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This part of the incoming comic is a re-creation of April's  "condition" at the end of the original Never Kick A Woman. Obviously I took some lusty liberties, but it's a simular thing; skirt and sweater  wrecked, and her hair knocked out of shape. - My version reveals her  bra-cups, and the skirt is more torn like a loin cloth.

The comic is about to surpass 200 images. Just thought I'd let you know. :D


Her  hair, her sweater and her skirt have been wrecked - along with our  girl's TEMPER. Even Hatsy McGee's looking a bit pissed off, but he can't  help but smile. He's got faith in our girl. --- Don't we all.

Not  long now, folks. Although unoffical, this incoming comic technically  uses a 3-round system, and I'm in the midst of the final round, so we're  close! My deadline is new years eve!

- Doc



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