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If you find any bugs or glitches feel free to report here. Also leave your feedback and questions here too.

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P.S. UI still in progress, so don't judge too much. Next update and public version, with credits of you guys, I'm planning to release approximately in June 10th. 




I enjoyed that a lot, love the main menu :-) Here are some obvious issues I encountered: - Instruction screen is incomplete - it omits Q for melee and Ctrl for crouch. - Whenever using menu or going back to game, I have to click once before mouse input starts working. - Camera clips into walls. - Aiming is very difficult due to strong parallax effect. Would it be possible to move aim camera closer to weapon? - I found it difficult to pick up items, it is unclear when I'm in range and which item I will pick up when there are multiple. Adding an extra highlight to "selected item" would help a lot. - After crawling through tunnel camera direction is way off.

Alex Horn

I'm glad to hear it! I knew about menu clicking issue, it persists since side-scroller version. I'm already working on items. Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate it !


Had a quick try, definitely better than what I expected for a tech demo: -There were surprisingly no issues with it, no errors, crashes or bugs. -With everything maxed out it's quite taxing on the GPU, but wasn't a problem for me. Quality is good enough but I would personally tone down the post processing: -A thing that annoied me is the depth of field effect, a too strong for my liking and whould be nice to have a separate menu option for each filter and not a generic "post process" in the future. -Gameplay wise, the strength and weaknesses seems well balanced already, the monsters are killed quite easily with headshots and the ammo managing as part of the core gameplay is good. -The only real complaint that I have is how aiming is handled: aligning the cross-hair with the monsters' heads is quite difficult, especially if they are moving, making combat encounters quite a lot more difficult than they should be, since the limited amount of ammo is already quite difficult to manage if you spray and pray: my suggestion to mitigate is to add a laser sight to understand the depth of were you're aiming at. on a side note, glad to see that you're still kicking, considering the recent developments worldwide.

Alex Horn

I'll consider all your feedback. About graphic settings - I'll expand the variety of options in future, as for now it will take plenty of time to make it right. I'm making possibility to pick up thrown empty magz and with unused ammo. As there will be crafting system, so u will be able to craft ammo and disassemble trash items. And i'll be working on aiming system further, as it still in progress. Now it's more like balancing thing.


Thanks for the reply, I agree with previous poster that this build is much better than I expected. Here are some more random wishes and suggestions: - Change default camera (not aiming) so that it is easier to admire all parts of the character ;-) Currently when you look up the camera moves away from character. It would also be nice to move camera so that character is more centered on screen, at least when weapons are holstered. - Add a weaker melee attack when out of mantis blades charges. I found it almost impossible to shoot at enemies when they get too close. - Allow holding at least some clothes / armor in backpack. I found it strange that undressing immediately drops everything on the ground. - Allow picking up shotgun ammo even when not having a shotgun. - Allow some camera control during sex if possible. Maybe a switch between fixed and rotating camera? - Add more healing items or increase healing from mushrooms. Currently there are only 2 healing items - Yuna which is super rare, and mushrooms which are common but almost useless for healing (something like 5 hp each?). - Reduce the amount of camera movement during various actions (running, rolling), especially roll angle. I found it quite disorienting at times. - Try to smooth out character movement when changing direction. Right now, when switching between forward and diagonal movement there is a moment of hesitation and character slows down. - Make it a bit easier to tell from distance which doors can be opened. I found a lot of doors which either had no interaction or were locked at that time (like first time visiting the building where Marcus is).

Alex Horn

Holding items in backpack will be available, it's a part of inventory system and as I said I'm already working on it. As for other wishes and suggestion - sure ! This is demo version, that's why it's lacking details or amenity/usability, I'll improve it in future for sure !


Wen entering the long hallway, the blocked stairs on the right, when being attacked you get get knocked out of the map. Also, after dialog the mouse wont move the camera until you click it.