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This week for Jessica! 

The core crew of "Samson Films" was built. This is the adult movie making team which Jessica was a part of in the 70s to mid-80s. This picture is missing irregular cast members Carlson Turk, Ralph Epston, Teddy Woods & Thaddeus Music.

The Jessica Kim storyline follows Jessica at the age of 50 in the early 2000s, but half of the series is made up of flashbacks, featuring scenes and movies from the 70s and 80s, played out to the reader as if reality. So the older and younger models of all characters will be frequently seen, although obviously; 20-30 years is a long time for people to change!

From left to right:

Scary Miss Mary (known as Mrs. Bustersword in the modern day), Jessica Kim, Big Betty, Andi Wong, Layla Kim and the only chap in the scene; Gavin Samuel. Gavin is the director of Samson Films, so he's rarely seen on screen.

I especially love how Big Betty turned out. Just look at that glorious 'fro!

I originally intended to design the characters as-and-when I needed them, but because the script specifies that Jessica hjas a bunch of pictuires of these people in her home, I had to design them today to finish her apartment model - what a muddle!

Today vas a goot day.

- Doc



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