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Good morning, my delectable delights!

No, ST vs ST wasn't skipped this week - it just had a lot of images to render that weren't finished until this morning!

As a gift to you, the Patron, here's the collection of images that were rendered yesterday. Please bear in mind that they are out-of-order, having just rolled off the conveyer belt!


For those of you who don't know, this is how ST vs ST is made. I render a whole collection of images and moves, and then there is a giant editing process at the end, where I decide upon the order of them all. Oftentimes this process sparks new renders required to sew the images together.

This image set is of "returning moves". That's moves which we've seen in previous episodes, and the intention is to match their numbers in images of NEW moves, so ST vs ST will maintain a 50/50 rate in new poses used per-battle. 

This means bigger battles can be released at a cheaper price, and although that means little to Patrons paying flat-rate, it also means that there can be more battles more often! So everyone's a winner! --- Apart from ST. But at least ST wins.

Enjoy the images. Hell, maybe you can do your own re-ordering a made your own little battle with these. ;D

All the breast!

- Doc



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