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As days turned to weeks and weeks to months, an uneasy tension had once again begun to creep into the McCallum household. It was difficult to say who or what had brought the cloud of unease back into the house, but it was slowly becoming more apparent as time passed. In truth, things between the majority of the family had been relatively peaceful and almost serene. However, one member of the house continued to struggle with his traumatic experiences and revelations: Bram. Yes, the same young man that had managed to bring his family together in a time of turmoil was now steadily and unintentionally bringing uncertainty back around.

It wasn’t something he was purposefully doing, but since his encounter with Sarah, his attitude had steadily declined. Bram was short, snappy, and distant whenever he dealt with anyone in the house. Whereas Anna had once been the cause of strife in the home, she’d been doing her best to maintain something akin to peace amongst her blended family. She still had her time with Chad alone, but that primarily consisted of talking and bonding with her stepfather. Yet, as Bram continued to lash out in the face of his inability to speak about what he’d endured, Anna had started to slip back into old habits out of frustration. Thankfully, she’d managed to stop herself from taking things too far with her stepfather, but it was slowly bringing back Chad’s old fears that he’d thought had been put to rest. No amount of apologies could erase the terror that was slowly reawakening within Chad’s diminutive mind.

Victoria had been fortunate to have the distraction of her newfound relationship with Stewart. Her interactions with her little brother were minimal, but she’d noticed him withdrawing into himself more and pulling further away from her. She knew something was going on with him, but her attempts to get him to open up were met with hostility and aggravation. On more than one occasion, Bram even managed to strike a nerve with his older sister in a way he hadn’t done since they were children. Fortunately, Victoria had the wherewithal to walk away before her emotions got the better of her. That didn’t mean that she didn’t have to spend several minutes talking herself down or talking with Anna or Pam about what she was feeling.

Pam had perhaps caught the worst of Bram’s outlandish attitude over the last month. The sweet boy she’d met when Chad had first brought her to meet his family had seemingly turned into a hurtful little man. His short, curt responses and interactions often spurred Anna into a frustrated and vengeful frenzy whenever she and Chad were alone. He hadn’t outwardly called her anything too nasty, but how he spoke to her earned Anna’s anger and Pam’s pain. The truth was that the way he talked to Pam hurt more than anything, which bothered Chad as much as it did Anna. Perhaps that was the common ground that kept them from devolving back into their old ways.

The fact was that Bram was carrying a scar around and refusing to acknowledge it with anyone. He continued to shut everyone, even his father, out at every turn. It was never his intention to drive a wedge between his family, and the last thing he wanted was to hurt anyone close to him. However, his inability to talk about what he’d gone through left him with a bitterness that gnawed at him and spilled out. The traumatic and terrifying hour he’d spent being tormented and abused had filled him with feelings he had no way of processing. Too young to understand, Bram carried it around like a weight that continued to drag him and those around him down.

This shift in the family led to Pam proposing the idea of a getaway for them all. It had all started with an invitation to a wedding on the coast, and that had been all the spark she needed to begin planning a way to bring her family together again. Sunshine, sand, and good times seemed like a sensible balm to the mood that had settled over the McCallum household. It was as good an opportunity as any for everyone to get out from beneath the tense blanket that was slowly covering their home. Sometimes it was good to get out and get away. A celebration, a party, and time in the sun seemed like the perfect escape from the dismal atmosphere surrounding them.

This led to Chad and the rest of his family loading up into their car and driving to the coast. As it turned out, loading up a family of five when two members were the size of insects was easier than anyone had anticipated. Because of the extra space, Victoria had asked if she could bring a date to the wedding. Her relationship with Stewart had continued to grow, and the little young man had been formally reintroduced to Chad and introduced to the rest of the household. Chad had been admittedly skeptical of the young man, but after a heartfelt and long talk, the two had managed to come to an understanding. Stewart had apologized to Chad like he had Victoria, but he made it clear that he didn’t expect forgiveness and acceptance. It was a moment that stood out to Chad and showed more growth and maturity than he had thought the young man capable of. It may have been a rocky start, certainly far from perfect, but it was a place to start between the two most important men in Victoria’s life.

The ride to the beach was remarkably uneventful for the trio of tinies and their giantess providers. Chad rode close to Pam, Stewart with Victoria, and Bram near Anna throughout the long car ride. Still filled with unease and confusion, Bram chose to keep his mouth shut while in Anna’s care. Uncertainty and apprehension were powerful motivators for the young man to mind his manners. Anna was still the wildcard, and her friend and teammate had put him in the predicament he was trapped in. The silence was something that Anna could handle, though. In fact, she almost preferred it to the hostile manner Bram had been speaking in over the last several weeks. A big part of her clung to a hope that the boy she’d grown to trust was still within her stepbrother.

After checking into their modest hotel room, the three tinies and three giants were ready to hit the beach when they had a chance. They’d arrived a few days before the wedding, and the plan was to spend some quality time enjoying the sunshine and salty sea air. Pam had changed into a stunning black two-piece bikini that hugged her ample assets snuggly, but a rather tasteful cover kept it from appearing too revealing. Chad had been reminded of just how gorgeous his wife was when she walked out, and he knew that despite the mesh covering, there was little left to the imagination. Victoria had bought a new blue bikini for the occasion that complimented her eyes and highlighted her stunning physique. Finally, Anna had broken out a black and red two-piece that was a bit more modest than her mother and stepsister. While a bit more reserved, it was still flattering in its own regard. A black diamond pattern was reminiscent of a harlequin as she got ready to enjoy her day at the beach.

While the girls had opted for a traditional approach to the beachwear, the boys were left wearing nothing and exposed. It was something that all three of them had grown accustomed to by this point in their new lives. They were toted along in a pocket of one of the beach bags as gently as possible, given they rode in a wagon. Sunscreen, towels, goggles, and various other items were packed in the wagon, but their bag was reserved primarily for the lighter items to prevent them from getting unintentionally harmed. The only downside was the close proximity that the three of them were forced into. Ordinarily, Chad wouldn’t have minded, but his son was still seemingly distant and reserved. Strangely enough, Stewart acted as the buffer between what would have surely been an otherwise tense ride across the sands.

As they approached the beach, the trio of tinies caught sight of another unique and breathtaking perspective. The massive white expanse of the sands combined with the blinding and almost blistering light of the sun was something none of them had seen since shrinking. In truth, not one of them hadn’t been to a beach before this, but seeing it from their size was incredible. The wagon made it a bit difficult to take everything in, but what they could see was awe-inspiring. They could feel the heat already beginning to bear down on them, but the images of giants moving and wearing so little gave them pause. Titans of beauty and power either walked or ran past their wagon and protectors, and all three were reminded of just how phenomenal the world could be and how much they’d taken for granted.

Outside the wagon, Pam led the girls to a spot closer to the water but not so close that anyone might be in danger of getting swept out by the tide. That was the absolute last thing that anyone needed. “This seems like as good a spot as any, Mom,” Anna commented, stopping as she looked around and noticed the copious crowds coming to and fro, “I don’t think we’re going to find a place that’s secluded and peaceful.”

“Anna’s right, Pam,” Victoria agreed, looking around at the small clearing they’d stumbled upon, “This seems good to me. We can see the water, we’re not too far from it, and there aren't a ton of people nearby. Well, no more than usual, anyway. Plus, I bet the boys are sweating bullets right now.”

“Let them sweat,” Anna joked, “They’re about to get a day of getting to ogle women without being penalized for it.”

“Anna, don’t start,” Pam sighed, although she smiled, knowing that her daughter was more playful than malicious, “Alright, I suppose the two of you make a good point. Anna, go ahead and flip the brakes on the wagon. Victoria, can you help me get the umbrellas?”

“I can help Victoria, Mom,” Anna interjected, flipping the switches down on the wagon and grabbing one of the umbrellas, “You check on the guys and grab the cooler, yeah?”

“Okay,” Pam smiled, glad that at least Anna and Victoria seemed to be getting along despite everything that had happened.

Victoria grabbed another large beach umbrella and started working alongside Anna to set up their area. Pam peered into the wagon bag to check on the boys. She was more than a little relieved to find them still right where they’d left them and in one piece. They were safe and sound, meaning she could help get their area in order. Pam grabbed the large cooler from the wagon and waited until the girls had finished setting up the umbrellas to place it between them. Their shade was established, and the next step was making their sitting area. Pam grabbed the towels and the three chairs that they’d brought. Anna unfolded one of the chairs, and Victoria unfurled one of the towels to lay it down across the sand. In no time, they’d created a shady little nook for the six of them to enjoy and relax within.

Pam returned to the wagon after they’d finished to fish out her husband and the others from their little resting place. “Okay, boys, we’ve got everything ready,” she explained as she gently cradled them in her hand and showed them what they’d done, “Hopefully, this will still be a fun experience for you three at your size.”

Chad, Stewart, and Bram didn’t respond at first as they looked past the beauty holding them. The one thing they hadn’t been able to see until now was the ocean. The sight of it was one of serenity and terror. The sea carried an air of tranquility and danger even at normal size. One wrong move meant that you could be swept away forever, but at their height, it was on another level. The undercurrent of even a small wave would have been enough to drag them out, assuming they didn’t drown from the wave. Seeing it as they did now was breathtaking. The sun's rays brilliantly reflected off the water like a thousand diamonds tossed out beyond the shore. The bodies of glistening swimmers popping up, going under, or breaking the surface added another layer to the image before them.

Stewart was the first to shake off the collective stupor that had befallen the three little men, "I'm sure it'll be great, Mrs. McCallum. Thanks again for letting me come along with you all."

"Stewart, please just call me Pam," Pam smiled at him as she carried the trio over to their shaded alcove, "It makes me feel much older whenever someone calls me missus or ma'am."

"Right, sorry, Pam," Stewart smiled as he saw Victoria pass by to grab another bag.

"Hmm, where should we put you three?" Pam asked as they squatted down to get into the shade, "Anna, what do you think?"

"I think it doesn't matter if they're not going to be careful," Anna shrugged, although she was clearly trying to decide where the safest place for them would be, "Do you three realize how dangerous the sand is at your size? If my foot winds up getting buried from walking, you three idiots could end up buried alive out here. We can use the towel, Mom; that'll be the safest spot I can think of. Just as long as they don't wander off, they should be fine."

"Great, five hours to hang out on a beach towel," Bram rolled his eyes, his bad attitude spilling over once more, "What a magical little adventure this is turning out to be."

Stewart frowned, but he kept his mouth shut. He'd heard from Victoria how her brother had been behaving, and he'd seen glimpses of it before today. It was a family matter, though, and he didn't feel right injecting himself into the middle of it. "You say something, pipsqueak?" Anna asked, thankfully not having heard Bram’s sarcastic remark.

"No," Chad said, "Nothing major or important, Anna."

Anna frowned for a moment before she shrugged and moved back to help finish unloading the wagon. Pam had heard Bram, but she chose not to comment on it. She was no stranger to having a sullen teenager and knew chiding him wouldn't make things any better. If anything, calling attention to it would only further push Bram away. She'd have to hold onto the hope that the change in scenery would work its magic. Instead, she bent down and set her hand down near the towel. The three tines climbed off and down onto the towel one by one. Pam waited until the three of them were safe and sound off her hand before turning to help the other girls finish setting up.

Chad frowned as he turned to Bram, "Son, can you just try to enjoy yourself? We've come a long way to get out of the house and spend some time together as a family. Well, and Stewart, no offense, kid."

"None taken," Stewart waved Chad off, "I'm just genuinely glad you're okay with me tagging along. If it's worth anything, Bram, your dad has a point. It's not often any of us will get to see the beach from this point of view."

"Sand, water, sunburns, and giants," Bram frowned.

Chad shook his head and decided to give it a rest for the time being. As much as he wanted to help his son, his attitude was more taxing than he liked to admit. It was strange when Stewart was the more pleasant company on this trip, but he supposed stranger things had happened. He sighed as he watched his wife work alongside the other girls. The cooler and bottles of lotion looked like proverbial skyscrapers to him as they set them in the sand. It was like looking up at a strange city surrounded by shade and grains of sand that could literally bury the three of them, as Anna had pointed out. The towel was different to walk on. The material wasn’t unpleasant, but even as light as they were, they could feel the sand shifting beneath their feet. The wrinkles along the towel were like massive walls scattered around their walkway.

Bram walked away from his father and Stewart, and Chad took a seat beside the bottle of sunscreen. “I don’t know what to do with that boy anymore,” he admitted, shaking his head in defeated frustration, “Seems like the more I try to get him to open up, the more he pulls away and lashes out.”

Stewart frowned as he took a seat across from Chad and tried to choose his words carefully. He didn’t want to overstep his boundaries, given he was still a tentative guest on a family trip, but keeping his mouth shut wouldn’t help. “He’s a kid, Chad,” Stewart finally said, “He’ll talk when he’s ready, and sometimes that just takes a while longer than others would like. Look at me; I was a jackass for the longest time.”

“That you were,” Chad agreed with a smile, “I was close to reporting you, but you’ve surprised the hell out of me over the last couple of weeks. I still don’t fully trust you, but I haven’t caught you in any lies yet.”

“Thanks?” Stewart frowned, a little confused as to whether or not that was a compliment or not “I guess I should just be glad that you haven’t punched me yet.”

“That’s the spirit,” Chad grinned, “You’re an alright guy, Stewart. Not good enough for my daughter, but you’re improving. That speaks volumes to me. As long as she’s happy and you’re not using her, I won’t stand in the way of what she wants.”

“I can’t say I disagree with you about me not being good enough for her,” Stewart admitted, “She’s incredible, and guys like me, especially the way I was before catching this virus, don’t deserve a shot with girls like her.”

“Glad we can agree on something,” Chad chuckled, surprised once again by the young man’s rather impressive change in attitude, “So, you think that-woah!”

Chad was cut off by the hand of his lovely wife grabbing and lifting him into the air without a word of warning. Pam had taken a seat nearby and reached over to grab the sunscreen while talking with Anna and Victoria. It had been the same bottle Chad had been using as a backrest, and now Chad suddenly found himself being hoisted into the air before tumbling down into Pam’s other hand. It was something he should have been expecting, given how smooth everything had gone thus far, but he was still caught off guard by the surprise shift in his world. All he could do was hope for the best and ride out the oncoming storm, whatever that might have been.

Chad didn’t have to wait long as Pam continued her conversation and turned the bottle upside down to squirt some lotion into her palm. Unfortunately for Chad, that meant he was suddenly coated in a thick layer of lotion and sunscreen. At least he wouldn’t have to worry about sunburn while here; he could already hear Anna poking fun at his position. What happened next was something he should have seen coming, but it was still something that took him by surprise once more. Pam set the bottle down and started rubbing her hands together to get the lotion on both hands. The friction would have felt quite nice if it weren't for the fact that he was getting doused in cream. Chad wasn't a fool and tried to brace himself for what was coming next. From husband to applicator; he was undoubtedly a man of many hats.

Pam started with her arm. Her hand glided up and down her arm to give it a protective layer. Chad was rubbed on his wife's arm, and he wondered if he'd wind up sticking to it. Sadly, that wasn't the way his luck went. Pam continued her casual conversation, seemingly lost in small talk with Anna as she moved up to her shoulders and neck. The abrasive and rough feeling of her toned muscles was something Chad hadn't been prepared for. While Pam didn't look it, she was fit and toned everywhere that counted. As a result, her triceps and biceps added a surprisingly rough turn of events for his little body. Her shoulders were also a far cry from a walk in the park. Pam was deft, quick, and thorough as she rubbed the sunscreen on her upper body and neck. Chad hoped she'd move to her face next and possibly see him, but he doubted he'd be that lucky.

As Chad was used as an additional applicator for Pam, Stewart tried to figure out a way to help him. At his size, his options were limited. He looked on in worry as Pam continued rubbing the sunscreen and her husband along her neck before moving closer to her chest. Strange to think that he'd have been jealous only a few months ago, but now he knew the dangers of being in such a position. There had to be something he could do to help. Stewart looked around to try to get Bram’s help, but the sullen young man had managed to put a good bit of distance between them. Anna and Victoria were slowly settling into the area, which meant he'd have to try to enlist their help somehow. Perhaps he could have tried to get Pam's attention, but he wasn't going to risk spoiling whatever faith Chad had in him. It would be dangerous, but maybe he could get one of the girls to notice him before Chad got seriously hurt.

"Pam!" Chad shouted as Pam squirted some more lotion into her hand and covered him again, "Please, look down here!"

His attempts to garner his wife's attention devolved into a coughing fit as he spit and sputtered out the lotion covering his body. The only response he received was Pam moving her hand closer to her chest. Chad had explored a familiar place, both willingly and unwillingly, since he’d shrunk months ago. The difference was that he wasn’t being plunged into her cups this time but rather slathered and rubbed along her chest. Small circular motions carried him round and round as she made sure to cover every visible inch of her chest. Chad was tossed and rolled around repeatedly, but still, he never found himself sticking to the surface of her skin. The friction was beginning to get to him, and he wondered just how long his luck might last before it shifted to something more than bad.

Stewart tried to make his way closer to Victoria, hoping to get her attention. Anna was closer, but his interactions with her left him feeling more diminutive and vulnerable than he already was. To put it mildly, he was sure he’d encountered sandpaper less abrasive than Anna. She didn’t seem like a bad kid, but something about her made him nervous. How she carried herself and spoke to Chad, and Bram reminded him of the women he’d read about online. It could have been nothing, and Chad hadn’t outwardly advised him to avoid her. Still, he felt safer with the woman he knew and trusted. If he could just get Victoria to notice him, maybe he could find a way to save Chad. It would have been nice if Bram was closer to help, but Stewart would work with what he had.

Stewart had to race around Anna to get closer to Victoria, and he nearly found himself getting smashed by Anna’s hand as she leaned back to get comfortable. He could see Victoria in the distance, but he was still working out how to get her attention from his size. He knew from past experiences that simply shouting and waving his arms was a waste of time. As he tried to figure out ways to get noticed, his mind came back to the one thing that usually worked. Although he dreaded it, especially since he had been trying hard to be better, his best chance was scaling her lovely frame. Usually, the tickle or subtle feeling of him crawling and scampering on skin caught the attention of whoever he needed. As long as Victoria would hear him out afterward, he supposed it was worth the risk.

The problem with his little journey came when he reached the end of the towel Anna and the others had thoughtfully placed down for them. Anna had mentioned the possibility of them getting buried, but it quickly became a reality as Stewart took his first reckless step on the shifting surface. His foot sunk into the grains of sand, but he recovered quickly enough to stop himself from dropping too far down. It wasn’t unmanageable, and it wasn’t that different from walking on the beach like he usually would at his old size. The problem he saw was the holes left behind by hermit crabs that he could have easily fallen into without anyone being the wiser. Then there was the potential to get stepped on, a fact that was ever present at his size but was somehow amplified by the sands beneath his feet. Ordinarily, he’d be worried about dying from getting stepped on, but surviving was somehow more terrifying out here. If he survived, he’d be left battered and broken until he was discovered by someone or something. The unknown was still a powerfully terrifying motivator in the back of his young mind.

Despite his clear reservations, Stewart knew that he owed it to Chad and Victoria to try to help. He couldn’t let fear cripple him in the face of what needed to be done. Besides, he had already come this far, so there was no sense in trying to turn back now. Whether it was a bright idea or not, he had to find a way to press on. It occurred to him that he might be too late by the time he made it to Victoria, but at least he could say he tried. After everything Victoria had told him about her father, he knew that the older man would press on if there were a chance of saving someone else. His fear was still present, but it was overshadowed by a desire to help and emulate the older man he’d made fun of months ago. He wasn’t sure he could live with himself if something happened to Chad that he could have at least tried to stop.

Stewart paused as he came to the titanic legs of his girlfriend and stared up at them. She was sitting with her legs outstretched, her arms behind her, propping herself up, and her head tilted back to enjoy the cool breeze wafting off the ocean. Her skin was already glistening with a sheen of fresh sweat, although that could have also been the tanning lotion she’d applied. Staring up at her magnificent thighs, Stewart realized that scaling them was all but impossible at his size. There was nothing he could grab onto to pull himself up, which meant that he’d have to take the riskier approach of using her bikini to get onto her. Whatever chance he thought he’d had of saving some face and taking a less perverse-looking way quickly went out the window in the wake of this revelation.

As he tried to psyche himself up for his climb, Victoria decided she wanted to lay on her stomach. She didn’t have a clue that Stewart was as close to her as he was, so she moved as though she were alone outside of Anna nearby. She shifted and swung her legs a bit, and Stewart was suddenly knocked backward without ever being acknowledged. He grunted as he rolled on the sand and tried to keep himself from falling into a nearby hole. Stewart shuddered to think what a crab could do to someone his size, and he had no intention of finding out firsthand. He pulled himself back to his feet and tried to steel himself to overcome the new adversity. He could do this; he had to. Motivated despite fear, Stewart stepped closer to Victoria and looked for the best way to begin his ascent.

Stewart found the fabric of Victoria’s bikini tight, but it wasn’t too slick that he’d slide off. The string tied around the sides was low enough that he might be able to reach it if he was careful as he climbed. Feeling out of his mind, Stewart took a fistful of the fabric and started pulling himself upward. As his feet left the sand, his mind began to fill with more feelings of panic and dread slowly. There was so much that could go wrong in this position, and not for the first time, Stewart was regretting his obsession with reading online forums and stories. Slipping and falling were the least of his worries, but it was the possibility of Victoria shifting and rolling that scared him. Being this small and powerless was hard enough, but in his position, he was at the mercy of an unknowing giantess. He silently prayed as he made his way up and closer to the string to find a way to Victoria’s back.

Meanwhile, Chad was still enduring a rather forceful and involuntary tour of Pam’s voluptuous curves. Pam took her health seriously and was incredibly thorough with applying sunscreen. He already knew this beforehand, but it was excruciating in this position. Chad was becoming increasingly worn down and exhausted with every long stroke of her hands and the aforementioned lotion. The pull from each motion was painful and draining on his body and mind, and each time that Pam would get a bit more cream left him further debilitated and frustrated. She’d finished her chest and was working on her midsection now. Those well-toned abs were one of his favorite features, but being dragged across them felt like being dragged across a washboard.

The heat was already beginning to affect his lovely wife as well. While they hadn’t been out in the sun for too long, the temperature was relentless. She’d started to sweat a bit, which meant that the lotion's scent wasn’t the only unfortunate smell he was being subjected to. Pam’s sweat wasn’t as unbearable as some of the other women he’d been subjected to, but that didn’t make it any more pleasant. It was still fetid and pungent as she worked him closer to her belly. There was a brief moment where he was worried he might fall into her belly button, but his luck was seemingly at least a little better than that. It was a small saving grace, but it was one that he was grateful for all the same. It did little to erase the humiliation of being used as something as mundane as this without anyone noticing his predicament, but it was still something to be thankful for.

When Pam made it to her thighs, he caught a whiff of the true magnitude of her scent. She kept him away from her nethers, but the inside of her thighs was still filled with a lingering odor of the sweat she’d worked up from the walk across the beach. It would have been nice if it acted as some sort of lubricant, but that wasn’t the case for Chad. He was dragged along the inside of her thigh to the outside, and the smell of her perspiration was beginning to cling to his nostrils and overpower that of the lotion. Would this torture ever end? It seemed like the universe was giving him a resounding no as she continued to use him to shield herself from the sun.

As Chad pondered his place in the universe and what he’d done to deserve such treatment, Stewart was close to reaching his goal. Not long ago, he’d gotten a grip on the string hanging off Victoria’s bikini. It felt like swinging from the rope and trying to climb it in gym class from when he was still in school. Stewart wasn’t the strongest or most athletic young man, but he willed himself to find the strength to finish his task. It had taken more effort than he was proud to admit, but he completed his climb sooner than later. He laid himself down on Victoria’s hip and panted while he caught his breath. Between the heat and the physical exertion, he was feeling drained. Water would have been nice, but that could wait until after he finished his job.

He pushed himself up on the almost springy flesh of Victoria’s backside and hip. Victoria was far from what anyone would consider fat or even chubby, but her hips were impressive, and she carried a rather prominent ass that he’d admired for a long time. Being this close at his size was something out of a dream, and despite his attempts to change, he couldn’t stop himself from admiring the view. Twin peaks of glory and majesty lay before him, with an impressive valley between the two blanketed by a wall of blue fabric. It was a wonder that the bikini could hold in her assets as well as it could, but judging by the exposed skin of her cheeks, he saw it was fighting a losing battle against its host. Stewart had to take a moment to shake off his hormones before he made his next move.

Looking past the impressive booty of his girlfriend, Stewart tried to figure out the best way to get her attention. She was lying on her stomach, which meant he had a clear shot to get to her neck and ears. That was going to be his best shot at getting noticed. He just hoped she didn’t roll over before he reached his destination. The problem was that he didn’t see another way to reach her back besides crossing her mountain-like cheeks. As daunting as that task seemed, he was sure that he’d wind up sliding off if he tried to go around using her hips. Maybe he could make it, but the risk was too great. Stewart prayed that he could make the journey without too much hassle or issue.

“I always dreamed of being able to explore her curves,” Stewart sighed as he stepped forward, “Not exactly what I had in mind, but I guess beggars can’t be choosers. Here goes nothing…”

Putting aside his old wants and present fears, Stewart started the long trek closer to Victoria’s cheek. The subtle give as his feet pressed down on her cheek was something new that he hadn’t expected or experienced until today. It could have been nice, exciting even if the circumstances were different. Maybe it could have even been fun to explore Victoria’s body if she knew he was here, but that wasn’t the case. She had no idea of his presence, and all it would take would be one wrong move for her to turn his world upside down. He soon found himself crawling closer to the top of her cheek. It wasn’t out of want but rather out of necessity to keep from losing his footing.

He remembered hearing the term shelf to describe the asses of the fairer sex before he shrunk, but that had never felt more literal than right now. God above this was an impressive sight, but as he drew closer to the peak, he became more concerned about falling into the valley nearby. That was one place that he was absolutely terrified of experiencing firsthand. He’d endured utter hell from Bernie on more than one occasion, even Amber a handful of times, and he knew how dangerous an ass crack could be. The walls alone could crush his little body, and he never found the smell pleasant. Earthy and potent, regardless of who it was, Stewart had spent enough time in and under asses to know better than to chance a close encounter.

As he reached the top, Stewart took a moment to savor the view and a brief feeling of victory. It wasn’t much, and he still had quite a ways to go, but he’d managed to make it this far without a hiccup. Given the nature of his typical luck, he was willing to enjoy this moment while it lasted. Hopefully, the trip down and onto Victoria’s back would be more straightforward. With a deep breath, Stewart took a few steps forward and tried to ready himself for the downward slope before him.

With only a few short steps taken, Stewart realized that his luck quickly shifted back to what he was used to. One wrong step was all it had taken for him to slip and start sliding down Victoria’s marvelous butt cheek. Surprised, He cried out as he lost his footing and landed on his back to slide down. He hurtled towards Victoria’s lower back rapidly, hoping to somehow stick the landing without much issue. He feared he’d land wrong and roll back into the depths of Victoria’s booty. Again, something he’d have felt better about if Victoria knew he was there. Thankfully, he landed on the small of her back and managed to stop himself with a rough kick, gripping whatever skin he could get his hands on.

Victoria had been enjoying laying out when she felt a slight pinch on her lower back. She frowned as she raised her head. She started to swat whatever it was, but she stopped herself and called to Anna, “Hey, Anna, can you check my lower back for me?”

“I’m not looking at your ass,” Anna scoffed as she marked her place in a book she’d been reading, “What do you think you’ve got a bug on you or something?”

“I don’t know, but can you please check?” Victoria asked.

“Fine,” Anna sighed as she got up, carefully made her way over to her stepsister, and rolled her eyes when she saw a little man clinging to her back, “Oh, for the love of what are you even doing, runt?”

Victoria’s brow knitted in confusion as she watched Anna reach down and pluck something off her back. Stewart felt absolutely terrified as Anna glared down at him before grabbing him. He was sure that he’d crossed a line with Anna at this, but surely Victoria would be stopping her, right? “Who is it?” Victoria asked.

“Hold on, I’ve got to see,” Anna sighed as she brought her hand up to her face and recognized Stewart’s long hair, “It’s your boyfriend. What are you doing, dumbass? Are you trying to perv out without asking?”

“Stewart?!” Victoria exclaimed, shifting around and sitting up to see for herself.

“I swear, I wasn’t trying anything!” Stewart defended himself, “Chad, he needs help! Please, yell at me later, but make sure he’s okay!”

“Chad?” Anna repeated, handing Stewart off to Victoria as she reached out for him, “What about him, mini-perv?”

“What about Dad, Stewart?” Victoria asked.

“We were hanging out and talking when Pam accidentally grabbed him with the sunscreen lotion,” Stewart explained, looking up at Victoria, “I didn’t know what to do, but I figured that you were my best bet at finding help.”

As Stewart was finally discovered and trying to explain himself, Chad was nearing the end of his rope. He’d been dragged along every inch of his wife’s wonderful curves and was beginning to feel like he would be rubbed raw if it didn’t end soon. It was a wonder he hadn’t drowned in the lotion thus far, and he’d given up trying to shout for attention. His last attempt had only earned him a mouthful of sweat from Pam’s thigh, and she was now on her calves. All he could do was wait for his torture to end and hope Pam wouldn’t accidentally discard him once she was finished.

“Mom, stop,” Anna called over as Pam was finishing up, “Check your hands for your dumbass husband.”

“Huh?” Pam frowned as she pulled her hands away, much to Chad’s relief, and looked down, “What are you-oh, my God? Chad, what are you doing?!”

“Idiot,” Anna sighed as Stewart’s story was proven true, “Little pervert was hanging out and laying against the bottle of lotion you’ve been using, Mom. You must have grabbed him when you grabbed the bottle. At least he’s good for something outside of making lame dad jokes, though. Looks like he helped you get pretty well covered.”

Chad didn’t mind Anna’s wisecracking and insults as he was finally discovered. The pressure was gone, and the nightmare was finally over for the time being. “Chad, are you okay, honey?” Pam asked, her voice almost quivering with concern.

“I’ve been better, hon,” Chad admitted, but he quickly added, “I’ve had worse days, though. Although, next time you want me to explore your body, maybe give me a heads up.”

“Gross,” Anna fake gagged as she sat back down, “Is there anyone else that’s gotten themselves into a dumb predicament because they weren’t paying attention?”

“What do you mean?” Chad asked, looking up at Anna.

“Stewart was climbing up Victoria to get her attention,” Anna explained, “Little moron was close to getting gobbled up by her butt, but he managed to catch himself before he fell in. He said he saw you get scooped up and wanted to get help to save you. A little late, if you ask me, but if he’s telling the truth, it was a nice gesture. Is Bram okay?”

“Stewart was climbing Victoria?” Chad asked, torn between angry and grateful as he thought about the young man scaling his unknowing daughter.

“He was just trying to help, Dad,” Victoria chimed in, making her way over while carrying Stewart, “I believe him, and he was willing to let Anna punish him as long as we made sure you were okay. I’m not going to let her do that, but the fact that he was willing to do that says enough for me.”

“Hey, I’m not that bad,” Anna defended.

“I didn’t mean it like that, Anna, you know that,” Victoria sighed, “I just meant that he was scared of you.”

“Am scared,” Stewart meekly corrected his girlfriend.

“What the hell, dude?” Anna asked, “You know what, it doesn't matter. Where is Bram?”

“He walked off to the edge of the towel,” Stewart replied, “I think he’s okay, but someone should probably check on him to be safe.”

Anna shook her head and crawled along the towel to look for her stepbrother. "Chad, honey, are you sure you're alright?" Pam asked again, noting just how tired her husband appeared.

"I'm fine, Pam, I swear," Chad assured her, "I've been through worse. Admittedly, not exactly what I expected when we came to the beach, but I'm alive and breathing. I'm a little tired and sore, but outside of that, I'm fine."

"Well, you're staying close to me the rest of the day," Pam smiled, "Please, try not to get yourself into any more trouble tonight, hon."

"I'm not going to complain about being close to you," Chad smiled back at Pam, "I'll do my best, but I guess I won't have to worry about a sunburn today."

Anna came back with a frown, "He's still there, and he's still a dick."

"Just leave him be, Anna," Chad sighed, noticing Anna's obvious frustration, "There's nothing we can do for him except that for the time being. Can you keep an eye on him, though?"

"Yeah, I'll try to check on him between chapters," Anna begrudgingly agreed as she scooted back into position, "Do you think you two other dumbasses can keep yourselves from getting into trouble? This is supposed to be a chance to relax, and I can't do that if I'm worrying about you morons getting hurt."

"Anna," Victoria sighed.

"It's fine, Victoria," Stewart tried to defuse the situation as best he could, "I think Chad and I can manage that, and she's got a point. Everyone deserves a chance to unwind and relax."

"Huh, maybe you're not so bad," Anna smirked as she grabbed her book, "Still an idiot, probably a perv too, but at least you're not totally selfish. Try not to fall into any asses before we leave, little man."

"Wow, did she just compliment me?" Stewart asked, unsure how to take Anna's remark, "I mean, I know she insulted me too, but was there a compliment in there?"

"That's Anna," Victoria smiled as she scooted back to her spot and laid on her back, "She's not as bad as she comes across. It took me some time to figure that out, but she's more bark than bite."

Victoria placed Stewart on her chest above her breasts for the two of them to relax and talk. Pam cleaned Chad off as best she could and did the same with her little husband. It wasn't the perfect start to their vacation, but it could have certainly ended worse. Anna continued her reading, and Bram sat at the edge of the towel and looked out at the ocean. It was going to be an eventful weekend for them all, but they all felt at least a little hopeful that there would be more good than bad to come out of it.



Or have my boy Bram have a mental breakdown yelling and crying out his secret and emotional pain about his trauma to everyone and leads to a family hug added with Stewart


Excellent chapter! I’m always a fan of some unaware content!! Looking forward for the next chapter.


Very glad you liked it! Personally, it's my favorite giantess genre too. ;)