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Happy new year!
Here the demo for the game Corruption of superheroes

The game features 1 ending but multiple variations of events depending of who you talk with and how many times you talk with them.

The game was made by me and written by https://twitter.com/toriaezu13
We struggled a lot to make the dialog system work and It took us more time than it should but we are very happy with the end result and hope to make more with this game!

Link for the game:


Link for the pixel font if the text looks weird in the game:

If MEGA.NZ ask you for a key just copy paste what is after the # of the MEGA.NZ link.




Very nice


We found a bug that happens if you go fight the final boss with Titus alone wearing a Gstring. It will be corrected later.


I wonder if there's a way to actually beat Bullstring in the fight at the end seems like it's basically unwinnable, at least with just Titus


So you can beat him pretty easily if you have your whole team available. With Titus alone It's quite hard yes but possible as you'll get two turn in a row sometime. The safest way is probably to spam ice tomb first and then switch to spam blizzard so that you reduce his speed to the max and get those extra turns to heal yourself with potions and first aid when you are under 750 hp. Just so you know, Bullstring has 4000 hp.


I did manage to beat him, not the most 'fun' ending, so I let him die the second go round, was not worth letting him survive


Hey man, tried your Demo, and i got to say, really nice work, both at the programming and the dialogue version too! I haven't found any issues other than the small event that changed the lights of the small path after the mirrors' section. It seems if you go back to the mirror room, before you talk to burr, the whole map remains dark. Now i have tried the boss with both the full team and Titus solo, and have both lost, and won too. Titus indeed take a little more caution, but if you pick up the items from the treasure boxes, it is manageable. Now there are a couple of things i would like to point out, but first, let me tell you this is just my personal opinion to this, a personal feedback after playing your demo, as a fellow creator too, only. There are 3 things i notice on, 2 during the cutscenes and 1 at the battle. 1 when Goryu takes his poses, his white cloves disappear and goes full yellow, while the other heroes seems to keep their details. I know it is a minor point, but just wanted to let you know, in case there is a bug. the 2nd thing about the cutscenes, is when you talk to Goryu, after Burr is been corrupted, Goryu seems to be positioned a bit too much on the left side of the screen, thus being a little bit too much hidden all together, during the cutscene. You might want to check this out and reposition him a bit more on the right. Last and 3rd thing, it is about the battle system. It works really well, and i can see you made full use of rpg-maker assets (really great job there!), but i found it a little weird that the single target spell animations end up being cast in a bit too random positions, when they targeted the team. I get the feeling that you were trying to optimize them that way, so they will be like they were aiming for hero's position. A really nice idea, but it might be best to try a different approach for these attacks when your battle system is aiming for a "first person point of view" really. From the small experience i have, it might be best to try and make the spells appear in the middle of the battlescreen, or maybe try it like they play in front of the caster. Now, i would like to share a little idea, if you would like it too. There are a few plugins out there that can give your enemies' sprites small animations too (if you wish to try it out) Nothing special, just some breathing like animations, and/ or floating effect for any "fliers" if you have any (or wish to add). Here is the guide video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aP7k9uUFL8&ab_channel=YanflyEngine . Now again, like i said, this is just personal opinion and ideas only. You guys have done an excellent job so far, and i would be looking forward to seeing more about your projects! Thank you for all your hard work, and keep it up, guys! May you have a wonderful and Happy new year ^w^!


Heya, can't seem to figure out the combination in the mirror room. Can anyone help? ^^