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The next day Chad had woken up sore and sticky. He'd passed out while Pam held him against her breast, but his sleep had been far from restful. He'd relived the horrors of the previous night's intimate encounter with his wife, and as a result, he had found himself waking up several times in a panic. Pam laid below him, utterly oblivious to the terror he was in or her part in it. Regrettably, the times she did stir resulted in additional pressure being applied to his already beaten and bruised body. It was a painful reminder of his new place in life and one that was crushing in more ways than one.

When Pam had finally awoken, she had been excited to see him still right where she had left him. But, unfortunately, her enthusiasm, ordinarily contagious and adorable, did nothing to improve his spirits that morning. She'd almost thought her earth-shattering orgasm had been a dream, but seeing her lovely little hubby against her bosom told her it was all too real. However, when she noticed how standoffish Chad was, she felt disheartened. He swore he was tired from all their activities, but she suspected there was more to it than just exhaustion. What it was, she couldn't say for sure. It had been an incredible night for her, and she truly believed that it had to have been one for him as well. But, without another option, she had to take him at his word.

She'd offered to shower with him and maybe have another round, but he quickly turned her down in favor of relaxing in a sink full of hot water. It was a little disappointing, but she didn't argue with him about it. Instead, she basked in the heat of her shower and let her mind wander to the events of last night. Being in control like she had been was something new to her. Throughout her relationship with Chad, she had always been the one ceding power in the bedroom. Experiencing the other end of the spectrum was exhilarating, intoxicating, and even slightly addicting. She wouldn't force him into it, though. She wasn't a monster, and even she knew that it wasn't right to push someone too far too fast. Still, she couldn't help the fantasy that crept along the fringes of her mind about having her way with her little man again. She would try to persuade him again soon, but she would let him be and focus on herself for now.

While Pam fondly remembered the unbelievable events of her own experience, Chad fought to forget his nightmarish bout of sex. He knew that Pam had been drunk; he knew that she hadn't meant to hurt him, but he also knew that she had enjoyed it more than anything. Her offer to have another round confirmed this, and he knew it wouldn't be a one-time thing. Thankfully, Pam wasn't the type to force anyone into anything. He was also thankful for the chance to soak in hot water. The heat did wonders for his aching body, but there was a distinct pain in his shoulder any time he moved it. It was probably dislocated, but at his size, there was no one there to assist in relocating the damned thing. So he would have to make due until he figured something out.

Breakfast came and went, and Chad requested to spend some time with Anna. It had surprised Pam, but she was all for the two of them bonding and spending time together. He'd done it due in part to his arrangement with Anna, but he also knew that she was the one person he could talk to about this. After they'd eaten, she carried him to her room. The conversation that followed was one he would never forget, "What's the deal, bug-boy? I know we had an arrangement, but I didn't expect you to be so eager to get back to my feet."

She set him down on her nightstand, and he stared up at her. She hadn't changed out of her pajamas yet, and her long brown locks fell past her shoulders. The tight pink spaghetti strap top she wore along with her fleece polka-dotted pajama bottoms almost made her look innocent. If he hadn't experienced her cruelty firsthand, then he'd have believed her to be just a naive teenager, but he knew better than most that appearances could be deceiving. Terrifying as she could be, he couldn't deny that she was striking from his point of view. She was a pretty girl before all of this, but now she looked like some sort of vengeful Goddess.

"Anna, I need to talk to you," he replied, "Please, just...let me talk."

"Alright, runt, but this better be good," she said.

"Last night, you're mom…" he trailed off as he realized that she probably didn't want to hear about her mother's sex life.

"What about my mom?" she asked after a moment and growing impatient, "Did you do something to her?!"

"What? No!" he yelled, "I would never...Anna, I'm the size of a bug, as you've so kindly continued to point out, so how would I do anything to her? You know I love your mother more than anything, so please just let me figure out the best way to say this."

"Fine, but hurry it up," she snapped.

It had taken a little while to explain everything that had happened, but to his surprise, Anna had been more candid about her mother's sexuality than he had been expecting. "Please," he begged after finishing his story, "I know we had an agreement, and I fully intend to keep my end of the bargain, but I am not lying when I tell you that I am too tired to be much use to anyone. Is there anything else that I can do that doesn't involve me using my body for your amusement?"

"Well, I'm still kind of hungry," she remarked with a smirk and earned a terrified look from her step-father, "I'm joking, you dork! Jeez, you really think I'd eat you after what you did for my mom?"

"You already put me in your mouth and almost swallowed me!" he argued.

"But I didn't, did I?" she said triumphantly, "I even washed you off and tucked you in afterward. Chad, I'm not gonna lie. I'm a little disappointed that we aren't gonna get to have some fun, but I'll give you a break for a day. So, you think you just dislocated your shoulder, or do you think it's broken?"

"I'm not sure, but I do know that it hurts whenever I move too much," he answered.

"Alright, so here's what I'm thinking," she said, "I'll give you today and maybe tomorrow, but you owe me two extra hours of playtime for this. I don't want to hear any complaining or whining about the time when I cash in. Sound fair, or do you have a counter proposal?"

"Would it do me any good if I did?" he asked.

"I'm not unreasonable, but it better be a good one," she replied.

"Alright, all I ask is that you keep me out of your showers," he said, "That last one nearly killed me, and I'm pretty sure your mom is going to want to use me again. I'm not looking forward to it, but there isn't much I can do about it."

"Fair enough," she said before scowling at him, "What are you too good for my mom now?"

"Anna, I think you know that's not what I mean," he explained, "I want to make her happy, I want to be close to her again, but I also want to be able to continue living. How would she feel if she accidentally killed me while she was having her fun?"

She sighed, "I guess you've got a point there. You're a dork and a pain in my ass, but I know she loves you. Why I have no idea, but she'd be pretty upset if she did anything to you."

That had been the end of their conversation. Pam had yelled for both of them to hurry to the living room. He found himself getting scooped up by Anna in a surprisingly gentle manner. For once, he was glad to have her around. She may not have been sympathetic to his entire plight, but she was more aware of the struggles and reality than many in the household were. After everything he had already been through, there was something about being able to depend on her. Maybe this whole ordeal would bring them closer together, that is, if they found a cure and if he survived. Hope was something he was running short on, but he had to hold onto something lest he lost himself in the dismal possibilities that continued to mount around him.

When Anna had opened her hand, he saw Victoria and Pam standing above the coffee table, each with worried looks on their faces. Victoria's hair was still messy from sleeping, and she wore a baggy Cups t-shirt that came down past her waist and over her plaid pajama bottoms. Seeing the old logo almost made him smile, but the look on his daughter's face had him too concerned to show it. Pam stood beside her, her hair still damp from her morning shower and wearing the blue and purple bathrobe he'd gotten her last Christmas. It wasn't easy to look her in the eyes after last night, but he had to admit that she was beautiful even in such simple attire. The colors of the robe always brought out her eyes, and though those eyes were filled with a sort of fear, they were still hypnotic in ways he couldn't fathom. So what was going on that they'd called him and Anna out before either of them got dressed?

Victoria glared at Anna when she saw her holding him, but she didn't say a word to her. Odd, he made a note to ask her if there was a problem he wasn't aware of the next time the two of them had some time alone together. "What's up?" Anna asked.

Pam gestured at the coffee table and spoke with a slight hitch in her voice, "Put Chad down here, Anna, and see for yourself."

Both of them wondered if somehow either Pam or Victoria had discovered what Anna had been doing, but Chad realized that wasn't the case when Anna sat him down. They were sitting down in the center of the table with his son. He forgot his injured shoulder as he ran over to him, "Bram! Son, how long have you been...well, like me?"

Bram stood as his father neared and embraced him in a hug, "Dad, it's good to see someone my size again. I woke up like this yesterday, and I barely managed to make it through the day. Gran thought I was you, and if it wasn't for Victoria, I don't know what would have happened to me. But, honestly, dad, how you've managed to go as long as you have without getting hurt is beyond me."

"Things are challenging, for put it mildly," Chad said, "I wish I could say it gets easier, but I'm still adjusting to all of this myself."

"Woah," Anna said, reminding the two of them of their massive audience, "Is that Bram?"

"It is," Victoria answered, "Now we've got two to take care of. First, Pam wanted to get everyone together after I showed him to her and explained what happened yesterday."

"Wait, you found him yesterday?" Anna asked, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't want you mistreating him," Victoria spat.

"Oh boy," Chad said.

"I wouldn't do anything to hurt him!" Anna yelled, "You're the one who sat and farted on your father! Then you locked him in a cash register!"

"That's enough, both of you," Pam snapped, "I don't know what's been going on between you two lately, but whatever it is, it needs to stop. We have to look after Chad and Bram now, which means that all of us will have to be more involved and work together. Anna, tell the truth, have you done anything to hurt or mistreat Chad while you two have been alone?"

"You're joking," Anna said.

"See, she won't even answer!" Victoria said.

Chad had a choice to make. He could let this play out and see if Anna came clean, or he could try to go to her aid and clear this up. As much as he hated how Anna treated him, he didn't want her to feel more frustrated and angry and take it out on him. He also didn't want to see a wedge form between his family this soon. He sighed before stepping away from Bram and yelling to get everyone's attention, "Hey, I'm right here, and I can answer this! Anna hasn't done anything to hurt me, and there's no reason to put her on trial!"

"Is that true, Anna?" Pam asked, her arms crossed as she studied her daughter.

"Dad is afraid of her," Victoria argued, "She's probably threatened him if he says anything!"

"You think I'd do what exactly, Victoria?" Anna asked, getting defensive, "What, do you think I'd kill him or something?"

"I've heard the way you talk about him, the way you look at him, even before he shrunk, you hated him!" Victoria replied.

Anna was taken aback, and while she hid it well, Chad could see that the accusation hurt her. "I wouldn't kill him," she said quietly before adding, "Yeah, I'm not his biggest fan, but he makes mom happy. So it doesn't matter how I feel about him; I wouldn't do anything that would seriously hurt him on purpose!"

"Okay, I've heard enough!" Chad yelled, "I am telling you, Anna hasn't done anything to hurt me! Anna, what Victoria did was an accident, and if I've let it go, then you need to as well! Your mother is right. We all need to be banding together, not clawing at the other's throat!"

"Dad, I-" Victoria began, but Chad cut her off.

"I'm fine, Victoria, really," he said, trying to reassure her, "Anna hasn't done anything intentional to harm me. In fact, the other day, Anna saved me from taking what would have probably been a life-threatening fall, right, Anna?"

"Y-yeah, that right," she replied, shocked that he wasn't taking this opportunity to throw her under the bus.

Victoria gave her a scrutinizing look, "Is that why he was passed out in your room yesterday? What were you doing that he could have fallen?"

"I was talking to her before dinner, and I slipped off of her vanity," Chad answered, "She was quick enough to catch me, though."

"Oh my God," Pam said, "Chad, you have got to be more careful! I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you."

He found her statement, while undoubtedly accurate, somewhat ironic given his adventure the previous night. Nevertheless, he pushed the thoughts aside and dove deeper into his lie, "I know, but luckily Anna was there to save me. So if we could all stop attacking one another, I think it would be best to decide what the plan is going forward."

"Right," Anna agreed.

"Alright, I'm sorry, Anna," Victoria said, "I just worry about my dad, and with Bram having this condition now too, I'm pretty stressed out."

"It's alright," Anna replied, her mind trying to figure out why it was that Chad had chosen to help her.

"Okay," Pam said, trying to regain control of the conversation, "I've already called the school to let them know about Bram's condition. They've agreed to send his work home with Anna tomorrow when she goes back to school, and they've instituted a grading curve for students affected by the virus. I've also called Rose to see if she would be willing to stay with us throughout the week. She's agreed to do so, and Bram, she wanted me to apologize for her misconception yesterday. She wouldn't go into specifics, but something about probably embarrassing you was all she said."

Chad looked over at his son, whose face was beet red, "Something you want to tell me?"

"I'd rather not talk about it, and I'd prefer if I could just forget about the whole thing," he replied.

"Victoria, are you alright to keep running Cups?" Pam asked.

"Yeah, I'm getting the hang of it, and maybe Anna could come with me one weekend to help out," she replied.

"Pass," Anna said and earned a confused look from everyone, "I'm not interested in being a barista or some Java junkie. Chad wants to sell coffee, fine whatever, but I want no part of that."

"Anna, I could use the help on Saturdays," Victoria said.

"Then take one of the micro boys," Anna said, "Pretty sure they can count change if nothing else."

"Anna," Pam said with a stern tone, "It wouldn't kill you to help your stepsister out, and learning a bit about business would be good for you."

"Fine," Anna huffed, "Are we done here? Chad and I were kind of in the middle of something."

"What exactly were you two doing?" Victoria asked, her skepticism and suspicious tone returning.

"If you really want to know, then fine," Anna said, her face flushing a bit as she admitted, "He's been talking to me about school stuff. Boys, sports, and stuff that interests me. Is it so unheard of for me to try to give the little shrimp a chance?"

Victoria looked down at her father and asked, "Is that true, dad?"

"Yeah, actually," he said, telling the truth for once, "The two of us are trying to find some way to bond. So you don't have to worry about me, Victoria."

"Happy now?" Anna asked.

"Alright, but don't expect me not to worry about my dad or my brother," Victoria said.

"I'm not gonna hurt them," Anna reassured her.

"Alright, I think that covers it for now," Pam said before adding, "I think it's wonderful that you two are getting along. You two can get back to it after we eat. Girls, why don't you help me in the kitchen while we give Chad and Bram some time together."

"Alright, that works for me," Anna said before addressing the two tinies, "You two try not to get lost while we're gone."

"Love you both," Victoria said as she and the other women left the room.

Now that the two of them were alone, Chad and Bram sat themselves down. Chad winced as he was reminded of his injury. Bram saw his father's discomfort and asked, "You alright, dad?"

"Fine, son, just a rough night last night is all," he replied.

Bram got back to his feet and walked over to his father, "Anything I can do to help?"

"Matter of fact, maybe there is," Chad said, "Think you can reset my shoulder for me? I think I threw it out when Anna caught me yesterday."

"Sure, stand up for me," Bram said before asking, "I don't mean to jump on Victoria's bandwagon, but you are telling the truth about Anna, right?"

Chad sighed as he debated on telling his son the truth. He didn't want to risk angering his stepdaughter, but he also didn't want Bram to get a rude awakening if he were left alone with her. He felt Bram take hold of his arm as he got ready to reset his dislocated shoulder. He winced as his son popped it back into place and stretched it as he replied, "Son, your stepsister can be a handful at times, and she wasn't lying when she said she doesn't care for me too much."

"That's not really a yes or a no, dad," Bram said.

"Look, out of everyone, Anna has been one of the roughest on me," Chad admitted, "That said, she's yet to seriously hurt me on purpose, and she's the only one who doesn't seem to lose track of me. She also wasn't lying about us talking about her school life. I honestly don't know if she hates me or not, but for the first time since Pam and I got together, we've actually been having conversations that aren't completely one-sided. Just watch yourself if you're alone with her. She's always favored you a bit, but I don't want you to get a nasty surprise like I got the first time she and I were left alone."

"Dad, you need to say something to Victoria or Pam if she's done anything to you," Bram said.

"No," Chad said definitively, "Trust me on this. If they find anything out, then Anna will make sure I suffer. The two of us have an agreement of sorts right now, and while it's not perfect, it's the best I'm going to get. Strange as it sounds, she's about the only person I've been able to talk to about anything that's happened."

"So you'd rather her just...do whatever she wants to you?" Bram asked, "Dad, that's not exactly right."

"Bram, listen to me," Chad said, "You're going to find out pretty quickly that life at this size is a lot different than what you're used to. But, the one thing that doesn't change is that sometimes you have to pick and choose your battles. I'm not saying this to scare you, but I want you to be prepared for the challenges that come from being this small."

"Believe me, I got a crash course in that yesterday," Bram said, "Gran lost me in her shoe for a while."

Chad laughed and told him about some of his predicaments. It felt good to be able to talk to someone his size for a change. He hated that Bram was going to face the same challenges he'd endured, but at least they wouldn't have to go through it alone. There was no mistake about it, though. He was worried for his son. Whatever punishment the universe set out to deal him, he would take if it meant Bram had an easier time adjusting to this new life. He may have been the size of a bug, as Anna so often liked to remind him, but he was still a father, and his family would always come first. How he would manage to keep his son safe was beyond him, but if there were a way, he would find it.

The women returned after Chad finished telling Bram about his experience in the register at Cups. They rode in Victoria's hand to the dining room to eat together. The conversation was mostly about plans for the boys, and both Chad and Bram ate silently while listening. The plan seemed simple enough. Throughout the week, while Anna was at school, Victoria ran Cups, and Pam was at work; the boys would be in the care of Rose until one of the ladies got home. Whoever got home first would then assume care of them until everyone else got home and they could have dinner together. Bram would continue to sleep in Victoria's room, and Rose would probably move into his old room until their situation could be resolved.

Throughout breakfast, Chad was sitting beside Pam, who would occasionally try to brush him with her fingertips. Each time he would tense up or draw away from her. It was an automatic reaction from him, with the memory of the last night still fresh in his mind. Without looking, he could feel her disappointment with every failed attempt. He wasn't doing it to hurt her, but his fear gripped at him and told him it was best to keep his distance. Finally, she gave up after the fourth try, and he knew that this would come up in conversation later in the evening.

After breakfast, Victoria went to get ready for work while Pam took Bram to help him get cleaned up. That left Chad with Anna once again. She carried him back to her room and, as soon as the door shut, asked, "Why did you stick up for me? You could have ratted me out, but you didn't. Why?"

He shrugged and answered honestly, "Things are difficult enough right now without Victoria and your mother worrying about you. You're a good kid, Anna, and while I don't enjoy the things you do to me, I'm not going to let it be the wedge that drives our family apart."

"Funny, I almost believe you when you say that," she said before adding, "And don't lie, I know you had fun in the shower yesterday. Hell, a little freak like you probably likes scrubbing between my toes."

He shuddered at the memory of being used as toe floss that first night, "Anna, you're a lovely girl, but that doesn't make your feet any less gross than anyone else's."

"Keep telling yourself that, bug-boy," she said as she walked over to her bed and set him on her nightstand, "So what are you going to do about mom? I saw you pulling away from her at the table."

"I don't know," he admitted, "I don't want to disappoint her, but honestly, Anna, I'm scared. She loved what we did and she believes that I did too, but it nearly killed me."

"I'd have thought death by pussy would have been a preferable way to go for any guy," Anna said.

Chad stared at her for a minute to try to see if she was joking. She kept a straight face, and he sighed, "I don't see how you're so candid about this, but for once, I'm glad you are. I don't want to die, and I don't want to hurt your mom. I just don't know what to do."

"Well, you better figure it out," Anna said, "What you two do when you're alone is your business, but I'm not going to be happy if you push my mom away. You're dorky, geeky, and pathetic, but for whatever reason, she loves you. So hurt her, and I'll really give you something to worry about."

"There's my stepdaughter," Chad said.

"Don't be a smartass, runt," Anna warned, "I'm not kidding, figure something out, or I'll figure it out for you."

"I'll keep that in mind," Chad said, "Can I ask you a favor?"

"Haven't I already done enough for you?" she said before sighing, "Fine, but only because you didn't rat me out to mom and Victoria."

"Bram," Chad began, "Please, Anna, don't put him through what you've been doing to me. I'm begging you, just try to keep him safe."

She stared down at him for a minute before nodding, "Don't worry, tiny, I'm not going to use him like I do you, not unless he asks, of course. He's different from most guys I meet. He's nice and seems to care. You remember our arrangement, and I'll do my best to make sure he stays safe. Course I can't be everywhere all the time, and I can't prevent him from getting into situations with mom, Victoria, or Rose."

"That's fine, I understand," he said, "Thank you, Anna, and I promise I'll uphold my end of our arrangement. Not like I have much choice, but still, I'll make sure you get your time."

"Damn right," she said, "Alright, so I'm not gonna use you as a foot scrubber, but you can still rub my feet for me. I'll cut you some slack since you had a rough night, but I don't want to hear any whining, got it?"

"Yes, Anna," he replied as she held out her hand for him to climb on.

The days passed at a slow rate for everyone in the household. The stress continued to mount for Victoria between worrying about her father and brother and the day-to-day operations at Cups. It left her more and more absent-minded as the days wore on, and Bram quickly found out about the dangers of his stature. Twice he'd ended up submerged and smothered in the confines of her bra, once he'd managed to end up in her shoe, and on three separate occasions, he found himself mixed in with the household's dirty laundry. The last one had been a particularly awful experience as he'd wound up stuck to the inside of Pam's panties and then buried beneath various other garments. Anna had been the one to find him, and of course, it had been after he had managed to climb onto a pair of her tube socks she'd worn after practice. When Anna had first found him, he'd been afraid, but she'd only laughed before helping him out and washing him off.

Admittedly, his interactions with Anna had been as close to normal as they could be given the circumstances. She made several short jokes, but she seemed more preoccupied with his dad than himself beyond that. Once a day, Anna and his father would go off together, and he often found himself wondering just what she was doing to his father. He tried to separate himself from it and focus on his schoolwork, planning his next campaign, or just watching television with the rest of his family. It was kind of neat when he could watch TV. At his size, he may as well have been in a theater. He did miss being able to play his Playstation, though. There wasn't anyone in the house interested in gaming like he was.

The most trying parts of the day were also the most rewarding whenever Rose cared for him and his father. He loved his grandmother; indeed, he did, but he'd never realized how forgetful she could be. Both he and Chad had ended up under her bottom on two separate occasions. Thankfully the lycra leggings she wore were soft, but they did little to alleviate the weight of the giantess. Once, he and his father had been trapped beneath her for half an hour. It felt like an eternity to the two of them. They'd only managed to get discovered when she'd gotten up to grab a drink, and even then, all they had managed to do was avoid the crushing weight of Rose's well-toned ass. She was always apologetic when she learned of their embarrassing predicaments, but she also tended to laugh as she apologized.

Chad had warned Bram of the dangers that came from being on a couch or a chair, but there was no stopping it from happening if they fell or were placed there. The only safe places for the two of them were the tables or nightstands throughout the house. It was here upon the sanctuary-like islands that they talked and reconnected. Both of them found themselves wishing for some clothing, but beggars couldn't be choosers as the old saying went. Of course, even safer places were complete havens for either of them. The most memorable example that stuck out in Bram's mind had been when Pam had come home and placed the mail down beside them. The gust of wind from such a simple action has sent them hurtling towards the floor, and they'd each spent over an hour navigating the carpet fibers and dodging footfalls as their family searched for them.

It was on that day that the two of them discovered a new form of terror: insects. The house was cleaned, but the occasional bug would find its way in. Then, finally, they'd come face to face with a spider searching for a place to make its web. The eight-legged monstrosity had been crawling along the kitchen floor when they finally emerged from the forest of carpet, and when it saw them, they felt a crippling fear wash over them. It stalked its way over to them, its many eyes locked on them as though they were little more than an exotic dish. Neither of them could remember a time when they'd run so fast and far in such a short amount of time. Their speed did nothing to deter the spider, though, and it closed in on them with hunger and enthusiasm that filled them with dread. Its hairy legs and frightening maw stood poised to rend them clean and without mercy. A mighty stomp had saved them from Pam, which sent them flying backward while watching the arachnid's guts spill out. They were safe, but it was a harrowing reminder that anything and everything could become a threat at a moment's notice.

The experiences, while mostly terrifying, had given Bram insight and ideas into a new campaign. He'd started contemplating it the following day once his fear had subsided, and it had become nearly all-consuming as the days went by. He'd noticed the distance, the stress, and the unease that everyone seemed to be adopting even before he'd shrunk. Everyone seemed to be going through the motions as it were or just barely holding it together. His father seemed well enough, but now he could see the exhaustion that was overtaking him. He was the only one in the family interested in D&D, but part of what drew him to it was the camaraderie that came from the game. Maybe that was what everyone needed, a way to band together. Perhaps he could bring them together again. If there was even a chance, he had to try.

While Bram was learning the ins and outs of survival, Chad continued his efforts to spare himself Anna's wrath. Unfortunately, this meant having to endure whatever twisted games she thought up for him during their time together. The week that followed their last conversation consisted of him being used once more as floss for her toes after a game, a massager for her ass, and being used as a sweat rag a couple of times. The sights, sounds, and smells he'd heard witnessed from her were demented at best, but she had remained true to her word. She continued trying to look out for Bram, and after she'd had her fun, she allowed him time to rest and recuperate. Sometimes it was drawing a bath in the sink for him; others, it was just as simple as helping him read a comic.

He continued to try to make an effort to draw closer to her as a father, and there were days when it seemed to go well and others where it seemed to grate on her nerves. He'd learned to respect her and her wishes even before their little arrangement. Testing Anna's patience never ended well for him, but one good thing was that he was learning to read his stepdaughter better with each passing day. He could tell when she was uncomfortable, angry, happy, or even sad just by her body language now, and while it was a small win, it was still a win in his book. If he could ever return to normal, then it would prove invaluable in the future. She still insulted him more than he liked, but she'd also taken to using his name whenever they found an amicable topic of conversation.

It was late one evening when he was reminded of just where he stood with Anna and just how fragile everything was. She hadn't continually grilled him about Pam, but she would ask at least once what his plans were going forward. Every time his answer was the same, he hadn't a clue as to what to do. His fear of further damaging their relationship kept him from coming out and telling her how awful the experience had been for him and every time Anna told him to figure it out. Finally, it had been after she had her fun one night when things came to a head.

He'd been soaking in the sink while she supervised him to, as she put it, make sure he didn't do anything stupid. She asked the same question, and he gave the same answer he always did. She'd gone silent after that, and even without the hard look she gave him, he could feel the tension mounting in the air. She stood up without a word and walked over to him. Before he could ask what she was doing, the tip of her finger was pressing down on him and submerging him in the water. He fought to get away, to find a way to the surface, but she held him down and followed his every move. Finally, in his panic, he opened his mouth, and water poured in from all sides. The familiar sensation of drowning hit him like a ton of bricks, and for a moment, he honestly thought she was going to kill him.

Then, just as suddenly as she'd begun, she stepped back and let him resurface. He broke the water in a coughing fit, and tears rolled down his cheeks alongside the sink water. It took him a minute to collect himself, and she'd watched him the entire time. Then, finally, she told him in a stern tone of voice, one final time to figure it out, or things would get worse for him. His comfort with her had been shattered in an instant, and even as she gently lifted him out of the water and dried him off, he shook with fear. He hated feeling this way, afraid to move or make a sound. Whenever Anna got this way, he had to remind himself that it wasn't because she hated him; it was because she had to protect her mother. She had a good heart, but unfortunately, that protective need gave her ill intentions more often than not. Unfortunately, since he was with her mother, that meant those intentions often fell upon him. She'd taken him to his and Pam's room shortly after that.

Sleeping was something that had also become increasingly difficult for him after his night with Pam. Firstly, he couldn't sleep unless she was in the room preparing to go to bed herself. Even then, he often felt restless in his bed. The idea of waking from his slumber only to be used as a toy kept him awake, and even when he managed to fall asleep, it was often unrestful. It didn't help that Pam propositioned him for another intimate encounter every other night either. He'd been feeding her lies about being too tired, too sore, or just too distracted when in reality, he was simply afraid. He watched, night after night, as his lovely wife looked crestfallen and disappointed by his constant rejections. It killed him inside. Much as he hated to admit it, Anna was right; he had to figure something out. All the effort to prevent a wedge from forming, and yet this was distancing him and Pam further from one another. The irony was evident and painful at the same time.

While Chad was trying to find a way to breach the subject, Pam was left trying to understand. She'd had a fantastic night, and she truly believed that Chad had as well. Had she been wrong? Had she done something wrong? The more she tried to be close to him, the more he pulled away, and it was eating away at her day by day. The revelation of Bram catching this nasty virus only added to her stress and enhanced her need to be close to her husband. All she wanted was to please him, to hold him, but he was resistant to her at every turn. He'd been off before that night, but now he was somehow more distant after it. What had she done wrong? She'd done just as Sophie had said, hadn't she? These questions swirled around her head and formed a tumultuous pit in her stomach and her head. All of this was giving birth to a spiraling depression that she hadn't felt since Robert had left her and Anna all those years ago.

She tried not to think about that time, but the growing space between her and Chad felt all too familiar. The difference being that Chad wouldn't cheat on her, but the void that came with distance was still a painful one. Anna had seen it, and she found herself worrying that she might be taking her worries out on Chad. Her daughter was too protective of her for her liking, but she appreciated the thought. She tried to keep it together around the house, but she knew that if anyone could see the cracks in her facade, it would be Anna. Chad wasn't oblivious to it, she knew that, but he did nothing to try to comfort her. Then again, what was he supposed to do? When they'd gotten married, neither of them had ever imagined something like this happening. It was unknown territory for both of them, for everyone.

She found herself confiding in Victoria more than anyone else. She tried to be vague about what had happened, but she needed someone to talk to. Anna was out of the question simply because she knew how much her daughter would worry about her if she discovered just how much pain she was in. Victoria was understanding, but she also tended to side with her father. The question that was continually posed was whether or not she tried talking to Chad about it. Maybe it was the fear of rejection, but she couldn't bring herself to bring it up. The communication breakdown between them was wearing her down, though, and even with Victoria lending an ear and words of comfort, it was getting harder and harder to keep up the act.

Nearly two weeks had passed in the household, and while things seemed normal enough, it was clear that everyone was on edge. Pam found her only escape came from throwing herself into her work. Helping others strengthen their core, push through doubt, and achieve better health was enough of a distraction for her. She buzzed around L&L Fitness volunteering to take over for any trainer needing a break or who'd called in. The purple and black walls of the studio became an odd haven for her. Here she could almost forget about the troubles of her homelife. She'd never been so thankful that her workplace was a women's only gym; it helped her to forget the pandemic that had swept the country. But, of course, there were still little reminders that came. Women needed to vent about their boyfriends or husbands affected by the virus, but she was able to keep her troubles at the back of her mind for the most part.

On one such day, she finally lost her composure and had to excuse herself from her client. A young woman named Clara had come seeking a distraction from her woes. Everything was going fine until the young blonde began talking about her fiancé. Unfortunately, her problems seemed to parallel Pam's, and with every word the young woman spoke, she found herself drawing closer and closer to a breakdown.

"I just don't know what to do anymore," Clara said as she rested between reps, "John has been pulling further away from me, and all I want is for the two of us to be together like we were. I feel like I'm losing him, you know?"

Pam could feel tears welling up in her eyes, and she fought to hold them back as she replied, "I know exactly what you mean. Unfortunately, this virus has put a strain on my marriage as well."

"What are you supposed to do?" Clara asked as she wiped the sweat from her brow, "I don't even care that he can't hold me anymore, but it's like he's afraid of me now. When he first caught this thing, we used to try to sit and watch movies together, and my niece would watch him while I was at work. Now, he's so withdrawn and reserved it's like he's a different person! Maybe I did something wrong, or maybe Carly did, but I just wish he would talk to me! God, I'm sorry. I'm paying you to help me get into shape, and here I am treating you like some sort of therapist."

"It's fine, really," Pam lied, trying desperately to hide the hitch in her voice.

"It's just," Clara began as she walked over to the heavy bag and gave it a weak punch, "I love him, and it's like he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. I know things can't be normal like they were, but if we could just sit, talk, and spend some time together, I'd be fine with that. Instead, every single time I try to even touch him, he pulls away from me and jumps. What's a girl to do?"

What indeed? That was the exact question that continued running through her mind day after day, and maybe it should have been comforting knowing she wasn't alone, but the reality was that it only made her more worried. It was selfish of her, but it was the sad truth. Chad was her best friend, her partner, and the most caring person she'd ever met. She coughed to disguise the sob that escaped her lips before saying, "Excuse me, I need to use the lady's room."

Clara had said something in response, but she was too caught up in the whirlwind of emotions to comprehend it. She hurried off towards the back of the studio towards the locker room for the personal trainers. She was relieved to see that it was empty, and she quickly found a bench to sit herself down to let out the festering emotions that had been eating at her. She cried. She couldn't hold it in any longer, and she let everything she'd been holding in over the last two weeks out at that moment. She hung her head and buried her face in her hands as she wept. This was never how she envisioned her life with Chad ending up, and she couldn't take it anymore between her fears and anxieties.

Pam had been so caught up in her sorrows that she'd failed to notice Jody enter the locker room. Jody had seen her friend all but sprint by everyone, and she knew that she needed someone. She'd be there for her, as she always was, so she followed after her beautiful friend. She locked the door behind her so they wouldn't be disturbed, and she carefully considered the best way to approach Pam. Even in her broken state, the girl looked amazing to her. Her hair tied up in a ponytail, that tight white tank top, and those form-fitting black spandex may as well have been a princess gown in Jody's eyes. Perfect though she was, it broke Jody's heart to see her like this.

"Pammy," she said, trying to keep some distance lest she get sent away or overstep her bounds, "You alright, hon?"

Pam sniffled and tried to pull herself together at the sound of Jody's voice, "Yeah, I'm good. Just...needed a breather is all."

"Pam, you don't have to lie for my sake," Jody said as she took a tentative step forward, "If you need to cry, cry, and if you want to talk, I'm here for you."

Pam wiped the tears from her eyes and looked over at her friend. Jody's brown locks were tied up in a bun, and her face was one of concern. The low-cut maroon halter top she wore was slightly damp from her helping one of their clients. Pam tried to hold herself together and brush off Jody's worries, "I'm fine, Jo, honestly I just got a little overwhelmed, is all."

"Pammy," Jody said softly as she walked over to sit next to her friend, "Why are you punishing yourself like this? It's okay to cry, and the more you repress it, the worse you're gonna feel. So let it out, hon. Just know that I'm here for you, forever and always."

It was such a sweet and simple statement, but it was all Pam needed to hear about resuming her breakdown. Jody had always been there for her. She never understood why, but she'd stopped questioning it a long time ago. She threw her arms around her friend and buried her face in the crook of her neck as she sobbed, "Jody, I don't know what I'm going to do! It feels like I'm losing my husband, now Bram has this virus, and I just feel like my whole family is falling apart! I'm worried that Anna is mistreating Chad, Victoria is stressing out over Cups, and Chad doesn't want me anywhere near him anymore!"

The sudden hug caught Jody off guard, but she didn't hesitate to wrap her friend in a tight and supportive embrace. She gently stroked her back and held her close, "Let it out, hon, let it out."

"God, I shouldn't be doing this, not here," Pam whimpered between sobs, "Those people out there need me."

"Those people can wait," Jody said definitively, "You need to take time for yourself, and then you can worry about them. No one is going to bother us here. I made sure of that."

Jody hated to see her like this; feeling guilty over showing her emotions wasn't right. Pam carried the weight of the world on her shoulders; while Jody loved her big heart, it pained her to see her like this. When she'd told her about her wedding, she'd been equally happy and disappointed. Chad was a good guy, but she often worried that he wouldn't care for her as she did. She was jealous of him, she knew it, but she did her best friend hide that from everyone. Pam was everything she'd ever wanted and more, so when the time finally came where she was off the market, it had been difficult for her. However, Pam loved Chad, and he made her happy. In the end, her happiness was all that mattered to her. Seeing her like this was heartbreaking.

They sat there, Jody holding Pam and cooing lightly as she sobbed for an unknown amount of time. It didn't matter to Jody; she'd stay here all day and all night if Pam wanted or needed her to. Then, finally, Pam began to calm down, and her body-wracking sobs started to subside. Her breathing was still uneven, but it was a start. "You must think I'm such a mess," Pam said with a forced laugh, "Crying and getting bent out of shape because of things I can't control."

Jody cupped her chin and made her friend look at her. Their eyes met, and while Pam's were red from the crying, she was still the most beautiful thing Jody had ever seen. "I'd never think that about you, hon," Jody said with a smile, "We're all human, and all of us have to cry at some point or another."

"I shouldn't let this bother me like it does, though," Pam argued, "It's just...I was already worried about Chad and Anna getting along, but now they're spending time together daily."

"That's a good thing, though, isn't it?" Jody asked.

"At first, I thought it was," Pam admitted, "But after the other night, I'm not so sure."

"What happened?" Jody asked, becoming slightly worried about her crush.

Pam told her about her passionate night with Chad after the bar, and Jody was faced with a choice. She had a sneaking suspicion that Pam's wild night with Chad was the root of his issue, but should she tell her that? If she did, she risked upsetting Pam further, but it also meant that it could give her hope. Her jealousy was part of what kept her from voicing her suspicions; with Pam and Chad in a difficult spot, it meant an opportunity for her. Was this really how she wanted to start a relationship, though? She knew that any successful relationship was built on truth and honesty, she knew that, and she couldn't risk losing Pam. As much as she longed to be with her as more than friends, it would never work if their relationship was born from dishonesty. Now the only issue was figuring out the best way to word her thoughts without furthering Pam's distress.

She bit her bottom lip as she tried to figure out the best way to voice her thoughts, "Pam, you were pretty drunk that night. Are you sure you didn't? I don't know; maybe push Chad too far too fast? I get it, hon, you want to be close to someone, but you feel like you can't. Believe me, I know how hard that can be on a person, but do you remember everything that happened that night?"

Pam tried her hardest to recollect the night's events. Admittedly, it was a blur to her, and the main thing that stuck out was the pleasure. The feeling of guilt that came from the possibility of her hurting Chad hit her hard and fast. She threw her head back and groaned before burying her face back in her hands, "Oh God, what if I pushed him away?!"

Jody put a hand on her friend's thigh and tried to soothe her growing anxiety, "Hey, it's alright hon. He's still alive. He might just be scared, is all. But he loves you, and I don't think one night of passion is going to change that."

"Jody, I used him like a dido without even asking him!" Pam exclaimed, "I think passion went out the window. I was selfish!"

"Pammy, I think Chad can get past a lapse in judgment," Jody said as she ran her hand along Pam's thigh, "Just talk to him about it, and I'm sure the two of you can work through it. In the meantime...if you ever need someone to talk to or maybe want to cut loose, I'll be here for you. All you have to do is call, and I promise I'll drop whatever I'm doing for you."

Pam sniffled and, for the first time, smiled at her friend. Jody was more than she deserved, but she was always thankful to have her in her life. "Thanks, Jo. I hope you're right," she said.

"I'm always right, sweetheart," Jody joked before asking, "Are you going to be okay for the rest of the day?"

"Other than looking like a mess?" Pam asked, "Yeah, I think I'll manage."

"Why don't you take the rest of the day off?" Jody offered, "I can take your clients, and I'll let them know that you had an emergency or something. Go take some time for yourself, and maybe you and Chad can talk about what happened."

"I couldn't do that to you and the other girls," Pam said as she stood up.

"Honey, you need to stop worrying about everyone else and worry about you for a change," Jody said as she put her hands on her hips, "Go home, go for a drive, just get out of here and take the day for yourself. No drinking though hon, save that for the weekends, and even then maybe sleep it off at my place."

"Alright, alright," Pam said and went to hug her friend, "Thanks, Jo, for everything. I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you."

Pam meant it in a platonic way, Jody knew that, but despite wishing it was more, those two words meant the world to her. She hugged her crush back and kissed the top of her head, "I love you too, Pam," she whispered.

Pam broke the embrace and gave Jody a genuine smile. She gathered her belongings and headed out of the locker room. Jody was right. She needed to take some time for herself. She gave herself a once over in the mirror to make sure she didn't look too disheveled before heading back out into the public. A drive sounded nice, and maybe it would give her some time to clear her head. She just hoped that Chad and Bram were okay with Rose. She needed to talk to Chad, but there had to be some way of easing the tension that had built up over the last two weeks. This wasn't exactly something she wanted to just spring on him, but hopefully, she'd figure something out.

Chad and Bram sat on the coffee table while Rose cooked lunch in the kitchen. It was almost eleven, and already it had been a day for the two of them. Bram's day had started with Victoria accidentally knocking him into the top drawer on her nightstand, which thankfully had a box of tissues that broke his fall. Unfortunately, that meant he'd had to fight to climb his way out of the box. By the time he did, Victoria had already closed the drawer and left him in total darkness. He spent twenty minutes stumbling in the dark and banging on the walls before she found him. She'd been in a panic thinking that he'd gotten hurt, so he did his best to assure her that he was fine. It was becoming a common occurrence for him to reassure his family, even when he ended up in a dangerous or painful situation. According to his father, it was just something that had to be done to keep the peace and reduce everyone's stress levels. He often wondered just how much his father had lied about before he shrunk.

Chad's day had started without the hassle of getting trapped somewhere, but he was caught in a different type of prison. Since his experience with Anna, he'd been frantically trying to figure out a way to breach the subject with Pam. It was difficult before, but now he could see how disheartened she was. She put on a brave face, but he knew her too well to believe she was as fine as she claimed to be. He'd watched as her attempts to even touch him had become forced, and time and again, he saw her falter for a second before she would pick him up. The heartache was evident by the look in her eyes. The sight of that added to his own heavy heart. He needed to do something about this before it got worse or before Anna revealed whatever it was, she had up her sleeve. His stepdaughter was nothing if not creative with her sadism.

Breakfast had gone off without much of a hitch, the only thing off-putting being Anna shooting Chad the occasional glare. He returned her expecting look with a nod of understanding, and that seemed enough to appease her. Rose arrived just before everyone left, and that was when the chaos began in earnest. Chad loved his mother dearly, but even at his normal height, she was forgetful. She'd picked the two of them up before clearing the table, but the phone rang, and she sat them down without thinking on one of the plates. The boys knew that if they didn't move fast, they'd end up in the sink alongside the other dishes. A sponge didn't seem like much of a threat, but they'd both learned not to underestimate even the most mundane items at their size. Getting squashed alongside leftover scrambled eggs wasn't exactly something on the top of either of their lists.

By the time they'd made it to the edge of the plate, however, Rose had already it up. Bring carried was something that took some getting used to, but riding on an object was something else entirely. The shifting imbalance was the same, but while they were in someone's hand, they'd have the safety net of the person's fingers. Being so close to the rim of the plate was disorienting as their world wobbled with every step Rose took, and a quick and involuntary glance over the side turned their stomachs. They tried to holler to get Rose's attention, but their cries fell on deaf ears. They were fast approaching the sink, and without another option or idea, the two of them made a break for Rose's arm.

Running was something that both of them were becoming quite adept at their newfound size, and they reached her hand just as she went to place their ride in the sink. The beige cardigan she had on was all they had to cling to as she walked back to the table to collect the remaining dishes. Bram had joked about creating a business called Micro-Survivor's Gym and Fitness due to the amount of exercise the two of them had gotten. Still, their situation was a prime example of the validity of the idea. They weren't able to stand on her arm, and instead, they clung to the fabric of the cardigan while dangling precariously from her arm. Each step caused a tremor that threatened to dislodge them, but thankfully they held on until Rose reached the table. Then, they let go and landed on the table safely and sound for a time.

Neither of them called attention to their life-threatening situation because they knew that it would do no good. They'd survived, and that was enough for them. The rest of their morning consisted of trying to keep from falling into Rose's shirt, avoiding getting tangled in her hair, dodging a plate of food that she nearly set on them, and doing their best to remain on the safety of the coffee table. It was far from perfect, but sadly this had become a routine for them over the last two weeks. The only upside was that it had brought the two of them closer together. Bonding through survival, while unusual, helped to ease the terrors that came from being this small.

Currently, they were sitting on opposite coasters while Rose exercised in front of them. They'd eaten their fill of some snacks that Rose had put out; vegan cookies that, while not tasty, were surprisingly filling. Bram had been sharing his idea with his dad, "So basically, it's a campaign inspired by everything we've been going through. What do you think?"

"I think it sounds neat, but I don't have the slightest idea on how to play, Bram," Chad replied.

"Don't worry about that; I can talk you through it along with everyone else," Bram said, "Creating characters takes the longest, but after about thirty minutes to an hour, you should catch on to reading your character sheet. Come on, Dad, it's been nearly a month since I got to DM a campaign. With everything that's happened, I think all of us could use an escape."

He wasn't wrong, but Chad wasn't sure about Dungeons and Dragons, "I don't know, Bram."

"Just give it a chance, dad, please," Bram said, "D&D is a great way to build teamwork, trust, and understanding between players."

Chad decided on a compromise, "Alright, but only if you can get everyone on board. That means Pam, Victoria, and Anna all have to agree to play. If you can do that, I'll happily give it a go."

Bram clapped his hands together in excitement, "Great! I was already planning on involving them. This is gonna be epic."

It was the first time Chad had seen Bram this excited since before he'd shrunk. He wasn't sure about how well this game would go over, given he was probably the size of one of the dice, but if it made Bram happy, he was willing to try. Maybe if everyone joined in, it wouldn't be so bad; hell, it might even be fun. He looked up as his mother finished her workout routine and went to lean back to sit on the table, "Heads up. We've got incoming," he said as he and Bram got to their feet and dashed out of the way.

They avoided Rose's taunt booty as it gently landed on the coffee table. She'd changed into her workout attire shortly after breakfast, a pair of spandex leggings and an L&L tank top, and she'd worked up quite a sweat from her typical routine. She was ripe, but they'd gotten used to it. As long as they didn't end up under any part of her afterward, they could tolerate the pungent odor from her workouts. She beamed at the two of them, "Whew that one really took it out of me. Alright, boys, I need to shower, so let's get you someplace safe until I've freshened up."

They nodded and walked over to her waiting hand to go for a ride. In times like this, their situation didn't seem quite as dire, but things could change in the blink of an eye. They'd continue to adapt to whatever arose, and together they'd find some way to survive and endure. Whatever the rest of the day held, they'd manage to get through it. That much they both felt confident enough about. If the pandemic had taught them anything, it was perseverance.


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