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Stewart was writhing and squirming in desperation. Time was all but irrelevant to him within the valley of ass he found himself trapped in. He wanted out but couldn't find a foothold to free himself. It wasn't helping that Rose had turned his prison into a literal gas chamber for him to suffer in. It was hot enough without her noxious fumes, but the torrential winds were as scalding as they were foul. His sinuses were burning from having to take the brunt of her emissions point blank. Between her malodorous farts and his confined space, he was losing more strength by the minute. It felt like it had been an eternity since he'd been crammed into her backside, but his mind could have been playing tricks on him. All he knew was that he needed to get out before things took a more disastrous turn.

His struggles had done nothing more than entomb him deeper in her crack. His intention had been to find a way to free himself, but the result had been a total inverse of his plan. Perhaps it would have been wiser for him to stop, but his natural reaction had been to struggle more. Droplets of sweat rolled down over him, and while he told himself it was his own, he knew it was Rose's. It was a revolting feeling that turned his stomach and spurred his struggles onward. Whatever progress he made was quickly undone as Rose clenched her cheeks without warning. Her well-toned spheres collided with a crushing and painful blow that rocked his world and stunned him for a second. He was unknowingly pulled in deeper before he could recover.

Stewart wasn't aware of the actual danger lurking just around the corner until it was too late. As he regained some sense of urgency, he tried again to free himself. When he felt a wrinkled wall at his back, his heart sank. His attempts to free himself had only driven him deeper into the ass of his tormentor. More specifically, they'd taken him to the very source of those rancid blasts of superheated wind. Stewart’s panic spiked to new highs the instant he came in contact with Rose’s asshole. The threat of being gassed into oblivion was already bad enough, but he knew there was a more prominent danger than her farts now.

Throughout his more morbid research and studies, he’d come across a podcast from a young, twisted woman. She’d kept her name a secret, but the stories she told were harrowing and terrifying. The fact that her subscribers were well over the thousands spoke volumes about the state of society. Stewart had only listened to a handful of her episodes because of the content, but the last one he’d heard would forever stick out in his memory. The woman had found a man stranded in the park and had taken him to her home to spend his last day with her. Out of all the things that she’d done to victims in the past, this one was new territory for her.

She’d dropped him down the back of her panties and waited to see how deep into her ass he could go. His struggles and squirms, as she described them, had felt amazing. The way she described the sensations of him fighting for his life was as disturbing as the number of subscribers she had. Stewart had thought that would be the worst, but then things took a darker turn of events. The last few minutes of her episode were spent describing her victim falling and slipping into her asshole. She talked about feeling him squirm and scream against her sensitive backdoor as his struggles pulled him inside of her. She’d killed him without a second thought, and all she could focus on was how incredible it had felt to feel that level of power and intimacy. That man had died being devoured by her ass, and now Stewart was in a similar position.

Stewart wanted to believe that Rose wouldn’t be so cruel, but she’d shown another side of herself tonight, one that he didn’t think she had within her. It was daunting, frightening, and even sadistic, an absolute far cry from the woman he met a few days ago. He didn’t think that she intended to kill him, but he also doubted she realized exactly what she was doing to him. Miguel had mentioned that the club brought out the worst in people. Rose was a prime example of what Miguel had said. She’d all but given herself over to her carnal instincts and the sensations that came with having someone like him in her backside. That alone was enough to scare him without the threat of a hungry asshole behind him.

Outside and above Stewart, Rose was relishing the feelings of her little plaything. His struggles had started as a mild tickling but had quickly turned to a pleasant tingling. She hadn’t expected gassing someone to be as fun as it was, but she was open to new experiences. It might not have been something she indulged in frequently, but there was a slight thrill that came with this game. Her little man would double his efforts and fight each time she let rip. The power trip from something she knew was humiliating was indescribable. Every time he moved, her smile grew wider.

Just when Rose thought her little game couldn’t get any better, she felt her toy knocking against her backdoor. It came as a surprise at first, but one that was equally devious and delightful. She didn’t typically let her dates near her ass, but this young man was just a stranger on the job. She wasn’t worried about seeing him again, so why should she care if he got a little intimate with her more private areas? This young dancer was just a means to a cheap thrill, and tonight was about pushing boundaries. He was so close to such a sensitive spot, and her mind began to wander to darker places. Rose had felt a man inside of her pussy, but never her asshole. This was uncharted territory for her, but there was one hesitation that she was facing. Would her little playmate survive?

As thrilling as all of this was, Rose wasn’t sure if she could stand the thought of actually killing someone, even a stranger. As enticing as this power trip was, the idea of taking someone's life was almost too much for her. If ever there was a place to push past this reservation, it was most certainly here, but the question remained of whether or not she could. The sensations coming from her playmate’s struggles were heavenly. She could still feel him struggling, so that meant he was alive. In the end, Rose decided to ride out the sensations for a while longer. If she felt him stop, she might let the little man out. Until then, she was going to savor these feelings while she had the chance.

Across the table, Joey was still embroiled in a hellacious situation inside Heather's panties. It felt like an eternity had passed since he was snatched and crammed into Heather's pussy. His lungs and eyes were burning from the continued abuse. He'd lost count of how many times he'd come close to passing out. Every time, he was pushed and plunged into the depths of Heather's lower lips. It had given him a new perspective on the female anatomy. He'd been borderline obsessed with the idea of exploring it at his size, but now all Joey could think of was escape. The idea of a simple night lounging and sharing drinks was more appealing now than ever.

Heather's fingertips prodded him yet again, and Joey could do little more than whimper as he was submerged yet again. He'd never imagined being this close to David's fiancé, yet here he was. He knew that she didn't realize it was him in her pussy. If she did, there was no way she'd be putting him through this. Joey held his breath and shut his eyes as he took another dive into Heather's flower. The taste was already ingrained in his senses; the scent of Heather's arousal stained his nostrils, and he didn't know if he'd ever be able to get the feeling of her juices off of his skin. It was no less terrifying now than the first time Heather had used him. Every single time was like a new wave of terror and horror. Joey continued to wonder if his final moments would be spent as a living dildo for Heather. All he could do was pray that someone, something, might intervene and free him before he drew his last breath.

While Joey had been getting a far more intimate view of his tormentor, Henry was enduring his own form of purgatory. Victoria hadn't shoved him into her pants, thankfully, but she continued to hold him against her crotch. The rough denim of her jeans felt like it was going to rub his skin raw, and Victoria kept pressing her legs together. The sudden squeezes always came when he wasn't prepared, leaving him feeling increasingly claustrophobic. Maybe he'd lucked out with the kinder of the bunch, but it didn't make his experience any more pleasant. It certainly didn't feel like he was the fortunate one from where he sat.

Between the coarse fabric, bouts of unforeseen pressure, and the evident excitement Victoria was feeling, Henry was growing more panicked by the minute. This had started as a simple excursion, turned into an impossible rescue mission, and finally shifted to a full-blown nightmare. It had been a foolish plan, to begin with, but he'd gone along with it in hopes that they might be able to pull off a miracle. Now, he and the others were as good as dead. Every second that passed dealt another blow to his already low hopes. Maybe Chad and David were faring better, but even if they were, what good did that do him and the others? All he'd wanted was to give his friend a night he'd never forget, and now he and the others were all in danger. At least if they survived, it would undoubtedly be a night to remember, albeit one none of them wished to talk about.

Beyond the confines and terror at the table, Chad, David, and Trevor were slowly making their way back across the club. Their journey was a long and slow one, but they were inching their way back to the table where the women sat. Trevor was sore and slow-moving after his ordeal. It made their trek much more arduous, but neither Chad nor David would abandon their friend. David blamed himself for everything that had happened tonight, and he was determined to find a way to bring himself and the others back to safety. Chad maintained his resolve and refused to give in to the despair hanging in the air. His borderline optimism and unwavering spirit helped to keep David and Trevor's hopes afloat despite the horrors unfolding around them.

In the short time since they'd managed to get away from the gaggle of feuding women, they'd already witnessed more atrocities committed by strangers. Dancers being plucked from the floor only to be put into horrendous situations. Some were dropped down the front or back of women's pants. Others were lucky enough to take a dive into their cleavage, but the most harrowing was watching these women devour their victims. It didn't matter how much they screamed or pleaded; the titans were unphased by it. In fact, it seemed as though the more their victims struggled, the more they delighted in their fun. It was hard to watch but even harder to look away. The things they'd seen tonight would forever remain with them if they managed to survive.

“Hold up, I've gotta take a break,” Trevor shouted over the music as they paused beneath a table, “I can't…I can't keep running like this. I'm sorry.”

Chad frowned, but he helped Trevor sit at the table's base. “We can't keep stopping like this,” David sighed, looking around for any new dangers, “We still don't know if Stewart and Henry have had any luck with Joey.”

“Guys, just go on without me,” Trevor said, leaning back and holding his ribs.

“No,” Chad said, “We are not leaving you, or anyone, behind tonight. One way or another, we will find a way to get you and everyone else back home.”

“Every time we stop, we risk getting discovered and grabbed,” Trevor argued, pausing to cough, “You already pulled me out of a miserable experience, but I don't want either of you suffering because of me. Please, if there's a way back, I'll find it on my own.”

“Not happening,” Chad shook his head, “We've come this far together, and we will finish it together. We don't know how Stewart and Henry are holding up, but we can worry about that once we get you back to safety.”

“Chad, I appreciate it, but-” Trevor started.

“He's right, Trev,” David cut in, “We came here together, we leave together. If we leave you behind, then you'll only end up dead or worse.”

“Worse than dead?” Trevor asked.

“There's plenty of fates worse than death,” Chad sighed, “The sad reality of life at our size is that we are at the mercy of these people. On a normal day, we face plenty of danger, but this place brings out the absolute worst in people. I am not risking losing anyone to this madness. The guys that were already here have given up, but we are not giving up on you and the others.”

“Okay, fine, so what's your plan?” Trevor asked.

“I'm still working on that,” Chad replied, looking out just in time to see another dancer getting grabbed, “Rest for a minute, and I'll get back to you when we're ready to move.”

Outside of the club, a car pulled to a stop. Anna stepped out of it and tried her best to keep her calm. She rechecked her purse to make sure Bram was still safe. She was furious, but her afternoon with her stepbrother kept her temper somewhat in check. Her anger was directed at Chad, not Bram. She would have her moment of catharsis later once Chad and the others were safe. She could only imagine the level of debauchery and perversion that Chad and the others were getting up to. Then again, this was a club that catered to women. Those morons were probably in danger, thanks to their lust. Honestly, Anna was torn between concern and outrage. At least she'd paid for her ride with Chad's card; that was a start.

Anna made her way towards the club. The area was much more dimly lit than the rest of the city; neon signs and scattered street lamps illuminated the streets. Most of the buildings looked rundown or dilapidated compared to what she'd seen so far. The club in question didn't look like anything special, but a man in a loose-fitting suit stood outside the doors. It was at the end of the street and nestled beside it was a vacant building with a for rent sign in the window. She guessed that the man outside was a bouncer based on his size and stance. Her hope was that this guy wouldn't cause her any problems, but he looked pretty no-nonsense from where she stood.

As Anna approached, the bouncer held up a hand, “Hold up, little lady, I need to see some ID before I let you in.”

“Yeah, about that,” Anna sighed, knowing this wouldn't go well, “My mom, sister, and grandmother are all in there. Please, I just need to talk to them.”

“They ain't got a phone?” the bouncer asked.

“They're not answering,” Anna replied, “Please, it's a family emergency about my stepdad.”

“I hate that for you, kid, I really do, but I ain't risking my job for it,” the bouncer shrugged, “Unless you got something showing you're eighteen, there's nothing I can do.”

“Come on, man, I'm not asking a lot here,” Anna sighed, “I'm asking you to look the other way one time so I can talk to my mom. I swear, I'm not interested in whatever this place has to offer. Please, I'm begging you here.”

“No can do, kid,” the bouncer shook his head, “I got mouths to feed back home, and one slip-up is all it'll take for me to lose this job. Get your phone, keep calling her, and maybe she'll pick up.”

“Ugh, this is bullshit!” Anna stomped her foot, “My stepdad could be in serious danger right now, and you're just gonna stand there and tell me to do nothing?!”

“Cool your jets, kid; I don't want to have to call the police because you're making a scene,” the bouncer said, his even and calm, “I feel for you, I do, but I got a family to support too. If your stepdad is in that much trouble, why don't you call someone else?”

Anna wanted to tell him the danger was because of the club, but she knew that wouldn't do her any good. This guy probably wouldn't bother to help her even with that knowledge. “Fine, thanks for nothing, asshole,” she sighed, turning away and storming off back down the street.

Anna was at a loss but needed to figure something out quickly. The longer Chad was in there, the more likely his dumbass would wind up stranded. He doubted that any of the Bachelorette party knew the guys were there, and she didn't know how long they'd be staying. If she could just get in there, maybe she could get them out of there before anyone was the wiser. There had to be a way to get inside. She just needed a minute to think. She stopped at a bench to sit down and check on Bram. She opened her bag and carefully fished him out.

“What's wrong?” Bram asked as Anna lifted him up to her face, “I heard you shouting.”

“Jackass at the door wouldn't let me in,” Anna explained, “I don't know what we're gonna do now. Chad's in trouble, and we're stuck out here with our hands tied.”

Bram frowned and sat down in Anna's hand. She was frustrated and upset, but he could tell she was worried. His father was going to be in for it later, but he knew Anna wanted him to be safe before she laid into him. He glanced behind him and got an idea. It wasn't a good one, not by any stretch of the imagination, but it was all he had. “What if you put me in front of the door?” he asked.

“Huh?” Anna asked, “What so you can go in there and get yourself killed?”

Bram shook his head, “I can get under the door and into the club. Once I'm inside, I can see if I can find Dad and the others.”

“How are you supposed to get out, though?” Anna asked, “I still can't get in, and you dragging those idiots out here is too much. One of you could get stepped on or worse.”

“What about a backdoor?” Bram asked, pointing at the alleyway beside the club, “Places like this must have a kitchen or something, right? Maybe you could sneak in, and we can meet up somewhere.”

“We don't even know the layout of this place, Bram,” Anna sighed, “Besides, it's too risky. After everything you've already been through, I don't want you to do something you're not ready for.”

“My dad always says that if you can help someone, you need to do it,” Bram said, “This is my chance to do that. Dad and his friends need help, and we don't have a lot of options right now.”

“Bram, are you sure about this?” Anna asked, “You don't know what's waiting in there, and the stuff Rose told me isn't good. Guys like you are basically objects behind those doors. If you get grabbed, there's no telling what might happen to you. There's no shame in sitting this one out.”

Her words didn't inspire confidence in the situation, but Bram knew there was no other way. “I'm sure,” he said, taking a deep breath, “What other choice do we have? Take me over, bend down to check your shoes, and set me down. Once I'm on the ground, finish up and see if you can find a back door. I'll be fine, you know, probably.”

“If something happens to you, I'm gonna make sure that Chad gets it,” Anna said.

“Don't hurt him, Anna, please,” Bram pleaded with her, “I know my dad, so do you, and I'm betting he only went along with what the other guys wanted. You know as well as I do that this isn't his idea of a good time. Please, don't do anything too bad with him. I'm not gonna stop you from whatever you're planning; I can't, but he doesn't deserve to suffer. If you're right, then there's a high chance he's already paying for someone else's mistakes.”

Anna stared him down briefly before sighing, “Fine, but you make sure you come out of this in one piece. I'm still going to let that little shit have it later, but I won't do anything more than I know he can handle. Don't do anything stupid and reckless while you're in there, okay?”

Bram flashed her a confident smile despite his reservations, “I'll be fine, I promise. Once you get in, keep an eye out for me. If I can get to them, I'll see if I can make it to the table where Victoria and Pam are.”

“Okay, here goes nothing,” Anna sighed, getting up and hoping for the best.

Anna closed her fist around Bram to hide him as she walked back towards the club. The bouncer stared at her as she approached, “Back again, kid? I already told you I can't let you in.”

Anna shook her head and tried to remain calm, “I know, I know, but can you at least do something for me? My mom went in with my grandmother, stepsister, and other women. If they come out, please tell them to call me?”

The bouncer sighed but nodded, “Yeah, I can pass it on. I think I know the group you're talking about. Head on back home, kid, this part of town isn't safe.”

“Thank you,” Anna said, bending down to adjust her shoe, “My name is Anna, by the way. They'll know who you're talking about. Sorry about earlier, too.”

“Don't sweat it; I've dealt with worse,” he waved her off, “You're just a kid worried about family, that's all. I ain't gonna fault you for that.”

Anna smiled at him as she deposited Bram on the ground and hoped for the best. “I appreciate that. Thanks again for passing that along for me.”

Bram's feet hit the sidewalk, and he didn't waste a second before taking off towards the door. He tried to ignore the colossal man talking with Anna while he ran between his legs. The door was pretty close, but the sidewalks were filthy and disgusting. He was lucky he didn't step in anything like gum or slip into one of the cracks. His focus was on getting inside and finding his father. Anna would do her part; he didn't doubt that for a second, but he was going in alone and practically blind. His heart was beating a million miles a minute as he slid under the door and entered the club. It was time to face his fears head-on for a change. His father would do it for him, so it was only fitting that he try to do the same if possible. Still, it didn't mean he was excited about what he was running into.



Whhooooooooooooo amazing work from Rosa being officially the ass/booty girl of the family, Chad becoming alpha CHAD and Bram facing his fears and acting like a hero for his dad is amazing can’t wait to see how Anna will punish Chad later (cough her ass cough) sorry something in my throat lol but again great job as always and can’t wait to see what happens next


Ohhhhhh maybe you should do a Super Bowl side/canon story since it’s almost Time for the Super Bowl and of course shenanigans happen 😈