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You play as a secret investigator sent by the legendary superhero base IMMORTAL to uncover the traitor among them. Interrogate the three suspected heroes and find who is betraying his own valors for the sake of evil!

Edit: The game can sometime freeze. You would have to reset the game if so.
I'm very sorry I Have no control about it, tyranobuilder literally just randomly freeze not even in the same area even through I'm literally doing nothing but using the base engine.
I will try to find a fix for it sorry.

Win : https://mega.nz/file/nMEVXJpD#RQjZpJRphXDABuUuMdDR_Kclm6or-775jYnv4vW1_EQ
Key; RQjZpJRphXDABuUuMdDR_Kclm6or-775jYnv4vW1_EQ

Linux: https://mega.nz/file/3VEGGQIR#w-ey-uu2tVj_eM6KkmX8bXu6rrNoScUXBU8iE3Es9YI
Key: w-ey-uu2tVj_eM6KkmX8bXu6rrNoScUXBU8iE3Es9YI

Online/mac: https://satyroom.itch.io/onlinetyranobuildergame
Password: geekvs




its so buggy


there are a lot of bugs when selected who is the traitor


Is there any specific font that I need to see the dialogues properly? They arent justified on the sides so some words are cut in half.