at myself and my tendency to over-work and over-produce a lot of things - which makes no reception ever enough to encourage a self-esteem as battered as mine.

Naturally, this is a pretty heavy and quite personal education, and I intend to learn from it massively. It's ironic I should make this statement in a wall of text, but I intend to type a lot less, this year. Or at the very least, type less where the store is concerned. I want the store to transition to a state whereby fetish is prioritised above story. One could argue I should have done this long ago, but I was simply trying to stave off the starvation of my soul. 

But the fact of the matter is that fetish-centric content is easier to make and considerably more focussed, which leads to a more focussed audience. Case and point; Emily Saunders. All that happens in those comics are exactly what folks have some to see. I intend to apply this logic to my other projects, and stop trying to make the content so diverse or dynamic - but ultimately you want to see Calamonsetia doing giant stuff, Iron Belly doing muscle-stuff, and so on and so fourth.

I also want to make pure-fetish image sets, like 10 images of neckscissors for a buck, that sort of thing (or free to Subscribers, of course). - It's all good stuff, moving forward, but I'm in a bit of a mire given that some projects are mid-way through development, but I should be able to navigate them to the new destination. Or failing that, I'll complete their current episodes, then work out what I'm doing from there.

Thanks for baring with me, folks. Won't lie, it's been a bloody awful Christmas and New year, so a lot of this break has been a recovery period, and I think I'm going to properly return on Monday. But there's a great silver lining, because I think all of this is going to help me focus my content, and make better stuff than ever! - I'm still going to do the writing-heavy stuff, but that'll join the ranks of Jessica Kim, being produced as free content. 

I feel like story arcs just don't make money. Not if you're just one bloke with one computer. But for whatever reason, I'm not that comfortable with making money from them anyway, it's probably why I never wanted to charge for Jessica Kim even before all of this thinking started. Who knows.

Thanks for withstanding my yammering, just a bit of a transitional period for me, I guess. All the best, and we'll talk soon!

- Doc

PS: Although Emily Saunders is story-driven, I don't regard it as a story-arc, as it is hyper-focussed on its kink. So don't worry, I'm about to axe Emily or something!



Sorry to hear the holidays haven't been better to you this time around. Hopefully things pick up soon.


Cheers, dude. I usually have a rotten time, I've got a very unsual family, lol. But That said, I'm still plotting a course to improve things. :)