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Chad awoke the following day feeling refreshed and relieved for the first time in weeks. Things may not have been normal again, but his relationship with Pam finally felt like it had begun to heal. They'd spent the rest of their night in a one-sided embrace. Pam had held him in her hands while lovingly stroking his back until late into the night. She had finally put him to bed sometime around eleven. He had drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face and hope in his heart.

He climbed out of his bed and took a seat on the dresser. Pam was busy getting ready, and he watched her quietly. This was the first morning he'd woken up without fear of anxiety for what the day held. He no longer saw her as a terror but rather just his wife looking at her now. She was incredible from this perspective. After everything he'd been through, just watching her simple routine was a marvel in itself. Actions that once seemed so mundane now seemed impossible to him. The fluidity with which she moved was beautiful to him. His stomach growled, but he ignored it. He could wait until she was done and ready for him. She gracefully slipped on a pair of tight-fitting stonewashed jeans that hugged her hips. A thick yet snug, white fleece sweater fell over her midsection. Her curves were covered, but somehow her outfit only added to her incredible beauty.

Pam finished getting dressed and looked over to Chad's bed. She spotted her little husband sitting on the edge of the dresser. She smiled at him and walked over, "Good morning, hon. Did you sleep well?"

He nodded as she held out her hand for him to climb aboard. He waited until she was closer to reply, "I did. How about you?"

"After last night, wonderful," she said, "You're not hurt, are you?"

"I'm fine, Pam, honest," he replied, "You were gentle last night. Nothing is broken, and I promise I'd tell you if something didn't feel right."

"I know you would, but I still worry after that first night," she said, "Come on, let's get you something to eat. Today's the big day, and I want to make sure you've got plenty of energy."

Since their heart to heart, Chad and Pam had been slowly trying to rekindle the intimacy in their relationship. It was challenging and daunting for both of them, but they both agreed it was something they needed. So, Pam had reached out to Sophie for advice. It had been embarrassing in ways Chad hadn't been prepared for. When Sophie had come by, she'd brought her partner with her to help with her demonstration. The word awkward wasn't strong enough to describe their first session together. To his credit, Sophie's partner, or boyfriend, depending on who you asked, had been both kind and informative about what Chad could do to please Pam without risking injury to himself.

Neither Chad, nor Pam, were exhibitionists in the slightest, so having to be coached through a sexual encounter was uncomfortable. Still, unusual as it was, Chad had to admit that Sophie was undoubtedly helpful. She didn't show any signs of arousal at watching them, and she was more like an instructor than he expected. She pointed out a better way for her to hold Chad to use his body, and while it was still frightening at first, it allowed him proper room to breathe when done correctly. The object was to use him to massage Pam's clit and prevent him from getting sucked in and trapped. Greg kept his distance from them while they practiced, but he had given Chad several pointers for ways to please Pam without endangering himself.

After three sessions of being watched and coached later, they felt comfortable again. Sophie and Greg checked in with them once a week to make sure nothing had gone wrong, but so far, things were looking up for both of them. There was still no word on a cure for the virus, but at least things finally seemed to be starting to reach some semblance of normalcy in their home. Chad had to admit; there was something invigorating about pleasuring his wife at this size. Whether it was the challenge of tackling a titan or something else, he couldn't say. It was exhausting at times, but they always slept soundly after a night together. It seemed to be helping Pam's moods as well. That alone was worth any strain and fatigue he felt.

Pam held him securely in her hand as she walked out of their room and towards the dining room. Anna, Victoria, and Bram were all sitting at the table already. Rose had cooked breakfast this morning, and Anna and Bram were on the last stretch of their break for the holiday season. Pam sat Chad down on the table and went to grab a drink. "Morning, dad," Victoria greeted, "Excited about today?"

He'd promised Pam that he would go with her to work today to see the new addition to LIFT. As the media had dubbed those afflicted, Pam's idea for an area for Tinies was opening today, and he was set to be one of the testers for it. So he sat down on the table while he waited for Pam to return, "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous about it," he replied, "I'm not sure how I feel about being left alone, but if Pam wants me there, I'll be there."

"Don't lie," Anna said, her tone more teasing than scathing, "You're probably psyched about seeing all those women working out."

"Cut it out, Anna," Victoria said, "My dad isn't some pervert."

"He's a guy, so yeah, he is," Anna countered, "All guys have the same mentality. He might be a nice enough guy, but he's still a guy, and that makes him a perv. Luckily, I'll be there to make sure he's not trying anything."

"What could I even do at my size?" he asked.

"Sneak off into the locker rooms, try to hitch a ride on a woman, get stuck under foot, get stuck under an ass," Anna said, counting on her fingers while she talked.

"Okay, those last two are painful and awful experiences; I've been in both, so I should know," he said, "The other two have literally no appeal to me, Anna. I'm not interested in seeing other women, and I'd only ever try to hitch a ride if I got stuck on the floor."

"Which you'd only do if you wanted to spend some time under afoot," Anna pointed out, "You're a weird guy. It wouldn't surprise me if you had a foot fetish."

"Okay, we're done with this conversation," Chad said, genuinely wanting to move on to any other topic.

"I'm just stating the obvious," Anna remarked.

"What's that?" Pam asked as she came back into the room.

"Anna is trying to insinuate that dad has a foot fetish and that he might try something lewd while at your work," Victoria answered.

"We can move on anytime now," Chad said.

"Your father most certainly does not have an interest in feet," Pam laughed, "He's just unlucky enough to get pinned by them, is all."

"Seriously, I'm fine with talking about anything else," Chad said, "Bram, what do you and Victoria have planned for today?"

"Bram and I are going to spend some time developing my character for the game," Victoria answered, happy to oblige her father's request to move away from the current topic.

"Nerds," Anna said.

"Don't act like you're not even a little excited about this," Victoria said, "Bram told me you've been asking questions and talking ideas daily."

"I play to win," Anna said, defensively, "It doesn't matter what the game is. I want to make sure I know the rules and how to play the system."

"So, you're an angsty rogue?" Victoria teased.

"Better than some lame healer," Anna argued.

"I think the idea is to work as a team, girls," Pam said, "I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure we weren't supposed to be at each other's throats while we play. That's right, isn't it, Bram?"

Bram had been sitting by Victoria's plate, partially spaced out. His dreams from the night before were still very much on his mind, but he shook off his stupor when Pam said his name. He cleared his throat and smiled, "Yes, that's the general idea. Different characters from different backgrounds and classes work together to survive whatever I throw at you."

"So, then how do we win?" Anna asked, her tone losing its usual bite.

"By staying together, supporting one another, and earning the rewards I've laid out for the end of our session," Bram answered, "Loot is part of the objective, but it's also about helping to create a story."

"That's dumb," Anna deadpanned, "So I'm competing for some imaginary trinket and a part in a dorky story?"

"It's not a competition," Bram replied, getting up and walking towards her, "It's a game of adventure, creative thinking, and, in this case, survival. Trust me; you'll enjoy it."

"You keep saying that, but I'm still not sure," Anna said, "If it really means that much to you, then I'll give it a go."

"There's nothing wrong with trying new things," Rose chimed in, finally finished cleaning the kitchen and ready to sit down, "That said, if any of you refer to me as a wench or something along those lines, you'll be fixing your own plates from now on."

Everyone shared a laugh before digging into their food. Laughter was something that was a rarity for them these days. With everything going on in their lives, it was the best medicine for them, as the old saying went. It didn't erase the changes in their lives, but it did help to diminish the severity of the perils they faced. They finished their breakfast, and everyone got ready for their day. Victoria had a half-day at Cups, primarily inventory and preparing for the Christmas closure, while Anna was set to go with Pam and Chad. Bram would spend the first part of his day with Rose, but he had already planned on spending the remainder of his day with Victoria. It was set to be a good day for everyone if everything went accordingly.

Victoria left first, and Pam had to grab a few things before her, Chad, and Anna left for LIFT. Anna sat in the living room with Chad resting in her palm while waiting. Things had gotten better between the two of them as well. Since his talk with Pam, she'd taken to giving him a more gentle treatment. She still abused his little body, but the painful torments from before had lessened considerably. Of course, she hadn't let go of her nicknames and threats, but as long as he didn't give her a reason, she refrained from following through on them. Anna may not have completely trusted him, but at least she had finally started to come around to him.

"Tell me something, squirt," she said, "You're really not planning on perving out at the gym?"

"Anna, how many times do I have to say this?" he sighed, "I have zero interest in any other women. Your mom is the only woman I'm interested in. She's better than I deserve."

"You're right about that," she said, "Still, I find it hard to believe you're not even a little excited about being around all those giant women. You barely complain about cleaning my feet anymore, so I figured you were developing a new kink."

"First, thanks for that comment; I'm glad you agree," he said, rolling his eyes, "Second, complaining doesn't do me any good. I do not have any interest in your feet, or anyone else's for that matter, but I know that my griping only gets on your nerves. I'm not trying to get an actual punishment from you. Third, and I'm not going to say this again, I am only interested in your mother."

"Don't roll your eyes at me," she warned, "Fine, but I still don't believe you. Not entirely, anyway, but you've done better than most guys I've met at keeping your word. Roll your eyes at me again, and you'll be spending a night as my insole, though."

"How can you even tell I rolled my eyes?!" he asked.

"You just told me, for one, dumbass," she smirked, "I can also hear it in your squeaky little sarcastic tone."

"You're incredibly observant for someone your age," he said, defeated, "Fine, I'll make it a point to avoid doing that if I can."

"Someone has to be around here," she said, "Keeping up with you and Bram is a full-time job. Honestly, how you two manage to get yourselves into half the situations you do is beyond me. But, I will say you both have done better at listening over the past week. Well, you have, anyway. Bram keeps winding up in bras, panties, and I found him in a shoe a few days ago. It's like he wants to get squished."

"I've learned that despite your dislike of me, you usually try to keep me safe," he said, "I know it's not because you like me, although I'm starting to feel otherwise, it's mostly because of your mom. Have you talked to Bram about being more careful?"

"Keep dreaming, and don't ask stupid questions," she replied, "I can talk to you two until I'm blue in the face, but it only works if you two listen. I'll talk to him again, but I'm not sure if it'll do any good. You're welcome, by the way."

"Thanks, Anna, for everything," he said, "It really means a lot to me."

"That's more like it," she said.

"Are you two ready?" Pam asked, zipping up a white coat.

"That's what you're wearing to work?" Chad asked.

"She's gonna change once we get there, dork," Anna sighed, "It's like thirty degrees outside."

"Don't be so hard on him, Anna," Pam said, grabbing her keys, "It was just a simple question, but speaking of the temperature, make sure you keep him bundled up while we're in the car. Let's go, you two. I don't want to be late."

Anna nodded and looked down at Chad, "I'm gonna put you in my coat pocket, little guy. It's empty, but you're prone to getting yourself in trouble. Try not to do anything stupid while you're in there. I'll check on you once we're in the car and when we get stopped. Sound good?"

"As good as it can," he replied, and Anna lightly coiled her fingers around him to convey her annoyance at his response.

She roughly threw her hand in her pocket while Pam had her back turned to the door. She made it a point to jostle Chad around before depositing him in her coat. It was a subtle yet apparent message and a reminder of his place. It didn't bother him. Anna had demonstrated her power over him in much worse ways in the past. This was just a silent way of conveying her annoyance at his reply. Even as he rolled in her pocket, he felt relieved that things had continued to improve with Anna and Pam. He found as comfortable a position as he could within the red fabric of Anna's peacoat. It provided some much-needed shelter against the biting chill of the wind that whipped against his stepdaughter on the short walk to Pam's car.

The ride to LIFT was uneventful beyond the occasional tumble inside of Anna's pocket. He could faintly hear Anna talking with Pam, but he couldn't quite make out what they were saying. He settled in for the ride as best he could and enjoyed the safety of his position. Anna may have been cold with him, but at least he knew she wouldn't lose him. God knew that he'd tried to get misplaced in the past, but the girl had eyes like a hawk. Outside of the occasional sway from Pam's turns, his ride was reasonably smooth, if a little warm for his liking. He wondered just what all Pam had done to create a haven for the afflicted. He wasn't thrilled about being left alone, but this meant a lot to Pam that he saw it and supported her.

He felt the car come to a stop, and he felt Anna's fingers slide in and wrap around him. He was upside down in her hand, but she flattened it out so he could readjust. "You alright, bug-boy?" she asked.

"Can't complain, not that it would do me much good if I did," he replied.

She rolled her eyes rather than verbally acknowledge his comment. He might pay for it later, but that was fine with him. He knew it wasn't wise to provoke Anna, but he couldn't help himself from poking at her while he could. He wasn't an idiot, though, and he knew when to stop. It wasn't worth incurring any further wrath from her, but she'd been lax with him the last several days. "Let's go, you two," Pam said, eager to get inside, "I've still got to clock in before I introduce Chad to the area."

"So, what exactly am I supposed to do?" Anna asked, following her mother into the gym, "I know you want me to help keep an eye on Chad, but do you want me to just sit by the little mini area all day?"

"I thought you might like to see what I do for a living and that maybe you could assist some of the girls if the need arises," Pam replied, turning and smiling at her, "It might not be what you want to do for a living, but I figured it might be something you could enjoy. Besides, when was the last time that the two of us spent time together?"

"Don't I have to be certified to help?" Anna asked.

"You can spot, and you might be able to offer some pointers to some of our members without a certification, dear," Pam said, "Just make sure that one of the girls is nearby before you jump in. Jody will be glad to see you, and if you have any questions, I'm sure she won't mind you helping."

"Neat," Anna beamed, excited at the prospect.

"I think you'll do great," Chad offered, trying to encourage his stepdaughter, "Experience goes a long way, and your mother and I both know how hard you push yourself at practices."

"Encouraged by a bug," Anna laughed, "What is this, Pinocchio?"

"Haha, that's hilarious," Chad said sarcastically, "Seriously, I think this could be good for you."

"It's nice to see the two of you getting along for a change," Pam smiled, "I guess that's one good thing to come out of this nasty virus."

She didn't have a clue about the time Anna had spent tormenting Chad. Admittedly, it was those wild nights that had brought the two of them closer together. Anna's small acts of mercy had been what proved she cared for him, if only a little bit. They'd given way to conversations that they'd needed to have, and as a result, they had grown closer throughout the epidemic. She could still be antagonistic towards him, but he had a level of trust with her that was difficult to describe. There was an unspoken line that she refrained from crossing. He still wasn't sure where that line was, but he knew it was there.

Anna kept him in her hand while she followed Pam to the time clock. Chad looked around the gym as Anna walked. He hadn't been to LIFT in a long time, and nothing could have prepared him for seeing it from this perspective. The machines looked like mechanical wonders of astronomical proportions, and the women wandering about had him slightly on edge. However, it was clear that they were preoccupied with their tasks. He couldn't remember the last time he saw so many people acting as though nothing had changed. It would be all too easy to get misplaced or lost in the titanic maze of machines and bodies here. He tried to banish the thought from his mind as he rode patiently with Anna.

Pam clocked in and led him and Anna to the designated area for miniaturized men. Seeing it from an aerial perspective felt a little condescending, but in a way, it made sense. It looked like a corral with borders set up on the floor away from the patrons and trainers. It would be easy for anyone of average height to step over, but it was enough to keep him and others of his size inside. He could see various bits of dollhouse furniture laid out throughout the area. Chairs, tables, and other small amenities were all present to give the place a more natural feel. A small dish with water in it and thimbles around it had been put out if they got thirsty. That was perhaps the most patronizing aspect of the design, but at least he would have a water source if needed.

"Alright, here we are," Pam said cheerily, "It's still a work in progress, but it's something for the time being. I'm going to get changed. Anna, wait here for me with Chad until I get back, okay?"

"Sure thing, mom," Anna said; she waited until she was gone before asking him, "What do you think? Be honest, too."

"Honestly, it's a little humiliating," he replied, "The thought is nice, but it looks more like a daycare mixed with a waiting room."

"If it makes you feel better, I'm sure I could come up with some much more humiliating stuff than hanging out here," Anna said with a grin, "I could literally babysit you when we get back home."

"I think I'll pass, assuming I've got a choice," he said before adding, "Please don't tell your mother what I said."

"I won't if you keep being a good little toy," she said, "This little project means a lot to her, and I don't want her thinking it's poorly executed. If you're good, then maybe I'll give you a break when we get home."

"Not exactly sure what kind of trouble I can get into here, but I don't plan on finding out," he said, "I've spent enough time with your feet and ass for a lifetime."

"Watch it, bug-boy. So many guys would kill for a shot at what you've been getting," she warned.

"Then go find one of them!" he argued, "I am not one of those guys, Anna."

"It's more fun to mess with you," she said, matter-of-factly, "You need to chill. I've been nice to you lately, and the way you're talking to me is making me reconsider that."

"I'm sorry," he sighed, "I know you've been treating me better, but it bothers me that you still see me as an object."

"God, you're sensitive today," she sighed, "I'm only gonna say this once, so listen up, little man. I don't actually view you as a toy. You're a pain in the ass, a dork, and you're fun to mess with, but I don't think you're not a person. If I didn't, then you'd be in my shoe right now helping to cushion my feet."

She had a point, warped as it might have been. He sighed once again as he admitted, "You're right, you're right. There are a lot of worse ways you could be treating me, but sometimes I can't tell if you still see me as a person or not. I won't ask you to repeat it, but I appreciate you saying it aloud. Let's get me down there so I can explore where I'll be staying for the day, yeah?"

"Yeah, well, you're welcome," she said as she slowly bent down and placed him in his area, "Just try not to do anything stupid while you're unattended. I'll be close by until mom needs me."

He nodded his understanding and jumped down from her hand. The space was ample, by his standards, and he set about investigating everything that had been set up. The chairs were rather intricate. They hadn't bought cheap furniture but rather had sprung for handcrafted dollhouse furniture. The tables were of a similar style. He tried to recall if Pam had mentioned someone she worked with having this as a hobby or not. The floorspace was relatively open, beyond the furniture neatly set out, and as far as entertainment went, someone had been kind enough to donate a phone with a Netflix menu pulled up in the landscape. The upbeat alternative and pop music that played over the speakers was all there was. He couldn't help but wonder if he would be alone here or if there would be others joining him soon. It was still early in the day, after all. The idea of talking with others who had caught the virus had a certain level of appeal to it.

He grabbed a thimble with both hands and filled it with water to get a drink. He carried it over to one of the tables, set it down, climbed into one of the chairs, and lightly sipped it while he waited. He felt Anna watching him while he did so, but he ignored her while he relaxed. There may not have been much to do, but he'd take a little boredom of danger any day of the week. He settled and waited to see if anyone else would arrive.

"Looks like you're settling in nicely," he heard Pam say above him, "Sorry about the water situation, hon. We're still trying to figure out a good way to implement that."

He looked up to see his incredible wife wearing her workout attire. Black and purple spandex hugged her thighs and showed off her well-toned thighs and waistline and a halter top with LIFT’s logo across her chest. Her hair was tied up in a bun, but she still looked like the living embodiment of a goddess. How someone could wear something so simple yet appear so striking was a mystery to him. He waved her off but didn't bother to reply. It was unlikely she'd be able to hear him from this distance over the music. "I think he's okay with it, mom," Anna said, "Maybe the little guy can come up with an idea while he waits."

"That's part of the reason I wanted to bring him," Pam said before kneeling to address him, "If you have any ideas on how we can improve this, Chad, let me know when we get back home. I've got clients coming in, so I'm going to have to get to work. I love you, be safe, okay?"

He still wasn't sure if she could hear him, but he couldn't stop himself from saying it back, "Love you too, hon, we'll talk after your shift."

Time passed slowly for Chad as he sat within his own designated area. He sat alone with his thoughts for a while. Anna remained close by on a bench, scrolling on her phone, occasionally checking in on him to ensure he didn't need anything. The only noteworthy event was a trip to the bathroom for him, but it wasn't until he returned that he had anything interesting happen. Two men had been brought in while he was away, and Anna joked that he now had a couple of playmates. He rolled his eyes as she sat him down, but he chose not to respond. Both men watched as he was set down. They waited until Anna had stepped back to approach and try to strike up a conversation with him.

"Hey, guy, what's your name?" the one on the right asked before quickly adding, "Mines Kevin, by the way."

Chad looked the two over for a moment. Kevin was slightly taller than him, only by a little bit, and had shaggy brown hair. The man on the left looked somewhat younger, slightly shorter than Chad, and had blonde hair with a small fringe covering his right eye. Chad smiled and held out his hand to Kevin, "I'm Chad. It's nice to see someone my size for a change other than my son."

"Don't I know it," Kevin laughed, "I feel like I've been living in a sci-fi movie for the last two months. This is Jeremy. I'm guessing your girl over there brought you here. Is she not going to work out?"

"That's my stepdaughter, actually," Chad said, gesturing towards Anna, "My wife is actually one of the trainers here, and she asked Anna to help keep an eye on me while she works."

Jeremy was quiet as he looked past Chad and over to Anna on her phone. The boy couldn't have been much older than Anna, and he wondered if they were classmates. However, how he stared up at Anna with awe had him a little concerned. "Ah, so you're one of the husband's," Kevin said, "My fiance has been coming here for months, but when this whole virus hit, she had to stop coming. So when they announced they had an area for people like us, she wanted to try it out. I was a little concerned about it, still am if I'm being honest, but if it makes Lauren happy, I'm willing to give it a go."

"My wife is the one who proposed this little idea," Chad said, "She's been worried about my son and I being at home, and she figured that it was better to have a safe place to ease people's minds. What about you, Jeremy? Who are you here with?"

"Huh?" Jeremy asked before shaking off his stupor and responding, "Oh, I'm here with my mom. She stopped coming a few weeks ago, but she thought this might be a good way for her to get back to exercising. Uhm, you said that Anna is your stepdaughter, right?"

"That's right," Chad replied, "You look about her age. Do you have classes with her?"

"I-I did, yeah," Jeremey said, "She's on the volleyball team, but I've never been able to work up the nerve to talk to her. After the virus hit, mom pulled me out of school. So my sister, Jessica, has been bringing me my schoolwork."

"Your sister is on the team too, I take it," Chad said.

"Yes, sir," Jeremy said, "She and Anna are really good friends."

So this was the brother of the girl that had Anna confused. Chad made a mental note about that, but he refrained from mentioning it to this boy. Anna would undoubtedly put him through the wringer if he said anything about what she'd said. Besides, she'd told him that in confidence, and he wasn't going to break whatever trust they'd managed to build together. "So, boys, any ideas on what we can do to pass the time?" Kevin asked, "I'd suggest cards, but last time I tried that, I ended up getting launched across the room. Shame that nothing else shrunk."

"Nothing much to do besides talk, I'm afraid," Chad said, walking over to one of the tables and motioning for them to follow, "It might not be glamorous, but at least we don't have to worry about surviving here."

"Heh, you've got a point there, pal," Kevin said, following him with Jeremy in tow, "I once ended up spending a day in Lauren's panties after the card incident. You'd think that might not be such a bad experience, but at this size, it's a whole other ballgame."

The three of them sat and talked for the next hour. They exchanged stories about their endeavors and trials at their newfound sizes. There was a sense of camaraderie that came with discussing the things Chad had seen and endured. Kevin had found himself in various compromising situations throughout his time at his size, and Jeremy hadn't fared much better. Whereas Kevin's experiences had primarily been accidental, Jeremy briefly mentioned his sister deliberately toying with him a couple of times. The boy didn't detail it, but Chad knew from his own experiences that it was better left unsaid. If Jessica was close to Anna, he could only imagine what the boy had gone through.

After another hour, more men joined them in their area. A young blonde girl deposited two guys in, and two more were placed in by two other women. The company was nice, but when the last young man joined, things started to take a turn. Jody had called Anna over to help with a client trying to get ready for tryouts for her company sports team. The five men had been engaged in conversations regarding how their lives had changed when their newest arrival walked up with a whistle, "How's it going, guys? Name's Keith, and I'm guessing you five have been enjoying the show from this little spot?"

Keith couldn’t have been much older than twenty-six by the look of him. However, the gleam in his eye was one that Chad recognized. Everything about the young man screamed ‘former fraternity member’. The goatee and the spiked hair were clear indicators, but it was the lustful look in his eyes that gave him away. The way he eyed the titans with hunger that surrounded them drove home the young man’s background. It wasn’t that Chad necessarily had problems with fraternity members, but Keith gave him a bad feeling that he couldn’t explain. This young man could quickly become trouble.

"What do you mean?" Kevin asked.

"All this eye candy," Keith answered, "I've never seen so many babes in one place! Course, it is a little hard to see from this position."

Chad frowned, "Sorry, Keith, was it? Aren't you here with a family member or a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, but there's nothing wrong with looking, right?" Keith countered, "One good thing about being this small, there's a lot of great vantage points."

Roger, one of the other men who'd arrived before Keith, spoke up, "I'm guessing you haven't been pinned or nearly crushed since shrinking, have you, kid?"

"No risk, no reward, man," Keith replied slyly, "Come on, you're telling me that not one of you is curious about seeing some of these hotties?"

"Curiosity can get you killed, Keith," Chad said, trying to dissuade the young man, "Besides, what would your girlfriend think if she found out?"

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her, pal," Keith said before looking around at the others, "Surely there's someone here who agrees with me, someone who's got that itch to see some skin. We've got a golden opportunity here, fellas, and we'd be idiots if we didn't try to capitalize on it! All those pretty ladies just begging for someone our size to sneak a peek."

The group was silent for a minute as they looked at one another. Then, finally, Andrew, another young man who'd arrived shortly before Keith, tentatively spoke up, "I'm not gonna lie, it is tempting, but what if we get caught or worse?"

"I knew there was a man among you all!" Keith exclaimed, "At our size, the odds of getting caught are slim to none, boyo! What you need to be concerned about is getting stuck underfoot."

"That's what he meant by or worse," Garth, another of the later arrivals, said, "If we're not careful, we'll end up a stain on the floor or something. You'd have to be an idiot to have not seen the reports on the news. Life at this size might be difficult, but at least we're still alive."

"Come on, where's your sense of adventure?!" Keith asked, his enthusiasm continuing to build, "A quick walk-about, some sights none of us will forget, and we're back before anyone is any the wiser. So stick with me, boys, and I promise you won't regret it!"

"It's too risky," Chad said, trying hard to be the voice of reason, "There is too much that can go wrong, and that's overlooking the fact that most of us here have someone to be faithful to. This is a bad idea."

"No ones talking about cheating or anything, bud," Keith argued, "All I'm proposing is taking in some sights, getting some great views, and making memories."

"How would we even get out?" One of the last to arrive, Daryl asked, "We are walled in, and I'm not about to try scaling these walls."

"Guys, I am telling you, this is a terrible idea," Chad repeated, "We shouldn't even be considering this."

"Sounds like someone is pretty whipped to me," Keith mocked before turning to Daryl, "Is a reward this great not worth a little work? We can make it out of here without a problem if we work together. Trust me. This will be worth it."

"I don't know," Jeremy said, hopping down from his chair, "I think Chad might have a point. There's a lot that could easily go wrong, even if we stick together."

"What's your name, kid?" Keith asked, smiling and walking over.

"Jeremy," he answered.

"Well, Jeremy," Keith began, "You mean to tell me that you want to listen to this old sour puss? What are you, sixteen, seventeen?"

"Sixteen," Jeremy answered.

"Sixteen!" Keith repeated, "You can't possibly expect me to believe that hormone-riddled mind of yours isn't just itching to see some of these lovely ladies. There might be some danger, yeah, but these memories will last a lifetime! I'm sure you've thought about the girls at your school being in the locker rooms changing, right? You've probably wondered what it would be like to catch a glimpse without getting caught, but this is a golden opportunity to make that a reality! Surely someone as young and gung-ho as yourself wouldn't want to waste something like this!"

"What you're talking about could put this kid at risk," Kevin cut in, "One wrong move and he could get caught, we all could, or end up dead."

"Naysayers and cowards," Keith laughed, "What's life without a little danger? So you mean to tell me that you've never taken a risk?"

"I'm a small business owner," Chad said, "I understand risk, but-"

"Then you know that sometimes you have to lay it on the line!" Keith cut him off as he practically skipped around, "Boys, I can promise you that you'll be talking about this for years to come!"

What happened next gave Keith all he needed to sway the group. One of the women, exhausted from a particularly grueling set, walked by with her friend. Unfortunately, they were too caught up in catching their breath and their conversation to notice the designated area, and one of them bumped the wall with her foot. It wasn't hard, but it was enough to topple the small structure. Everyone turned to face the fresh opening, and Chad realized that this was the sign everyone had been waiting on. He prayed for reason and rationale to win out, but he feared Keith's charisma would prove too much. Looking around at his group, he could already see the gears turning in their heads.

"Guys, let's think for a minute," he said, hoping that someone would listen, "Most, if not all, of us, have been in plenty of compromising situations already. We need to stay put. Don't do anything rash."

"This is the stroke of luck we've been needing!" Keith exclaimed, rallying everyone, "When opportunity knocks, you take it, boys! You can sit here if you want, Chad, but there's an adventure out there that I'm not willing to waste! So if any of you have a backbone, then follow me!"

Chad watched as, one by one, the guys he had spent the last two hours with began following after Keith. Charisma and lust drove each of them, and there was nothing he could do about it. Kevin and Jeremy were the last two that remained, and it seemed like they would stay for a moment. Fate intervened in the form of a young woman who tripped and nearly crushed the three of them. Jeremy, out of instinct, clutched at loose shoestring for dear life. Chad and Kevin had dove out of the way, and the two of them watched as Jeremy was taken for a ride by the oblivious young girl. Both of them exchanged looks before pushing themselves to their feet. This wasn't how Chad had envisioned this day going, but he wasn't going to let a young boy get killed. He and Kevin sprinted out of the hole in their haven in hopes of saving the young man. At least this time, he wasn't completely alone.

"Jeremy, hold on!" he yelled, "We're coming. Just hang on!"

Kevin looked over as he sprinted beside Chad, "I don't think this was what your wife had in mind when she set this whole thing up. I certainly didn't expect to get a workout while my fiance was getting hers."

Chad grinned as he remembered Bram's joke about a survival-based fitness program, "Not exactly what I had in mind when I got dropped off either, but at least we're getting some exercise."

"What about the others?" Kevin asked, "Once we manage to save Jeremy, assuming the poor kid can hold out long enough, what are we supposed to do about them?"

"I hate to say it, but we can't worry about them," Chad replied, "They made their choice, and even if we could do anything, there's no telling where they'll end up. So we just have to hope that they stay alive, but our primary concern is getting Jeremy back."

"Your stepdaughter going to be pissed that you bailed?" Kevin asked, squinting to keep a beat on those gray and purple tennis shoes that Jeremy rode on.

"She's always pissed at me, but she'll probably be angrier, yeah," he replied, "One problem at a time, though. Come on. We're going to lose him if we don't hurry."

While Chad raced after Jeremy alongside Kevin, Anna finished helping Jody with one of her clients. She was completely unaware of the events that had transpired in her absence. She returned feeling better than she had in a long time. Then she saw the empty corral where she'd left Chad and his little playmates. She frowned as she got down on her knees and looked for any sign of them. However, it was no use. They were gone. She found herself torn between worry and anger. Had Chad broken his word? If so, how much had he lied about? But then, why would he have lied? The whole train of thought was incredibly frustrating. She took a deep breath as she got to her feet and looked around.

She glanced over at the clock to see how much time she had to find him. There were still five hours left in the day, but she needed to find all the missing boys soon. She rolled her eyes as she realized that she was starting to actually care about the wellbeing of these tinies. It was more than that, though. Her mother had worked hard on this, and if it failed, then it would come back on her. Looking at the opening in the holding area, it was clear that someone had bumped into it with their foot. The question was, why would those little idiots leave it? She wasn't sure if Chad was being a perv yet, but she knew that he was well aware of the dangers at his size. She'd personally given him a firsthand lesson in that many times before. She could worry about that later, though. Right now, she needed to focus on finding the little twerps.

She took off after them and sighed, "I'm going to kill that little runt when I find him."


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