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Victoria gingerly carried her miniature date through the doors to Paulie's Pizzeria to find a hostess standing by her podium with a cheery smile. A petite blonde girl who didn't look much older than Anna smiled excitedly as she greeted her, "Hello, welcome to Paulie’s table for one, ma'am?"

"Actually, I think we have a reservation for two," Victoria smiled back at her, nodding at the little man in her hand, "I believe it should be under Stewart."

The hostess glanced down at Victoria's hand, and her face lit up, "Oh. My. Gosh! You've got a tiny date!"

Victoria was slightly taken aback by the hostess' sudden shift in demeanor. She took a step back as the hostess stepped around to look at Stewart. Her fingers curled slightly and protectively, and Stewart tried to keep his footing. "Yes, that's right," Victoria said, trying not to sound defensive or annoyed at the girl's disposition.

The hostess seemed to pick up on Victoria's apprehension and immediately took a step back to apologize, "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to startle either of you, I swear. I just don't get to see many tinies in person, and I've never seen a girl on an actual date with one. It's so neat to see."

Victoria relaxed at the girl's explanation and her sudden sheepish shift. "It's alright; I just get a little nervous when someone I don't know makes such a sudden move," Victoria said, "My dad and brother are shrunken, and they've found themselves in some particularly rough situations. Is it really that rare to see couples on a date?"

The girl nodded and smiled, "It's not something I see often. Sometimes I see married couples coming in where the husband is tiny, but most couples are the same size. I think it's really cool that you're willing to try a regular date with your little man there."

Stewart felt slightly ridiculous and patronized at this young girl's assessment of him. Sadly, it was something that he should have been used to. The cooing, awing, and bewilderment were all too common in his life whenever he met someone who didn't regularly see tinies. By now, one would have thought the novelty would have worn off, but perhaps it was like seeing an animal on television instead of in real life. The excitement wasn't what bothered him; the uncertainty that came with people made him nervous. Getting grabbed without warning was incredibly terrifying, and he could still remember the first time it happened.

It had been an eye-opening experience for him during his first week at his new size. Stewart had been taken to the clinic after his mother discovered him. The nurse on staff had taken him without a word of warning that day. While it was something he should have expected, it didn't make it less frightening. How she'd unceremoniously handled and rolled him around in her palm as she looked him over was his first glimpse into how powerless he was at this size. That woman could have done anything to him, and he'd have been helpless to stop her. Thankfully, she'd been a professional, albeit one approaching the end of a long day. That nurse handled him with precision and care, but it was a reminder of how drastic life would be going forward.

That had been weeks ago, but Stewart had been snatched, grabbed, and manhandled multiple times since then. Whether it be coworkers, friends, family, or even the occasional stranger, Stewart knew what it was like to have his world turned upside down in a fraction of a second. Thankfully, Amber had relented and tried to be more conscious after he confided in her after a particularly rough day at work. He'd been on the verge of tears when she finally picked him up, and he'd never felt so close to his cousin. One good thing that had come out of his new life was the connection he’d developed with his cousin. Between her care and their time together, he and Amber had gotten closer than they’d ever been.

As the hostess peered down at him, he recoiled slightly in Victoria’s hand. Stewart knew he probably looked like a coward, but he couldn’t shake the nerves washing over him. He felt Victoria’s thumb gently stroke his back, and the soothing motion helped to calm his growing anxiety.

“He’s still a person,” Victoria said, “I don’t see the point in depriving someone of things that you and I could enjoy.”

The hostess smiled at her and Stewart, “I see your point, but aren’t you worried that something bad might happen to him?”

Stewart tensed at the question, reminded of stories he’d read online over the last month. “There’s always a chance that something can go wrong, regardless of your size,” Victoria countered, "The risk might be higher at his size, but that doesn't mean he deserves to miss out on life."

It was a noble sentiment and one that Stewart found heartwarmingly touching. Victoria didn't see him as an object or a toy, but she still saw him as a person despite his ridiculously small stature. "That is so sweet," the hostess cooed before shaking her head, "Right, you're not here to talk, though, are you? If you follow me, I'll show you to your table. And, sorry if I scared your date. I can get a little excited sometimes."

"It's okay," Stewart said, even though the girl probably couldn't hear him.

Victoria heard him, though, and she smiled as the hostess grabbed a couple of menus and led them through the restaurant. "He said it's alright," Victoria clarified for him.

They walked through the pizzeria and across the green and white tiled floor. While Paulie's was a bit of a small eatery, it was still busier than most. Everyone, from teenagers to adults, eventually found their way inside. The food was authentic and fresh, and the atmosphere was always friendly, albeit quaint. The small round tables, metal-backed chairs, and the little candle centerpieces provided a cozy environment that was intimate for family, friends, and especially couples. Victoria couldn't have been happier when Stewart suggested the place.

"Here we are," the hostess proclaimed as she sat the menus down for them, "Someone will be right with you to take your drink orders, and I hope the two of you have a magical evening."

"Thank you," Victoria said as she gingerly placed Stewart on the table and took her seat.

The hostess gave a parting smile before bouncing off back to her station. Stewart looked around the restaurant to take it in at his new size. The various bottles of wine on the shelves, the pictures on the wall, and the people moving to and fro were all so different from where he stood. Even the tablecloth with its red and white checkered pattern was strange. One square was nearly three times his size, and the tables that seemed so small not long ago now seemed enormous to him. The candle burning in the center, covered by a small globe, may as well have been a beacon signaling the heavens to him. Little things like this were still so wild to him, but these were the moments he could almost enjoy. Standing still and seeing the world as it was now, no danger or threat looming on the horizon, only a new perspective on an otherwise archaic establishment.

"Everything okay, Stewart?" Victoria asked as she watched him marvel at the surroundings.

"Hmm, yeah, yeah," he replied with a sincere smile, "It's just sometimes still crazy to see how different things are like this. People, places, things, nothing is the same anymore, you know?"

"How do you mean?" Victoria asked, curious to get some insight into life at such a minuscule size.

"It's hard to explain, and some of it might seem cynical," he replied as he tried to find the right words, "It's like, the world hasn't changed, but the way you see it does. People you think are your friends, or care about you, can turn into threats and enemies. Then, the people you write off or were a jerk to wind up being the safest bet, your closest friends, or even your only hope. Amber is a prime example for me. I was such a dick to her for the longest time, but she's kept me safe throughout all of the changes that happened. Sure, mishaps and accidents happen, but I trust her more than anyone, even though she has every reason to take advantage of me like this. You're another example if I'm being honest. I was a jerk, a chauvinist is what I think Amber always called me, but here you are giving a tiny dirtbag a second chance even though I don't deserve it."

"Who's to say I'm not planning on eating and having some fun with you?" Victoria asked, more teasing than threatening, as she put her head down to watch Stewart.

Stewart felt a touch of panic at Victoria's words, but one look into her eyes, and he could tell she was joking. Still, Victoria saw him tense for a fraction of a second and started to apologize before Stewart cut her off, "I couldn't stop you if that's what you wanted to do. I guess that's the scariest part about being like this."

"Stewart, I wouldn't do that to you or anybody your size," Victoria said, feeling guilty for potentially scaring her date.

"I believe you," Stewart smiled up at her as he walked over and put his tiny hand on hers, "The thing is, though, there are a lot of people who don't mean to hurt people like me, your dad, and your brother. Yeah, there are people out there that do it because they get a kick out of it, but there are just as many, if not more, accidents than intentional harm being done. My little cousin, Miranda, nearly pulled my arm off when Amber's sister came by a few weeks ago. She wasn't doing it because she wanted to hurt me; she was just playing around and got carried away. It's those moments that are harrowing and terrifying. Seeing how easy it is to get maimed at this size is something I don't know if I'll ever get used to. Of course, it doesn't help that I spend way too much time reading up on stories online. It's like a train wreck you can't turn away from."

"Why do that to yourself, though?" Victoria asked, unable to comprehend why anyone would subject themselves to such terrible mental anguish.

"I wish I had a good answer," Stewart sighed, taking a seat near her hand, "Maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment, but I've always been sort of obsessed with current events. When I shrunk, it only got worse and shifted to others going through the same thing. Hell, last week, a father of two got stepped on by his daughter by accident. There's still no word on whether or not he'll pull through, and that was two states over. A month ago, a story broke about a woman who'd accidentally eaten her boyfriend while checking on him because he'd fallen into a bowl of popcorn. It's part of why I've been staying away from soups and other snacks that go in a bowl unless Amber gets me a miniature container. She gets onto me all the time because I get myself all worked up and terrified, but I can't stop myself. Damn, am I an internet addict?"

"I think everyone is in this day in age, but I'd definitely say you might be a glutton for punishment," Victoria replied.

"Well, add that to my growing list of problems," Stewart joked, "Yeesh if it gets much bigger, you're not going to want to stick around."

"Don't be ridiculous," Victoria smiled, "You're off to a decent start. For such a little guy, you're making a big impression."

"Little man, big heart," Stewart laughed, relaxing a bit.

"Hello," another voice cut in from above, "My name is Cindy, and I'll be your server this evening. What can I get you?"

"Damn, I forgot to look at the menu," Stewart sighed, "I'm good with water. I'm hungry, but I think a whole pizza might be wasted on me."

Victoria smiled at Stewart's lighthearted remarks as she looked up at Cindy, "Yes, ma'am, can we get two glasses of water, please? Do you have an extra small glass or a cap I could get for my date?"

Cindy frowned as she looked at the table, "You want two glasses, miss?"

Victoria nodded and gestured to the little man on the table. Stewart waved nervously as the waitress laid eyes on him. Her mouth opened wide as she put two and two together. "Hello," Stewart greeted, not sure exactly what to say.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry," Cindy said, "Yes, I can see what we have available. Do you two need a minute to look over the menus?"

"I think so, but we'll try to be ready when you come back," Victoria replied sweetly.

"Okay, that sounds good," Cindy smiled, "Sorry again for overlooking your date."

"Happens more than you think," Stewart shrugged as he walked over to his menu and tried to pick something.

"Why don't we order something you both like, and you can take it home to Amber afterward?" Victoria asked, looking at her menu.

"I think she'd like that," Stewart said, shifting his focus to find something that he and his cousin could both enjoy, "Hmm, I think the meat lover's pizza is something Amber would like. I swear, sometimes I think she's allergic to greens and vegetables."

Victoria chuckled as Stewart thought aloud, "Hmm, Bram used to be that way until Dad started taking away his game systems if he wouldn't at least try to eat his veggies."

"I'd try that with Amber if I weren't worried she'd shove me in a drawer for a timeout," Stewart sighed.

"Is that something she's done?" Victoria asked, suddenly worried about her date.

"No, no, she's never done anything like that," Stewart said, regretting his joke, "It's just another thing I found on the web. A husband caught the virus, and his wife started treating him more like an object than a person. He spent weeks locked in a drawer, only being brought out to eat or be used, and when he was finally found, he was broken mentally. Wow, I am not doing a great job setting a mood here, am I?"

"It's fine, Stewart, really," Victoria assured him, although her curiosity got the better of her as she asked, "Did they say what she was doing with him?"

"The story said that she kept him with her adult toys, if that tells you anything," Stewart answered, trying to keep from further spoiling the atmosphere, "Poor guy barely spoke when they found him."

To Stewart's relief, Cindy returned and placed the waters down alongside a small cap and a makeshift cup for him. It was as good a way out of the morbid topic as any, and he didn't see the point in dampening the mood more than he already had. Tonight was supposed to be a chance for him and Victoria to connect, not for him to recount all the horror stories he'd read and researched.

"Have we come to a decision?" Cindy asked, seeming much more chipper and relaxed now.

"I believe so," Victoria smiled, "I'll have a mushroom and sausage pie, medium, please, and my lovely little man here will have a meat lover's pizza. Would you mind bringing the boxes out with the check? We'll probably have some leftovers."

"Medium mushroom and sausage, medium meat lovers, and will there be anything else?" Cindy read back the order as she scribbled it down, "Breadsticks or an appetizer for either of you?"

“An order of breadsticks sounds excellent,” Victoria nodded, “Thank you, Cindy.”

“Alright, I’ll be back to check on you two in a bit,” Cindy beamed at them before heading toward the back.

“I haven’t even asked anything about you,” Stewart said, realizing that he’d spent most of their time talking about himself, “How have things been back at home, and how is it running your dad’s shop?”

Victoria was reminded once more of just how much Stewart had changed. It felt like only a short time ago that Stewart wouldn’t have bothered to talk about anything other than himself. Watching him now, she could tell he was feeling self-conscious about himself. It was almost sweet. “Things have been getting better at home,” Victoria admitted, “Bram actually played a pretty big part in bringing everyone together.”

“What do you mean?” Stewart asked as he moved closer.

"It's silly, but my brother is a huge nerd on top of being this jock," Victoria explained, "He's this talented athlete with a love of dungeons and dragons and video games. There was this massive blanket of tension over our house for a while. I wasn't getting along with my stepsister, Dad was having some trouble with Pam, and everyone was just so on edge. So, my little brother hatched this big plan to bring everyone together with a game night. I didn't know what to expect, but he managed to talk everyone into joining. I agreed to help him by keeping up with the enemies, health, character sheets, and all this other little stuff while playing my own character. Amazingly, it actually helped. Anna, my younger stepsister, even saved my dad in-game. Pam made costumes for everybody, and after that, things started to feel almost normal again. Well, as normal as things can be when living with a couple of tinies."

"That's really cool," Stewart said, picturing the scene of Victoria and her family sitting around the table rolling dice and working together, "My uncle used to play D&D with me and my cousins when we were younger. Amber and I haven't played in years, but it was always something that kept us from fighting each other. Most of the time, anyway. Sometimes things would still get heated, but Uncle Rory had us settle it with a character battle rather than keep arguing."

"I should introduce you to Bram sometime," Victoria smiled down at him, "I think he'd like to talk to you about that. Plus, it would probably do him some good to be around someone his own size besides Dad."

"It helps more than you know," Stewart nodded, thinking of the handful of times he'd been able to hang out with other tinies, "So, how is it running a business? I know your dad had to step away after a short while."

"It's difficult at times," Victoria sighed, "Sometimes the hardest part is when I stop to think about the fact that I've put my life on hold to help my family. I was in college when this happened and was supposed to be on a break. Now, I spend more time worrying about my dad and brother, working in the shop, handling orders, and trying to help Pam than studying. I haven't told anyone yet, but I emailed my admin about taking an extended leave because of what's been happening at home. I hadn't dropped out, but my grades were starting to suffer. I had to do something before I flunked. The upside is I'm getting some first-hand experience working and running a small business."

Stewart nodded and thought about what Victoria had said. He hadn't thought much about it since he'd shrunk, but he wondered if Amber was missing out because of him. So many people that didn't have the virus were still affected by it. How many others were forced to shelve their ambitions and dreams because someone they knew and loved couldn't care for themselves? Then there were the people who went about their lives as though nothing was wrong, the people who viewed and treated people like himself as objects and toys. A smaller percentage, based on everything he'd read, but nonetheless terrifying in its own right. Still, Stewart hadn't considered the other side of the coin until now.

"Here we are," Cindy's voice broke his thoughts as she returned, placing a basket of breadsticks on the table and unwittingly on top of Stewart, "Your food should be out shortly. Is there anything else I can get you two?"

"No, this is fine, but thank you," Victoria said, unaware that Stewart was squirming and roasting beneath the basket sitting on the table.

Thankfully, Stewart wasn't crushed beneath the bread, thanks to the small raised edges of the basket. However, the heat from the freshly cooked sticks was more than he was expecting. Already, he was beginning to sweat as he clawed and crawled his way toward the exit. Although, he could already see from where he laid that he wouldn't fit under the opening. It was crushing to his spirit. Yet again, he was reminded of how much he depended on people his size. The most he could hope for was finding a way away from the heat radiating and rolling from the bread. He'd have to add freshly cooked food to the growing list of dangers once he got home.

Victoria smiled as Cindy left, and she turned back to resume her conversation with Stewart, "So, what's different about Stewart? Oh, crap."

Her heart dropped when she saw that her miniature date had somehow disappeared. Her mind raced to figure out what could have happened to him. The waitress hadn't lingered and hadn't taken anything from the table. That meant she couldn't have taken him, so where could he have gone? Rather than panic, she tried to keep her calm and think clearly. Remembering the times that Anna had miraculously managed to find Bram and Chad after they'd disappeared, Victoria attempted to take a page out of her stepsister's book. At times, Anna may have been a handful, but she was superb at keeping tabs on their little charges.

Victoria spied the basket, the only thing that hadn't been there moments ago, and frowned as she picked it up. Sure enough, there was Stewart looking red and mildly panicked. She moved it to the side and leaned down to check on him, "Stewart, are you okay?"

Stewart felt a wave of relief alongside the cool breeze that wafted over him as Victoria freed him from his odd predicament. He sighed as he sat up and tried to relax once he saw the fear in her eyes. "Yeah, although I probably smell like garlic now," he joked, trying to make light of the situation and alleviate some of Victoria's apparent concerns, "I'm guessing that means I probably won't be getting a kiss tonight."

"That's a little presumptuous, don't you think, little guy?" Victoria asked, relaxing after seeing her date was well enough to joke, "Who said you were getting a kiss either way?"

"Call me an optimist, or an ass, as Amber would say," Stewart smiled, praying he hadn't just screwed his chances at making a good impression on the woman he'd crushed on for months.

"The night is still young, but I'm still thinking," Victoria said, moving her hand to pull him closer, "Here, let's put you closer to me. I don't want to think what could happen if she sat a plate down on you by accident."

"I don't think I'd be doing much thinking or moving if that happened," Stewart admitted, letting Victoria guide him closer to her and savoring the feeling of her fingers against his back.

"All the more reason to keep you close," Victoria said before asking, "So, you told me about how people are different, but what about the places and things?"

Stewart relaxed and sat down as he looked around, "That's actually the flip side of fear for me. As scary as everything can be at this size, it's surreal how different things can look from a new perspective. You can live in the same place, eat at the same restaurants, and ride in the same cars, but you don't notice the little things until you're…well, little. Obviously, things are bigger, but it's like living in a world inside of another world."

"What do you mean?" Victoria asked, resting her head on her forearms to get a better look at him.

Stewart tried to think of an example and landed on the candle burning in the center of the table. He stood up and pointed at it, "This is as good an example as I can give on short notice. What do you see there?"

"A candle centerpiece," Victoria answered, not sure where Stewart was going with this.

"Exactly," he grinned, "And I know that's what it is, but the little dome around it might as well be a house to me. The fire at the top looks like a signal flame from where I'm standing. The pictures on the wall might as well be billboards for someone like me. Carpets are probably the worst, and if I ever get back to normal and buy a home, I'm getting hardwood floors."

Victoria couldn't help laughing at his comment, "Why's that?"

"I can't count the number of times I've gotten stuck in the fibers of the carpet at this size, and the amount of dirt and other things hiding in there is disgusting," Stewart grimaced, recalling the first time he'd gotten lost in Amber's apartment, "Insects are easily the stuff of nightmares at this size too. People are an unknown half the time, but bugs and insects see me and others this size as food. I already didn't care for spiders, but after living like this, I'm borderline arachnophobic. It's not all bad, though. Sometimes when Amber and I watch a movie, I pretend I'm at a theater. It's also pretty easy to feed someone my size and keep them satisfied. I guess solving world hunger is a small price to pay for half the population shrinking."

"I don't know if that's necessarily the case," Victoria said.

"Eh, I'm just one small guy with big hopes," Stewart shrugged before spotting Cindy approaching with their food, "Heads up, food incoming."

Victoria looked up as Cindy approached, carrying a platter with their pizzas. "Here we go," Cindy said as she grabbed a platter, "One meat lover's and one mushroom and sausage."

"Wow, I always forget how fast this place is," Victoria said, realizing she'd yet to grab a breadstick and eat anything.

"We do our best, hon," Cindy said, "No rush on anything, but I'll check in to see how everything is and if you need the check. I hope you enjoy it!"

"Heh, guess I've been flapping my gums too much," Stewart chuckled, catching a whiff of the pizza and realizing just how hungry he was.

"The conversation has been nice, though," Victoria countered, grabbing a couple of plates and setting them down, "Hope you don't mind pausing so we can eat."

"That sounds perfectly fine to me," Stewart said as Victoria grabbed a slice of each pizza and placed it on a plate.

With so much time having passed in the wake of their conversation, Stewart and Victoria were both happy to have a chance to eat. Neither one had realized quite how famished the other was until the food arrived, and the heavenly smell of Paulie's Pizzeria hit them up close. Victoria picked up her knife and fork to cut Stewart's pizza for him. Luckily, she'd had experience doing this for her father and brother. She waited for Stewart to say when before stopping and putting the slice back on the platter.

Stewart literally had his hands full with the small cuts that Victoria had given him, but he managed to keep from making a mess of himself. He and Victoria talked as they ate, although their chatting was minimal compared to before. Victoria nibbled on a breadstick between bites of pizza and used her straw to fill the cap for Stewart to fill his cup. Once again, using a trick she'd learned from sharing a home with two tinies over the last few months. It felt nice to be able to sit with someone who, despite being incredibly tiny, was shockingly pleasant to be around. For Stewart, it was nice to go out with someone who knew how to handle someone his size. While it had only been one evening, Stewart felt confident he could trust Victoria.

After they'd finished, they waited for Cindy to bring the check. Victoria had been thinking throughout their talks and dinner about asking Stewart something. After hearing him talk about how he saw things now, she decided to indulge her curiosity. Leaning down again, she rested her chin on her forearms and asked, "Stewart, I'm curious about something. You've mentioned how different things are at your size. People, places, things, and everything, but what about me?"

Stewart swallowed his last bite and took a drink as he looked up at her. "Not to be difficult, and I'm going to risk sounding rude here," he started, legitimately confused, "But, what about you, Victoria?"

"How do you see me now?" she asked, her tone sweet yet matter-of-fact.

"I-you don't want to hear that," he replied, looking away as he felt his cheeks heat up, "It's stupid."

"Try me, little guy," she smiled sweetly before leaning in closer and adding, "I want to know. Please, just humor me. I won't be upset, I promise."

Stewart suddenly found himself parched as he took a large gulp of his water to finish what was left. Honesty was what had gotten him this far and Victoria, but could he really say how he felt? It was more difficult than he ever could have imagined trying, but looking up at those dazzlingly blue pools she called eyes, he couldn't bring himself to lie to her. He had hoped that she might drop it, but he could see that wouldn't be the case. Summoning all his courage, Stewart prepared himself to lay it all on the line. If she ran, at least he could say he went out with his cards all on the table.

He took a deep breath before answering, "Okay, but you asked for it. When I look at you, I don't see a face of terror or fear. I don't see some scary titan that wants to use me, hurt me, or anything like that. I see…I see this beautiful Goddess standing tall and powerful. A gentle giant that wouldn't hurt a fly, not on purpose. I can see this unbelievable care in your eyes anytime you talk to me or anyone. Whenever you open your mouth, you've always got something kind and reassuring to say."

Stewart paused for a moment to try to steady himself. He could feel Victoria staring at him but couldn't bring himself to look at her. Too afraid of what might be hiding behind those lovely eyes. "I know that you could do whatever you want with someone like me, but there's a trust that I can't put into words when I look at you," he continued, "I know that if anything happened, it wouldn't be because you did it on purpose. Kind, gentle, and sincere are just a few words that come to mind when I look up at you. I'm not afraid of you like I am so many others. Just the fact that you were willing to forgive a guy like me, and give me the time of day, speaks volumes about the type of person you are. I was a jerk to you, and you had the chance, have the chance, to get payback on me. Instead, you've taken up for me, cared for me tonight, and made me feel normal for a change despite being a few inches tall. You are, bar none, the most incredible and sweetest woman I've ever met, Victoria."

Stewart finished, and Victoria was quiet for over a minute as she processed everything he'd said. Out of everything she thought, she'd never expected such a lengthy and heartfelt response from him. It was a surprise to her but one that nearly melted her heart. There wasn't any deceit in his answer, no sly lines or lies to sway her. She could see by his body language that he'd spoken honestly and truthfully. The way he shifted nervously told her he'd laid himself bare before her. If she was honest with herself, she wasn't sure what to say in response. Hearing someone she'd viewed as selfish make such an open and precious declaration was flattering and sweet.

"Here's that check," Cindy's voice cut through the slight tension falling over them, "Take your time; no rush, you two."

"Oh, thank you," Victoria said, nodding at Cindy, who flashed her sweet smile, "Do you mind if we get a couple of boxes?"

"Not at all," Cindy replied before disappearing again.

Victoria waited until Cindy was gone before returning her full attention to Stewart, "Stewart, do you really mean all that?"

Stewart swallowed the lump in his throat and looked up at her for the first time. He couldn't get a read on her face, but he'd been asked a question. "I-I do," he said, flashing a sincere smile.

Victoria didn't say another word as she suddenly reached out for Stewart with her free hand. She was gentle as she grabbed him, and Stewart did his best not to panic. He hoped he hadn't upset his gigantic date and earned her ire. Without a word of warning, Victoria brought him to her lips in a gentle show of affection. This was undoubtedly a first out of everything Stewart had experienced since shrinking. Her lips were soft and plush as she pressed them against his body in what was easily the most unusual kiss of his life. Caught off guard and filled with uncertainty, Stewart simply tried to return the embrace and kiss with one of his own. He didn't know if she could tell, but something told him it didn't matter. She pulled him away and placed him back on the table to smile down at him.

"I can officially say that I misjudged you, Stewart," she said, "I would never have guessed that there was someone so sweet underneath the person I met months ago by chance."

Stewart blushed as he smiled up at her stunning face, "You didn't misjudge me. I was a jerk before all of this. It took getting small to make a big change in my life. I'm just glad that you're better than me and were willing to give me a chance."

"I'm not better than you, silly," Victoria said, "It was your apology that day at the shop that started this. I'm glad I can say I was wrong, and I'm ever happier you asked me out."

"You mean that?" Stewart asked, hoping to fill his little body.

"I do," she smiled, grabbing her purse and fishing his wallet out, "Tonight has been amazing, and I wouldn't mind going on a second date sometime."

"I-I don't know what to say," he admitted, scratching the back of his neck nervously, "I'd love to if you're up for it. I can't exactly take you to many places, but I can figure something out."

"Why don't we figure something out together?" Victoria offered.

"I'd like that," he smiled, "Oh, uhm, my debit card should be in the middle pocket."

"Here are those boxes you requested, miss," Cindy's voice cut through their conversation, "I hope the two of you have had a good experience this evening."

The answer was a resounding yes for both parties. It had been a night of surprises for each of them and a chance for them to gain a new perspective—pleasant conversations, a good meal, and surprise confessions and admissions. The truth was that it gave both Stewart and Victoria hope in more ways than one. More than just their individual lives, they'd found a hope that perhaps things didn't have to be too terrible and terrifying in this new world. Unbeknownst to either of them, those that had seen them together felt hopeful as well. An odd light in an otherwise strange new world, a sign that maybe this virus wasn't the end of all things normal.

Victoria carried Stewart back home to Amber the same way she'd ferried him to the restaurant. Stewart rode in the cup of her bra once again, trying his hardest to keep from getting thrown around. The ride was smooth, and they said their farewells before too long. Amber was relieved to see her cousin alive and well, and Victoria could see she'd been worried about his little outing. She hid it well, but she knew concern all too well from having two tinies at home to care for. She headed home while thinking about her night, and she could honestly say she was glad she'd taken a chance tonight.

When she walked through the door to her home, she found Anna and Bram sitting at the dining room table. One of Bram's books was open, and he and Anna looked to be going over some details about her character. Anna saw her first and waved, "Hey, how'd your mini-date go?"

"Good, actually," Victoria answered as she took her coat off and walked to take a seat, "It was surprisingly a lot of fun."

"This was with the same guy that was giving you a hard time, right?" Anna asked.

"Yes, it was the same guy," Victoria smiled, "I said it was surprising, didn't I? He turned out to be really sweet."

"You sure he's not just playing you to perv out on you?" Anna asked, sounding cynical and concerned for her stepsister, "Guys are devious like that, you know? No offense, Bram."

"None taken," Bram shrugged, looking up at his sister, "Ordinarily, I'd argue against Anna here, but Dad said this guy was a real piece of work."

"I was a bit worried about that, I won't lie," Victoria replied, "But I really don't think he was trying to play any angles or anything. He was honest, sweet, and more of a gentleman than a lot of guys I've dated and been with."

"Yeah, he's playing you," Anna smirked, looking down at her character sheet.

"Shut up," Victoria chuckled, "I don't think he is. Besides, if he is, I can always take care of him. That's what you'd do, right, Anna?"

"There's a smart answer," Anna grinned, "Use your size to your advantage if you have to. Joking aside, do you think you'll see him again? You know, outside of work."

"I do, actually," Victoria said, "It's going to be difficult to make it work, but after tonight, I think I might want to try. If Dad can make it work with Pam, then I think I can make it work with Stewart."

"As long as he doesn't turn out to be a dick, right?" Anna pointed out.

"Yes, Anna, as long as he's not an ass," Victoria laughed.

"You're really going to try to date him?" Bram asked, genuinely surprised, "Even though you're like a building to him?"

"You're trying to date one of my teammates, dork," Anna reminded him, "If she wants to give it a shot, then she can give it a shot."

Victoria was a little shocked at Anna coming to her defense, but her stepsister had been full of surprises over the last few weeks. "You never know unless you try, little brother," Victoria said, "So, what have you two been up to?"

"Anna wanted to go over some of the loot she'd gotten and see if she could either sell it, trade it, or learn anything about it," Bram explained.

"No, I wanted you to stop being a mopey little runt," Anna smiled, "You've been acting weird all day, and I figured your nerd stuff usually gets you acting normal."

Victoria laughed as she watched Bram start to bicker with Anna. As much as things had changed in their lives, it felt good to see her family pulling together. Between that and her night out, she felt better than she had in a while. Things continued to change, but maybe those changes weren't all bad. There was nothing wrong with holding onto hope, and that was precisely what Victoria intended to do.



Wow dude this was an amazing chapter this story continues to be amazing. I love the relationship between Stewart and Victoria it is really amazing to see. It was also great how Stewart saw the world now that is so small besides all the scary stuff like bugs, dangerous environments, and other people that would take advantage of him and his size now but seeing how amazing the world around can be even if the simple things. When Stewart was honest about how he saw Victoria was just beautiful and felt so real honestly. I can’t wait to see when Stewart meets Bram and Talk about D&D stuff might be awkward with Chad but it probably will end on a high note if he meets Anna will let's just say that might be a wild ride for him. Also, I hope to God Amber and Stewart join the next D&D adventure please that will be amazing to see. Now I can help but imagine the dream team between Bram, Chad, Stewart, and Jeremy trying to survive by working together one day while their loved one looks for them. Either way amazing work man keep it up.


Another wonderful addition! No spoilers please, but I see a kidnapping arc with Sarah and Bram coming. Call it a hunch…