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“Yeah, they're going out for some stupid party or something tonight,” Anna said, holding her phone to her ear as she walked back to the bed in her hotel room, “No, I didn't want to go because it sounded like they'd be around a bunch of tiny guys. I spend most of my day with two little pains as it is, so why would I care to hang out with them for a night? Besides, I'm babysitting Bram.”

Bram sat on Anna's hotel room nightstand and rolled his eyes. His father was occupied tonight, and Stewart was spending time with him at David's bachelor party. He'd been invited but declined to avoid listening to the guys swap stories all night. He'd experienced the true terror of living life at this size, and he had no interest in hearing about fantasies anymore. The reality was far more terrifying than anything the mind could dream up. A night spent with his father, buddies, and sister's boyfriend didn't exactly scream fun to him. Of course, that meant he was stuck hanging out with Anna for the evening. Ordinarily, he wouldn't have minded, but given what Sarah, one of Anna's closest friends, had put him through, he was wary of his stepsister. Granted, she'd spent the last hour on the phone with Jessica while silently checking on him.

“No, I don't mean it like that, you know that,” Anna sighed, glancing over at Bram, “Usually, he's pretty chill, but he's been a total asshat the last few weeks. I don't know because he won't talk to anyone. He's all up in his feels or something, I guess.”

She wasn't hiding the fact that she was talking about him. To an extent, Bram could respect that. It didn't make it any less annoying, but he knew Anna would say the same thing to his face. While she may have been rough around the edges, she was nothing if not honest. Blunt as the broadside of a barn, but you always knew where you stood with her. Bram had to remind himself that nobody knew what he'd been through. He hadn't shared a word of what had happened to him during his time with Sarah, and even on nights when his nightmares were at a peak, he still held it inside. Maybe Anna was right; perhaps he was simply too caught up in his feelings and emotions, but he'd endured sheer terror only a short while ago. To Bram, it felt like it all happened yesterday. He could still remember those harrowing moments, wondering if he was going to survive, and he could still hear Sarah taunting and laughing at him.

The worst part about it was how it affected his feelings towards Peyton. He still found the giantess captivating, fascinating, and absolutely gorgeous. The moments where he felt calm and more like himself were spent thinking about her. However, the fear that Sarah had instilled in him bore the fruit of deceit and mistrust. Peyton had given no indication that she wanted to abuse him, but his mind would begin to wander to darker and more sinister places without trying. Whether it be images of himself getting squashed under her rear, dropped into her shoe, or perhaps the worst yet, eaten alive, he couldn't shake the possibilities from his little head. It was dreadful and exhausting and caused him to withdraw further into himself as the days turned to weeks.

“Alright, yeah, I'll try,” Anna said, “Can I call you later? Okay, cool, I'll let you know how it goes. You too; I'll talk to you later.”

Anna hung up and set her phone down on the bed. She looked over at Bram and sighed. Had he done something wrong, or did she know something was up? “Everything okay?” he asked.

Anna scooted closer to the edge of the bed and dangled her legs. “Peachy, I'm stuck here with Captain Mopey,” she frowned, “What would you say to getting out of the hotel for a little bit? Think you can handle that without throwing another pity party?”

“I haven't been throwing pity parties,” Bram snapped defensively.

“Yeah, sure you haven't,” Anna scoffed, “This has just been your usual chipper and cheery self, right? That shitty attitude you just showed totally convinces me that you're fine. Look, do you want to stay here all night, or do you want to go out for a little bit?”

Bram crossed his arms and looked away. Perhaps getting out and away for a bit wouldn't be the worst thing for him. “That depends,” he started, “Are you going to be a jerk while we're out?”

“Are you?” Anna countered, rolling her eyes when she saw his shoulders slump, “Dude, you've been short, rude, and a total ass for weeks now. I'm not saying that to make you feel bad, but I'm asking because I don't want to spend my night in a pity parade.”

There it was, the caring side that Anna hid so well. Bram knew it was there, but she kept it buried more often than not. “I'm like one inch tall; of course, I'm short,” he sighed, deciding to lighten up with a joke, “What do you expect?”

Anna rolled her eyes again, but she smiled at him. She liked this side of him much more than the gloomy one he'd been displaying as of late. “Come on then, dork,” she said, hopping off the bed, “Let me get some better clothes on, and we can get out for a little while without Mom and Chad being over our shoulder.”

“We're not gonna do anything bad, right?” Bram asked.

“Oh, I thought we'd knock over a gas station, rob a liquor store, and then hit a strip joint,” Anna scoffed, “No, dumbass, we're literally going to walk around and maybe get something to eat. Why would you even ask that?”

“Cause you're a troublemaker,” Bram replied, smirking as he relaxed.

Anna frowned and shot him a look that instantly made him step back, “Watch it, bug-boy. I'm not above teaching you some manners.”

She'd meant it as more of a lighthearted threat than anything tangible, but she saw the way Bram recoiled only a short distance away. Not for the first time, Anna wondered what was happening with her miniature stepbrother. “Sorry,” Bram said, looking down and speaking so low that Anna had barely heard him.

“Dude, relax,” Anna sighed, feeling a modicum of guilt for reasons she couldn't quite explain, “I'm messing with you. Seriously, what has been up with you?”

Bram took a deep breath and collected himself, “Nothing, I just haven't been sleeping great, okay?”

She didn't buy it, but she wouldn't press him for answers. “Alright, whatever you say,” Anna shook her head, “I'm gonna go get changed, and we'll head out, okay?”

“Alright, yeah, that sounds good,” Bram nodded, relieved that Anna wasn't questioning him more.

It didn't take long for Anna to get ready. She returned to retrieve her little stepbrother shortly. She was dressed simply and casually in bike shorts that hugged her thighs and stopped mid-thigh. She wore a tank top with black and red stripes alternating and running horizontally. Even with the sun setting, it was still comfortable and warm outside. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail that dangled in the back. Bram was reminded of just how striking she was at times like this. Anna really was quite an attractive young woman.

Despite Bram's recent reservations and fears, he felt relatively safe with Anna. His father had warned him on more than one occasion that she could be easily provoked, but the two of them had something of a connection since they'd met. Before the virus, Anna would seek Bram out to talk quite frequently, and even after he'd shrunk, they'd remained close. It helped that Anna had an uncanny ability to keep track of himself and his father at their size. She could be harsh at times, but Bram never truly felt like he was in danger when he was around her. Until his experience with Sarah sullied his outlook and mood, Anna had usually been almost kind to him. Things were a bit more tense now, but she had refrained from outwardly lashing out at him. He hoped this might be a chance for them to rekindle some of the closeness that had slowly been dwindling over the last few weeks.

It felt nice being out without much in the way of a care. Anna carried Bram in her hand as they left the hotel and towards the boardwalk. The sun had already set that evening, and the lights from the various shops, cafes, and decorations created a peaceful atmosphere. The sound of chatter and the waves lapping against the shoreline in the distance were also calming as they walked along the wooden planks. Bram sat comfortably in Anna's palm as she walked around and took in the sights. For all the terror that life at this size had, it was still breathtaking to see things from his perspective. The people may have been intimidating, but the surroundings were truly something to behold.

The decorative lantern lights hanging from the strings overhead looked like glowing homes to him. They were, admittedly, slightly tacky to a degree, but they were a nice touch. It was funny how little things like this now left such a big impression on him. They would have been easily overlooked in the past, but now they were borderline captivating as he and Anna passed under them. It wasn't the colorful hues that caught his attention but rather the sheer size of the lanterns. They reminded him of abstract houses and works of art that he could almost call home. He could have easily fit inside one and used it as a shelter if needed. Despite how long he'd been stuck at this size, it still seemed silly and impossible.

The smell of salt from the ocean was also a nice touch. While the sun had set, Bram could still recall the sun's warmth on his bare back from earlier in the day. He thought about the feeling of sand under his feet and just how different that had been. Before the virus, he could remember trips to the beach and running along the sand without a care in the world. However, now he had to watch his every step. He'd nearly fallen into a small alcove when he wandered off alone the other day. His feet still sank into the grains of sand, but there was so much more to it these days. The possibility of getting buried and lost was ever present, and a walk on the beach was next to impossible for him to enjoy alone now. It was a reminder of the fact that he now needed someone close by at all times. A sad fact given his newfound disposition towards the titans that walked the world as though nothing had changed.

Life at his size was truly bittersweet at times. There were things Bram could enjoy and appreciate now more, but there were several things he was forced to leave behind. He and every other man plagued by the virus depended on someone else to survive. A moment of peace alone was next to impossible to find unless he was stuck somewhere. While the expanses of a desk, table, or dresser were undoubtedly large, it didn't diminish the fact that he was still stuck in a confined space unless someone took him with them. The more he thought about the things he was missing out on, the more crestfallen he became. He hated feeling this way, but more than that, he hated how it affected his family.

“You okay, Bram-bug?” Anna asked, having noticed his attitude shifting.

“Huh?” Bram asked, looking up at Anna, “Yeah, sorry, just lost in thought is all.”

“Seems like you're getting stuck in your head more and more lately,” Anna mused, deciding to offer a small show of kindness, “You know you can talk to me if you want, right?”

“Thanks, but I'm okay, really,” Bram assured her despite his uncertainty.

“Alright, don't say I never offered,” Anna shrugged, “Come on, let's get some coffee and a snack. Are you hungry?”

“I could eat, but I don't think coffee is a good idea for me,” Bram replied, “Super hot beverages don't seem like a smart choice for someone my height.”

“Fair enough,” Anna smiled, carrying him into a small shop, “Do you want a Danish or something?”

“That sounds amazing,” Bram said, his stomach growling, “Can we split a cherry one?”

“Sure,” Anna replied, glad Bram hadn't lost his appetite.

They walked into a small shop lined with scattered tables spread out evenly. It wasn't enormous, but it was a modest little coffee shop. There was a display case near the counter filled with various pastries and several machines and stations just behind the bar. Bram was mildly reminded of Cups as they walked in. His father had hoped to one day franchise his business and expand before he'd shrunk. Now, it was little more than a pipedream once again. Still, seeing a small shop like this doing as well as it was gave some hope to that dream. Quite a few customers were sitting down, and a small line formed behind the counter. Coffee was one thing that would likely always remain in demand.

Bram was taken out of his musings by the people passing by him and Anna as they waited in line. Hardly any of them were paying any mind to Bram’s existence; many seemed unaware that he was there. While the rational side of his mind knew this, the underlying irrational fears he’d developed continued to rage in his mind. Paranoia was something that he was getting all too familiar with, and it was driving him mad. His heartbeat quickened as he fought to remain calm in Anna’s hand. It felt like he was being watched and not by Anna. A quick glance around them confirmed that there was, in fact, nobody staring at either of them. His panic ebbed and flowed as he told himself there was no danger here. He was safe with Anna. If anyone were to keep track of him, it would be her.

Anna had noticed the slight shift in Bram’s demeanor as they waited in line, but again, she chose not to comment on it. This wasn’t the time or the place, but she could feel him tensing up in her hand. Was he scared? If so, what was he so afraid of? She frowned as she looked down and subtly watched him. He was fidgeting slightly and trying to hide it. Not for the first time did Anna wonder what was going on with Bram. Truthfully, she hated seeing him like this. As standoffish as she often was, Bram had been the first person she’d warmed up to when Chad had come into her life. While she’d gotten close to Victoria and adored Rose, Bram had been like a brother to her from the start. It was almost painful and frustrating to see him like this.

Anna didn’t have long to think about Bram and his shifting attitude. They were next in line. The barista behind the counter gave them a warm smile and motioned for them to step forward, “Hello, welcome to Mocha’s. What can I get for you today?”

Anna shifted her focus from Bram to the girl behind the counter. She was a head shorter than Anna, with thick blonde hair cut short and heavily layered bangs. Her hair was parted slightly, with part of her bangs covering the left side of her face. She and the other employees wore a white button-up shirt and a black skirt that stopped just above the knee. Her blue eyes shimmered with a friendly glow as she waited for Anna to reply. “Hi, can we get a large macchiato and a cherry Danish, please?” Anna asked.

The girl’s smile faltered for a second as she looked at Anna in confusion. She looked past her to see if another customer was with her before spotting Bram in her hand. Instantly, her smile returned and grew, “Oh, wow, is that a little person?!”

Anna smiled as she rolled her eyes. It was amazing that people still marveled at the sight of a shrunken man. She had thought that by now, most of the population would have grown accustomed to seeing them, but here was another person who acted like this was their first time. “Yeah, this is my stepbrother,” Anna sighed, holding Bram up so she could see him better.

Bram tensed as he was put on display for a stranger. He saw her nametag on her chest as he tried not to cower in Anna’s hand visibly. Her name was Mary, and while she looked friendly enough, Bram’s mind went back to Sarah and how welcoming and sweet she had seemed. “Oh my gosh!” Mary beamed as she leaned forward to get a better look at Bram, “He’s adorable! Can I hold him?”

Bram stepped back and prayed that Anna wouldn’t be reckless enough to let a stranger hold him. “Maybe another time,” Anna replied, glancing behind her at the line, “If you didn’t have a line of people behind us, then I might say yes. I don’t want to hold anybody up or make anyone upset.”

Mary seemed to have forgotten about the line of customers behind them. “Oh, silly me, of course,” she chuckled as she worked the register, “That’s a fair enough point. What’s your name, little guy?”

Bram tried to keep calm as Mary spoke to him. There was no denying that she was pretty, but he’d learned that looks were usually deceiving. The best thing that he could do was to keep his emotions under control. He shrank back in Anna’s hand as his anxiety slowly climbed higher. “His name is Bram,” Anna answered for him, startling him, “Sorry, he’s been a little shy lately with new people.”

Bram frowned and looked up at Anna, “I can speak for myself, Anna.”

Judging by the brief flash of frustration in Anna's eyes, it might not have been the wisest decision on his part, but Bram wasn’t thinking clearly right now. “Woah, someone has some attitude,” Mary said, “Lucky for him, I like a guy that can stand up for himself.”

Anna was taken aback by Bram’s sudden hostility towards her, but the last thing she wanted was to cause a scene or make things worse. She didn’t want to spoil their time together because of one negative interaction. Thankfully, Mary didn’t seem phased by his rudeness. “Heh, yeah, he can be a little firecracker sometimes,” Anna chuckled, trying her best to shrug off Bram’s attitude.

“I think it’s a good thing that someone his size is willing to show some backbone,” Mary smiled as she started their order, “A lot of guys wind up losing their nerve after they shrink. It’s refreshing to see that there are still guys who hold onto the person they were. It makes things much more interesting.”

“Sure,” Anna said, unsure what Mary meant by the last part of her statement.

Bram let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. While Anna was confused by Mary’s comment about things being interesting, Bram had a suspicion about exactly what she meant. An image of Sarah and that cruel smile came to mind. It could have been a harmless comment, but Bram couldn't be sure.

“Your order will just be a minute. Nice meeting you, Bram.”, Mary said with a smile before leaning to look past Anna to the next customer.

Anna carried him off to the side to wait for their order. He tried his hardest to banish his worries and fears from his mind. He told himself again that he was safe with Anna.

“Looks like you’ve got an admirer,” Anna remarked, keeping her voice low, “Want me to give you two some alone time to get to know each other?”

“Don’t you dare,” Bram snapped, looking up at Anna in disbelief.

Anna frowned at Bram’s response, “Would you chill? I am kidding around, dude. What is your problem?”

“It’s not funny,” Bram shook his head defensively, “Just get our order, and let’s get out of here already.”

Anna’s frustration continued to mount. The way Bram was speaking to her was grating on her nerves at a rapid rate. She hated being spoken to like this, being ordered around. She didn’t put up with it from friends, classmates, or even Chad, and she wasn’t going to put up with it from Bram. She breathed through her nose to try to calm herself down. There wasn’t a need to make a scene in public, not if she could help it. The main thing she needed was for her little stepbrother to keep his mouth shut and attitude under control. Her patience was quickly wearing thin.

“Fine, you don’t have to be a brat,” Anna snapped, letting some of her attitude out.

A minute later, Mary walked over to the counter with their order in hand and a smile on her face. “Here ya go,” she beamed, holding the cup and bagged pastry out, “Made it with a little extra love for the little cutie ya got there.”

“Keep that to yourself,” Bram snapped, wanting nothing more than to get away from Mary.

Mary looked genuinely hurt by Bram’s comment. Anna saw it, and it was the last straw. “Sorry, do you guys have a bathroom here?”

“Uhm, yeah, over in the back corner,” Mary nodded, biting her lip as she pointed and looked away.

“Thanks,” Anna smiled at her, “Do you mind sitting our stuff down for a few minutes? We'll be right back, I promise. The little guy had a small bladder before he shrunk, and it's only gotten worse since then.”

“Oh, yeah, sure,” Mary nodded, placing their things to the side, “It'll be here when you get back.”

Bram was about to speak up when Anna closed her hand around him. She wasn't squeezing him, but she'd effectively silenced him. He was confused as Anna hurriedly excused herself. He wondered what was happening as he was jostled around Anna's hand. This was unexpected. He'd gone to the bathroom before they left the room, and to his knowledge, he hadn't given any indication about needing to go. His nerves began to skyrocket as he tried to make sense of things. His father's warnings echoed in the back of his mind as he rode in darkness to their destination. Had he done something wrong? His mind raced as worry began to set in around him.

Anna quickly closed the door and locked it. A brief glance at their surroundings revealed it was a singles restroom. That was perfect; it meant they wouldn't be disturbed as she closed and locked the door. She opened her hand and glared down at Bram. “Anna, what the hell?” Bram asked, meeting her glare.

“Zip it, runt,” Anna snapped, having finally reached her breaking point, “I don't know what your problem is, but I'm sick of this shitty attitude of yours. That girl was just being nice, polite, and doing her job, and you acted like an ungrateful and entitled little shit. I have been patient with you, but this stops now, Bram.”

Bram was shocked at the cold tone in Anna's voice and the icy look in her eyes. Ordinarily, she was a little harsh, but she looked downright angry right now. Not one to be pushed, Bram let his emotions get the better of him, “Back off, you have no idea what's going on here, Anna.”

“No shit, dumbass,” Anna snapped again, “Nobody does because you won't talk to anyone. Instead, you're choosing to spoil everyone's mood, act like a little brat, and push every button imaginable. I warned you back at the hotel that I'm not above teaching you some manners, and I've had enough of your bullshit. Your dad, thick as he is, learned the hard way to watch his tone with me, and it looks like you'll have to get the same treatment.”

Bram's heart skipped a beat at Anna's words. He hadn't meant to upset her as much as he had, but he'd clearly stepped on her last nerve. “Anna, wait-” he started.

“Nu-uh, I'm done,” Anna cut him off, coiling her fingers around him and giving him flashbacks, “I have been more than nice to you despite you being a total ass to everyone. Me, Victoria, my mom, and even your dad, you've been such a little prick. You're getting a timeout, and since you've been nothing but an ass, guess where you're going.”

It had been a long time since Anna had done something like this, but she was at her wit's end. Seeing Bram upset the young woman behind the counter had been too much for her. She'd be careful not to hurt Bram too badly but knew how to scare him straight. Chad had been smart enough to keep quiet, and Bram wasn't a total moron. Sure, he'd learn the hard way, but as far as she was concerned, this was all his own making. She didn't give him a chance to argue as she moved him to the back of her spandex shorts. Truth be told, Anna didn't want to hear anything else he had to say. Maybe after he'd taken some punishment, she'd consider it, but only if he was finally willing to admit why he was being such a stubborn little bug.

Bram was filled with dread and horror at what was happening. His father had warned him that Anna had a temper; hell, he'd seen it himself more than once, but he never imagined something like this. Any hope that she was bluffing went out the window as his world shifted and distorted. His panic hit an all-time high as Anna dangled him above her backside. Looking down from the outside at the huge, shiny butt scrunch-chasm filled him with terror. With her other hand, Anna slowly pulled the backside of her shorts and panties out, almost as though she were purposefully taunting him. He could see the curves of her gigantic athletic ass and the canyon that separated the two sculpted mountains of cheeks clear from here, and yet he felt mortified at the thought of seeing it all up close and personal.

He screamed and thrashed as hard as he could in her grip. Tears pulled at the corners of his eyes as he realized he was about to be subjected to a side of Anna he'd never seen before. He sobbed and screamed pleas for mercy, but his panic made it nearly unintelligible. He didn't know if she was going to drop him or lower him slowly, but he didn't care. Dangling above the valley, waiting to devour him, was simply too much for his little mind to take. Anna answered by slowly inching him closer to his punishment. The pace was agonizingly slow, and it drove him deeper into the throes of panic. The closer he got, the more frantic he became. What would have once been a dream was becoming a horrific reality for Bram.



Sorry for the late comment but I was on a plane/train ride for a vacation trip but I’m back and just in time to see the masterpiece of a story. First off I wasn’t expecting to see Anna and Bram again in this chapter but I not complaining lol. Overall a really good chapter seeing Bram get on Anna’s last nerve was awesome. And that ending I know Anna probably is crossing a line but honestly I kinda wanna see it what she does especially with that A$$ !!!! LOL. Now I know we already got this last chapter but screw it since we doing ass content again I really wanna see Anna fart on Bram please it would be the greatest thing ever.

rob roy

What a great chapter. I was hoping to get another one with Anna. The ending was intense, I hope she goes through with it and doesn't back down after seeing how scared Bram gets. would definitely love to see Anna fart on Bram. Keep up the great work.