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Chad stared up in awe as Pam held him in her fist. Her grip was tighter than usual, and it had him slightly alarmed. He'd been sound asleep when she'd clumsily fished him out of his bed, and he had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. She was drunk. It was apparent from her teetering standing and her slurred speech, but moreover, he could smell the agave on her breath. Those usually vibrant eyes were glossed over, half-lidded, and held a look of lustful hunger in them that had him worried. He didn't know what was going on, and truthfully he was afraid to find out.

"Pam, honey, what uh...what are you doing?" he asked, attempting to keep calm and diffuse the situation.

She giggled and hiccupped before roughly stroking the top of his head, "You sound so cute and funny! Your voice is so squeaky. It's adorable. We're gonna-hic-gonna have some fun, baby."

He'd heard those exact words from Anna not too long ago, and he knew that what might be fun for her would be terrifying for him. He didn't want to risk upsetting her, but he needed to try to handle the situation lest it escalate further. "Pam, I think you might have had a bit too much to drink," he said calmly, "Why don't you put me back down, climb into bed, and we can talk in the morning."

"I-hic-I have not had too much," she argued, "I miss you, I miss sleeping with you, and I really miss having you inside of me."

"Pam, please, I am exhausted," he said, growing more concerned with his wife's needs.

"Nuh-uh," she said, "Soph-hic-Sophie said that she found a guy your size who let her do whatever she wanted, and she said that us not having sex might be part of your problem. So I'm-hic-I'm gonna fix that tonight, and I'm gonna give you a night you'll never forget!"

This was a losing battle, and he knew it. He'd had more nights that he wasn't proud of and wouldn't forget as long as he lived. So while he was afraid of the answer, he asked anyway, "What uh...what do you have in mind?"

She brought him closer to her face, and he was hit with an overwhelming scent of tequila. Of course, they'd drank tequila tonight. That was the one drink that always seemed to bring out Pam's wilder side, something that in the past he rather enjoyed, but now it scared him more than anything. Her hot breath washed over him as she whispered, "I'm gonna put you inside of me. It'll be like a dream come true!"

The volume in her voice raised considerably with her last statement, and if he had been able to, he'd have covered his ears. She pressed him to her lips and gave him a sloppy kiss that coated him in a thin layer of saliva. What she was proposing was something more akin to a nightmare for him, but he knew there was no talking her out of this. As much as he didn't like it, his only option was to buckle up for what would surely be a rough ride. There were a lot of things going through his mind, the most concerning being his chances of surviving this intimate encounter. Anna had been rough with him, but she'd been sober every time she had her fun. He knew Pam would never intentionally hurt him, but throwing alcohol into the equation altered it drastically. Her self-control was virtually nonexistent when she was like this, and given his newfound predicament, it didn't bode well for him.

She tried to set him down gently on the dresser, but she nearly dropped him in the process. He tumbled out of her hand and onto the wooden surface, and he shook off the daze from his spill. He turned around to look at her and watched as she began attempting to put on a striptease for him. If he weren't the size of an insect, then he might have found it slightly comedic and endearing, but watching her fumble while trying to peel off her clothes only furthered his growing anxiety. As she pulled her top over her head, she got it stuck and stumbled around. After a moment of struggling, she broke free and tossed it aside. She shimmied out of her skirt next, and the act seemed to disorient her more than anything. She stretched her arms out to regain her balance and then set to work peeling her leggings off. This task proved to be her most difficult as she'd neglected to remove her shoes, and she fell backward in an ungraceful heap on the floor. She looked around, confused for a second, before realizing her shoes were indeed impeding her little show. She giggled again as she plucked them from her feet and finished removing her bottoms.

Terrified though he was, Chad had to admit the display was endearingly cute and comical. She struggled to get to her feet, but she managed and struck a superhero pose clad only in her bra and panties. Looking at her, he couldn't help but admire how beautiful she was. She flashed him a smirk just before she clumsily began fighting the hooks of her bra. A moment passed before it fell away and freed those magnificent orbs from their prison. Maybe it was just his perspective from his height, but he swore he saw those beautiful breasts bounce once they were freed. The sight of her figure and awe-inspiring size had him feeling both small and inadequate by comparison. For a moment, the fact that she was drunk and his fears were forgotten as he looked up at her. He was reminded of her state of mind and his imminent danger when she stumbled towards him. Her fingers fumbled around him for a moment while she tried to grasp him. Paralyzed with fear and knowing there was nothing he'd be able to do, he waited for her hand to coil around his little body.

Her grip was as tight as Anna's had been in the past, and he winced as he felt pain from one of his bruised ribs. She brought him to her face, and he caught a glimpse of those eyes filled with beauty and unparalleled lust. "Ready for some fun, baby?" she asked with an apparent slur in her speech.

Her grip was too tight for him to protest, but he knew that it wouldn't do him any good anyway. She brought him to her lips for a series of increasingly wet and sloppy kisses. The familiar scent of tequila filled his senses with every ounce of affection she showered him with. Her saliva coated his body, and the viscous liquid was as unsettling as it was disgusting. If this were all that his night would hold, then maybe it wouldn't be so bad, but he knew this was merely the start of what was sure to be a long and eventful evening. His breath hitched with discomfort when he felt her tongue race across his body. Ever since the night Anna had popped him in her mouth, he'd had a newfound fear of being eaten. It had indeed been the subject of many nightmares since that night, and being this close to the maw of his drunken wife was terrifying. Thankfully, she pulled him away after a few awkward and uncomfortable licks.

"I want you to worship me like a Goddess!" Pam said with lustful overtones.

He'd heard those words before, and the last time it hadn't been good. His world began to shift, and his stomach rolled as Pam quickly brought him to her exposed breasts. She didn't have a care in the world for his wellbeing at the moment; in her mind, this was what both of them needed. She smashed his minuscule form into the soft flesh of her right breast and began using him as a living massager. His already bruised body was treated to a clumsy and erotic tour of his wife's impressive bust. The saliva he'd been covered with helped him to glide across her skin, but it was quickly wearing off. Seconds ticked by as Pam's message became more aggressive, and it wasn't long before his coating was wiped away, and the friction began to set in. Between her inebriated state and the lust-fueled haze that was overtaking her mind, she had little regard for his ability to breathe. His air supply was, admittedly, limited as she dragged his body around the circumference of her tit. He had to take sharp inhales whenever the possibility presented itself, and they were far and few.

Her nipples grew erect the longer she fondled herself with his tiny body, and Chad soon found himself pressed against the rock-hard areolas. He knew he was small, but being pressed against Pam's nipples gave him an entirely new perspective on his size. Hell, he could have straddled it if he weren't continually dragged, smashed, and disoriented! It was remarkable to see, and there was some small part of him that was enticed by the sight before him. She did indeed did appear like some ancient Goddess before him, a fact that was equally arousing and terrifying to him. All it would take would be a single mistake on either of their parts for his life to come to an end. Struggling in this position could result in him taking a fall, or worse, earning the ire of a drunken Pam.

Pam fell back onto the bed, jostling him in a painful manner, and continued fondling herself. Then, finally, she let out a sound somewhere between a purr and a moan, "I want to feel those adorable little lips, Chad. Treat me like the Goddess I am to you!"

The tone in her voice was assertive and slightly alarming. He'd never heard her speak like this before, but maybe this whole thing was some sort of power trip for her. He honestly wasn't sure if she'd be able to tell if he was doing what she ordered, but he did as he was told, more out of fear than want. He did, however, realize just how much he'd missed the taste of his wife's skin. Sweet and supple with a hint of agave, most likely from some tequila she'd spilled on herself while drinking, and it was almost enough for him to forget his predicament. Almost was the keyword in that thought. The pressure she applied to his body was a near-constant reminder of how much he was utterly at her mercy. He was essentially a tool, a toy, for her amusement in this scenario.

The minutes passed by at an agonizingly slow rate, and he knew it was only beginning. When she was done with one, she would move him to the second to begin again. Sure enough, she quickly and roughly shifted him from one hand to the other before slamming his body into the supple flesh of her breast. How something so soft could cause, so much pain was beyond him. Pam's two fingers pressed harder into his back, and her erotic massage grew in vigor and zeal. She ground him into her nipple face first, and he continued attempting to dot her mound with showers of affection as best he could. Her breathing was becoming heavier, the heat of her body was rising, and he could hear her moaning above him. Her desire quickly transformed into a feverish need, and the pit in his stomach continued to grow. He knew it wouldn't be long before she would bring him to the uncharted and intimate territory. Never in his life would he have considered the thought of being so close to any woman's pussy, let alone his own wife's, so intimidating, and yet here he was nearly paralyzed with fears of the inevitable.

Pam felt incredible. It felt like an eternity since she'd been this close to Chad. Truthfully a big part of her had been longing for him. She needed this, and she knew that he did too. The level of control she had over him was exhilarating, and honestly, she found it incredibly arousing. He was hers to do with as she pleased, and while she would never hurt him, there was a certain thrill in knowing that she could. Throughout their relationship together, she'd always been the one ceding control. She never minded, and quite frankly, she enjoyed giving him what he wanted. She'd never have imagined that something as simple as a role reversal could be so unbelievably fun! She could just barely feel his lips tickling her skin, but she knew he was doing as he was told. Such a simple act, a simple command, and yet it sent shivers down her spine.

She could feel him struggling, fighting against her tits, but even they were proving to be too much for him. His life was in her hands, something that previously stressed her to no end, but at this moment, it was all she wanted—knowing that she had absolute and complete control over him and this situation. How much he breathed, where he went, everything was entirely up to her. There was a fire burning in her loins, and she had had just about enough of their fun little foreplay. She needed to feel him inside of her. The way he writhed in her grip from a simple massage had her dripping with anticipation. If he was this willing to please her tits, how much more would he do for her womanhood? She knew in her heart that he was just as excited as she was about what was about to come.

Chad's body felt like it had been put through the wringer. Battered and bashed from being smashed and dragged around Pam's chest had proven degrading and exhausting. This day had been mentally and physically draining. First, Anna's excursion into the shower, and now this with Pam. He honestly wasn't sure how much more of this he could take. Hell, at this point, he wasn't sure if he would even survive his descent into Pam's nether region! Whatever hope he had left was quickly being sapped away by the extenuating circumstances that seemed to continue to find him. Next to the fear of death, there was something else that worried him. If these were to be his last moments, what would it do to Pam? The idea of her being wracked with guilt over this chilled his blood, and the last thing he wanted was for any member of his family to suffer, especially her. With this thought in mind, he resolved to find some way to survive this ordeal. Even if his body were damaged, if there were a way to endure, he would find it. This he promised himself, not for his own sake but Pam's.

Pam shifted his world once again by bringing him up to her face. Her eyes were glossed over with want and desire, a carnal craving that overshadowed her drunken stupor. "Ready for a wild ride, baby?" she asked in a breathy tone of voice.

He wasn't, but he never got the chance to reply. She brought him to her lips, kissed him a few times, and shocked him by popping his body into her mouth. His nightmares were made a reality in an instant, and Pam rolled him around her mouth. He cried out in protest, but she mistook his panicked screams for excitement at what was to come. He was encased in darkness, but he could feel her teeth as she slathered him in her saliva. The very idea of what they could do to him was enough to spike his adrenaline. Then, just as his fears reached a boiling point, she spat him out into her waiting hand. He never got the chance to say a word as she began lowering him towards her panties. There was nothing that could have prepared him for what was about to happen.

Pam had decided that her lover could use some additional lubricant. With this in mind, she'd decided to give him a little time in her mouth. He immediately began thrashing around while she folded her tongue around his body. For all the fun she'd been having, she had to admit this wasn't something she particularly enjoyed. She couldn't tell if he was afraid or excited, but something about having him in her mouth felt wrong. She didn't keep him in there long, and after barely a minute, she spat him back out. Even in her hazy state of mind, she couldn't bring herself to look at him. Some far-off and sober part of her mind knew that she'd possibly taken this too far. However, she was confident that what they were going to do next would make up for it.

Pam's hand coiled around Chad's tiny body, and he felt the world shift once again. Heat, darkness, and a strong scent permeated the air even though his confined surroundings. He knew before she ever released him where he was, and his heart was pounding out of his chest. He came face to face with his wife's womanhood. The smell of her arousal was all-consuming, and even within the cramped quarters of her panties, he could see it glistening, dripping with desire. Staring into the lips of Pam's well-trimmed pussy, all he could think was how he was going to survive this. The folds before him dwarfed him, and the idea of being devoured by them was genuinely harrowing. After everything he'd been through before now, it shouldn't have shocked him how insignificant he was, but staring into the waiting flower caused a shocking revelation to hit him: he was nothing compared to the women of his house. A toy, or an insect as Anna had described him, for their amusement. The realization came with a crushing weight, and he found himself fighting to hold on to his manhood and need to survive.

Pam shifted him in her grip, her thumb and two fingers keeping locked in place, and he was aimed face-first at what may have very well been his last sight. He tried to brace himself, take a deep breath, something, anything before he met his would-be final destination. Nothing, however, could prepare him for his first contact. All the times he'd gone down on Pam, all the times he'd fingered her, he'd never experienced anything like this. The wetness of her pussy was the first thing to register; hot, savory, and thick compared to the saliva covering his body. Next came the feeling of her insides that suddenly surrounded him. The walls of her womanhood were unlike anything he'd ever felt before, and he could feel every convulsion, quake, and tremor that shot through her. The pressure was unreal, and a new kind of panic set in. Initially, he'd been worried about suffocating, and while that still seemed entirely possible, now there was the looming fear of being crushed by his wife's innards! It, combined with the overwhelming scent of her, was enough to render him utterly useless in her hand.

She pulled him out, giving him a slight and short reprieve, before quickly thrusting him back into her. He barely had time to inhale when she'd taken him out, and what little air he had managed to get was polluted by her juices. He began coughing just as he was rammed back inside of her, and the familiar taste of his wife greeted his open mouth. However, there was nothing enjoyable about it as he once again found himself surrounded by the muscles within her constricting around him. She took it a step further this time by rubbing him along the sire of her walls. His already limited vision was completely ensconced by the tissue he was pressed against. She pulled him out once again, only to repeat the process. Each time she drove him deeper into her nether region, a seemingly unending abyss that threatened to serve as a tomb for his diminutive form. Her movements were fast, but for him, it felt as though time had begun to stand still for him. Each instance became increasingly difficult for him, and with every thrust, he found his resolve weakening. His body acted of its own accord, and he began thrashing and struggling against her grip. Mind and body were torn in a battle for self-preservation; his body fought to free itself, while his mind screamed at him to keep still lest he become lost to the void of Pam's womanhood.

Pam laid back, brought her legs up, and relished the feelings that came with Chad inside of her. It was exhilarating and intoxicating in ways she couldn't describe. She pumped him in and out with growing vigor. She slid him around the inside of her womanhood, taking careful measures to make sure he was well acquainted with every inch of her. She could feel him squirming, writhing, and thrashing about inside of her, and it was glorious. She assumed his erratic movements for enthusiasm at this new level of intimacy between them. In the past, when they'd made love, they'd been united, but this was something entirely new. He was literally inside of her. Every part of him was submerged and wholly immersed within her. She'd never had this level of control in their relationship, and maybe it was the alcohol, but it felt truly incredible.

Chad wasn't sure how much more he could take. His body was in agony, his senses overwhelmed, and the lack of oxygen was wearing on him. Pam was relentless with his body and her fun. Each plunge put him deeper into the steaming maw of Pam's pussy, and with every one, he wondered how long he'd be able to hold on. He'd thought being in the mouth of his wife had been a horrifying experience, but this was a terror on a level he couldn't put into words. What little reprieve he'd had at first had been stripped away just as quickly as it had come. The rate at which Pam pumped him in and out left virtually no time for him to breathe, and his only air came from small brief pockets that came from Pam's wild self-pleasuring. What little he could hear from his giantess wife came in the form of moans and cries of ecstasy. What was essentially a hell for him was practically heaven for her.

Occasionally, he'd receive a break from her innards, but that was merely trading one humiliating scenario for another. Pam would pull him from the confines of her vagina only to rub him against her clit. She smeared his face along the sopping exterior of womanhood in a way that was equal parts degrading and painful. His eyes and lungs burned from having her juices pour out over him, and it was a miracle he was still conscious. His body hurt in ways he couldn't fathom, and with every plunge or rub, he felt as if he were drowning. Some far-off part of him began wishing for the release that would come with unconsciousness—anything to end the agony that he was being put through again and again.

It was when he was once again driven into the bowels of Pam's hungry pussy that his night hit the crescendo of terror. He could feel Pam getting close to her orgasm; the walls closing in and compressing him had doubled in pressure. She shoved him in entirely, and a new panic set in as she lost her grip on him. He wasn't even sure that she realized it because her fingers continued probing and playing with herself. Chad was left without any sort of tether, and he found himself fighting to find some way out. He held his breath, fought, clawed, and tried to find some foothold, but there was nothing for him. The walls battered him, and his already battered body felt like it was on the verge of breaking. His nearly crippling fear turned to adrenaline as he worked to find some way of staving off the agonizing assault from the muscle's continual contractions. Despite his best efforts, there was nothing he could do. He closed his eyes and tried to find some form of acceptance of the inevitable that seemed to be creeping in on all sides.

Just as everything began fading into darkness, his puny form was swept away in a proverbial tidal wave, but not before a final and brutal contraction of the nightmarish walls around him. Something popped inside of him just before he was washed away in the flood of Pam's juices. He rode the wave out, not that he had much choice in the matter, and was expelled from inside Pam's pocket of pleasure. She came hard, and the flow of cum felt endless. He was slammed into the fabric of her now-soaked panties and was bombarded by more and more of what he once considered ambrosia from his wife. It finally began to subside, but he was stuck to the fabric of her panties. He coughed up the copious amounts of juices he'd inadvertently swallowed and tried to catch whatever breath he could.

Pam's body went slack seconds after experiencing the single most mind-bending orgasm of her life. She'd lost herself in the lust-fueled haze, but she had been acutely aware of Chad's squirming deep within her. Feeling his little body thrash around inside of her brought her to new heights of bliss, and she had already been on the verge of ecstasy. It hadn't been long after his struggling intensified that she'd come. She laid there, panting and basking in the exuberance from such a satisfying orgasm. Her panties and bedding were soaked, but she could have cared less right now. She was tired. Between the alcohol and her rather romantic evening, she felt like she could easily pass out. She just knew that Chad had to have enjoyed himself, and with no small amount of effort, she tried to fish him out of her panties.

Chad felt both exhausted and broken in more ways than one. When he tried to push himself off of Pam's panties, he felt a surge of pain in his left shoulder. Defeated, he resigned himself to his fate. He just hoped that Pam wouldn't want another round or wake up feeling frisky. All he wanted was to be back in his bed. Everything hurt. His head was pounding, his eyes burned, and his body felt like it could fall apart. The continual heat from Pam's nether region wasn't helping his situation either. All it did was exacerbate his condition and prevent him from finding any relief.

He felt his prison stretch backward and felt the slippery fingers of his wife gently wrap around him. She pulled him off of the wall of fabric and brought him out of the damp darkness. His ascent was much slower than any of his prior movements, and eventually, she'd brought him back to the place where their intimate endeavor had begun: her mountainous breasts. She laid her hand and him, down against the soft flesh. She gave a contented sigh before whispering, "That was amazing, Chad. I needed this. I love you, sweetie, and I hope it was as good for you as it was for me."

Did she honestly believe that any of this had been fun for him? He supposed it didn't matter, not right now anyway. The nightmare was over, for now at least, and all he wanted was to sleep. He prayed that whatever this was would be a one-time thing. Surely Pam would realize what she'd done, the damage she'd done, right? He could hope, but what had hope gotten him thus far? It was all he had, though, and for the sake of himself, his sanity, his humanity, and his family, he couldn't just let go of it. He hoped that Anna would go easy on him tomorrow, and ironically part of him looked forward to being alone with her. For all the humiliating and degrading things she'd done to him, she was perhaps the one person he could confide in about this. He doubted she would be sympathetic, but at least he could tell her what happened. Of course, he'd need to talk with Pam about it sometime soon as well, but for his own sake, he hoped that she wouldn't be attending another girl's night out anytime soon.

He heard her begin to lightly snore above him. Her breathing had evened out, and he could feel her heart beating beneath him. He was in pain, yes, but this was by far the closest he'd felt to her since everything began. If she'd only wanted this instead of using him as a living dildo, then maybe this evening wouldn't have been so bad. The price to pay was higher than he would have liked, but it was done and over with now. The living nightmare had come to an end, but he knew he'd be seeing those fleshy walls in his dreams for days to come. Even knowing this, he couldn't stave off the sheer exhaustion that was overtaking him. He closed his eyes, and he let the darkness take hold of him. If he had a dreamless sleep, then he would be happy. Instead, the softness of Pam's breast, her soothing warmth, and the rhythmic beating of her heart lulled him to sleep that night. He'd survived the night, but he wasn't sure how many more like this he could endure. A victory, no matter how small, was still a victory in his eyes. That was the last thought he had before officially drifting off into a much-needed sleep.

It was after midnight now, and only a few doors down, another victim of the pandemic was dealing with his issues. Bram sat on his sister's nightstand, trying not to look as Victoria changed. It had been an interesting day for him so far. His grandmother had treated him well enough whenever she managed to keep up with him, that is. She continually mistook him for his father, though. He supposed it was simply a sad fact of being this small; even he had to admit it was nearly impossible to make out distinguishing features with his father before he had shrunk. Being mistaken for his father had turned out to be the least of his worries, however. He'd gotten a crash course in the perils of being the size of a bug when he'd tumbled down his grandmother's pants and fallen into her tennis shoe.

She'd placed him on her shoulder originally, and that had been its own headache. He still wasn't sure if she'd forgotten about him or if she had just assumed he was fine. Whatever the case may have been, he quickly discovered balancing while someone was walking was an almost impossible task. He'd done well enough at first, but her hair had fallen over her shoulders and been his undoing. He grasped for strands to hold onto, but all that did was get him tangled up in it. For ten minutes, he fought to free himself, and when he finally did, the outcome had been far from a victory. He slid down her long mane, rolled over her shirt and breasts, and searched for something to slow his descent. Loose threads had helped, but he had no way of pulling himself back up. It didn't help that he'd gone unnoticed by Rose as she continued her work in the kitchen. Her footfalls had been enough to jolt him loose, and he honestly thought he would meet his end on the tiles of the kitchen floor. It never came, though, but what came next was almost just as bad.

He'd never considered the ramifications, let alone the possibility, of being trapped in someone's shoe before. As it turned out, it was far from a pleasant experience. With Rose having a penchant for fitness, her socks were damp and odorous from her foot sweat. No part of him had thought it would be enjoyable, but he also hadn't considered the power of her stench. The smell had caused him to gag immediately, and there was no way to prepare for the pure foulness of it all. He'd landed in the side of her shoe by her foot, but even with his size, his room was limited. Hot, sticky, and overall swampy were the only words he could think of to describe his predicament. Things go even more perilous when he felt his grandmother begin to walk.

She was completely oblivious to his degrading position, and each step was like an earthquake to him. The steady rise and fall jostled him around, and he ended up falling face-first into her sock-clad foot. The moist fabric was disgusting to the touch, and he felt nauseous from the close contact. He felt a wave of fear hit him as he realized she'd come close to snapping his legs inadvertently just by stepping back down. He needed to find some solution to keep himself and his appendages safe before he got seriously injured; he'd only just barely managed to bring his knees up in time. Climbing out wasn't a viable option since she was moving periodically. His mind raced with possible solutions, and unfortunately, he only saw one that was even remotely viable. Much as he didn't want to, the only option he could see was to hear deeper into the confines of her shoe.

With a great deal of reluctance and a growing pit in his stomach, he did the unthinkable and tried to make his way towards Rose's toes. It was more difficult than he anticipated. Every step that his grandmother took ran the risk of knocking him under her foot. Maybe it was the seemingly random intervals of steps, but the most challenging part was getting timing down. Whenever he could time it to where he'd move while she was standing still, it was simple enough, but more than once, he'd made the mistake of moving while under the impression that she was standing still again. His heart was racing by the time he finally made it to the edge of her shoe. Being this close to her toes was far from ideal, and honestly, he didn't know what his next move would be. One thing was clear, though. The stench was worse deeper in and closer to her toes.

His new position came with a new issue too. When she walked, he found himself getting thrown into her toes. At one point, he'd managed to land on the top of her foot and quickly discovered that any steps she took would lodge him against the top of her sneaker. While not debilitating, it was still vastly uncomfortable and slightly painful. He needed to find some way out of her shoe, and so he did the only thing he could think of: he began beating his fists against he'd foot. His fists pounded against the top of her foot whenever he was stuck there, and whenever he managed to get back to the tip, they rained against her toes. He hoped that it would be enough to garner some attention, and sadly he was right, just not in the way he'd planned. Much to his dismay and frustration, Rose began shaking her foot in response or curling her toes around him. It was disorienting whenever she shook her foot, but it was humiliatingly painful when her toes coiled around him. He found himself squeezed between the fabric covering her toes, and he realized just how utterly powerless he was when this happened. He was at the mercy of a single foot, and all he could hope was that she'd take the time to investigate.

He'd later learn that she believed him to be a pebble in her shoe, but not before enduring an extended stay in her footwear. He had no idea how long he was actually in there, but he knew it was much too long. Finally, after about the tenth time getting trapped in the grip of her toes, her foot exited the smelly shoe. Everything shifted at an alarming rate as she lifted her shoe into the air. He had tumbled towards the back of her shoe, and he couldn't hold back the terrified scream as she turned it upside down. He was in free fall before he knew what was happening, and he was shocked when he landed in the palm of his grandmother's hand. What shocked him even more, was what came out of her mouth, "Chad, honey, I thought you were a pebble or something that had gotten stuck in my shoe. I understand unusual kinks, dear, but you could have gotten seriously hurt in there. Don't worry, I won't judge, but in the future, maybe let someone know before you decide to indulge in a foot fetish."

Unbelievable. Did she honestly think that he had done that on purpose? He tried to protest and clarify that he wasn't his father, but she waved him off and set him back down on the counter. She turned away from him and walked over to the oven to pull out whatever she'd been cooking. He wished that she would have washed him off, but at least he was free from his deadly and smelly prison. She placed a large dish down on the counter, and the scent of her cooking made his stomach growl. She'd cooked one of her casseroles, and he tried to remember how long those usually took her. All he could think of, however, was just how hungry he was. Thankfully, Rose cut him a slice and tried to accommodate his size by slicing it into thin pieces. At least he had some food to serve as a reward for surviving his unwanted adventure. He ate his fill, and he wondered what other perils this day had in store for him. How his father had managed to survive for this long was a miraculous mystery to him. He'd have to ask him how he dealt with it all whenever he saw him again.

Sadly, his excursion into his grandmother's shoe hadn't been the end of his tumultuous day. Once he'd finished eating, he caught a brief glimpse of Anna, who came to get two plates of food before heading back to her room. After that, Rose picked him up and placed her back on her shoulder despite his protests. She assured him that it would be fine, completely ignoring the fact that she'd lost him only a short time ago. The journey from the kitchen to the living room had gone about as smooth as he expected. Once again, he found himself grasping at strands of hair to keep from falling, and yet again, he found it impossible. He tumbled forward, and his face flushed with embarrassment as he rolled down her shirt and into her sports bra. Compromising, humiliating, and just plain wrong were the only ways he could think to describe where he had ended up. Now the question on his mind was how long would he be stuck here?

Much to his relief, she'd discovered much quicker this time. He supposed it was due to her having just lost him not long ago. Yet again, when she spoke, she seemed more amazed than concerned, "Honestly, Chad, I'm your mother. Maybe I need to speak to Pam about finding some way to alleviate your needs. I imagine that the two of you haven't had much in the way of sex since you shrunk. It's okay to feel pent up, hon, you're only human, but I would prefer if you tried to keep yourself away from my more personal areas."

That was easily the last thing he wanted to hear, and he was once again in disbelief at her insinuations. She really believed that he had gotten in her shoe and bra on purpose. The added caveat of hearing about his dad's sex life was just icing on the cake that was this strange day. After that disturbing little tidbit, she'd placed him on the end table where he sat until Victoria got home. Admittedly, he did find himself staring at his grandmother's backside when her alarm went off for her to stretch. It felt wrong, but seeing her from this perspective was surreal in so many ways. Every inch of her curves was accentuated, with his size being what it was. He tried to look away, but it was like staring at the backside of a Goddess. Once she was done, she sat beside him and found a Marvel movie to watch together. The irony of watching Antman was not lost on him, but he enjoyed the little break he had. Admittedly, it was kind of neat watching a movie on such a large screen. It felt almost like he was at the movies, and he found a comfortable spot leaning against a stack of coasters on the end table to recline.

When Victoria came home from her shift, she showered before relieving Rose and leaving for the day. Victoria had been the one to discover his identity, thankfully, but not before talking to him for twenty minutes about work. It had been when she'd brought him closer to her face to get his input that she realized he wasn't their father. She was shocked at the revelation that he'd shrunk, and when he told her about their previous encounter, she immediately felt guilty for not noticing him sooner. He assured her that it was fine, and then he proceeded to tell her about his afternoon with their grandmother. She listened intently as he told her of his journey from his room to the kitchen, his discovery and case of mistaken identity, and everything that happened after. Unsurprisingly, she was just as weirded out by their grandmother's words about a foot fetish and their dad's sex life with Pam.

"She actually thought you went into her shoe on purpose?" she asked.

He nodded, "I know, and I couldn't believe it either. Could you, maybe, let me get cleaned off? I can still feel her sweat on me, and it is pretty nasty."

She replied as she gently and carefully carried off towards the bathroom, "Sure, God, I can only imagine how gross that must have been."

They arrived in the bathroom, and she started to fill the sink so he could wash himself off. She kept him in her hand while the water ran, "You don't even want to know," he said with a shudder, "Makes me wonder how dad has managed to put up with everything as well as he has."

"Wait a minute," Victoria said, realizing that she hadn't seen their father today, "If grandma thought you were dad, then where has he been all day? You don't think something happened to him, do you?!"

He hadn't even considered that. He'd been so preoccupied with his own survival and wellbeing that he had overlooked what their father must have been going through. "I hope not, but given what I went through, it's possible," he replied before remembering something Rose had said, "Gran said she thought that he was with Anna. She was surprised to find me on the floor, and she was convinced I was him. Maybe check with her?"

"I'll be back, Bram. I need to go make sure she hasn't hurt him," she replied.

"You don't think she really would, do you?" he asked, genuinely unsure about it.

"You've heard how she talks about him, talks to him," Victoria said, beginning to get frazzled, "I want to believe she wouldn't, but I'm not taking any chances. I'll be right back!"

She sat him down on the vanity and quickly turned around to leave the room. She was in such a rush that she failed to notice how close Bram was to the edge of the sink. She was gone without another word. Bram was left sliding down into the basin of a sink with the faucet still on. The water continued to rise while he tried to stay afloat. Trending water was simple enough, but he kept having to swim away from the faucet itself. He learned this the hard way when he drifted towards the stream of water, and he found himself submerged under the immense pressure. He managed to swim away, but not before having a downpour of water enter his lungs and eyes. Was everyone in the house this forgetful all the time, or was he just that unlucky?

He continued paddling about as the water level continued to rise, and he wondered just how long before it began to spill over. A nagging fear entered the back of his mind; would he be swept away into the floor if it did? Yes, the odds were slim, but given his current luck today, he was genuinely worried about it. His only hope was that Victoria would come back sooner rather than later. By the time she finally did return, the sink was filled to the brim. Victoria quickly took notice of this and promptly shut the water off. If she was worried about him, he couldn't tell. She seemed agitated by whatever interaction she'd had with Anna, but before he could ask, he found himself scooped up in her hands and being roughly bathed. This was an entirely new and embarrassing predicament. His sister's hands lathered him up and ran across his body in a quick and annoyed fashion. When her fingertips ran across his member, he tensed, but she either couldn't feel it or ignored it altogether.

She ranted as she washed him, "She had him all day! She acted innocent enough, but he was passed out on her vanity mirror. I swear, if she hurt him in any way, I will never forgive her! She swears that they'd just spent the day talking, but I don't buy it. When I questioned her about it, she had the nerve to tell me to calm down and to lower my voice! She treats him like a toy or something, and she has the audacity to downplay my worries for my dad?! Honestly-"

"Victoria!" he finally screamed, growing tired and sore from the vigorous scrubbing, "Please, stop!"

She blinked and stared down at him. Then, she must have realized something because she immediately stopped and gently set him down. "Oh my God, Bram, I didn't hurt you, did I?" she asked, panic setting in.

He didn't want to worry her, and honestly, it had been more uncomfortable than anything. He shook his head as she handed him a rag to dry off with that dwarfed him by comparison, "I'm fine. You were just getting a little carried away. I'm sure Anna didn't do anything too bad with him, for what it's worth. She's a little harsh, yeah, but she's not going to seriously hurt him on purpose. She doesn't like dad, but she cares about you and Pam too much to do anything that would kill him. I also don't think she's got it in her to kill someone."

"You think she didn't do anything weird or rough with him?" Victoria asked.

"Maybe she did, maybe she didn't," he replied, honestly unsure, "You saw him, though, and he was just sleeping, right?"

"Yeah, and she said she was going to take him back to his and Pam's room," she replied.

"Then we should just leave it at that," he said, "Where is Pam, anyways? We should probably tell her about...well, all of this."

Victoria shook her head as she held out her hand for him to climb on, "She's having a girl's night out tonight. I was supposed to take care of dad when I got home, but if you think Anna has it under control, then I guess I won't worry about it."

"Good for her," he said as he climbed onto her hand and they left the bathroom, "She probably needs a break considering she's been trying to act like everything is normal. Hey, where are we going?"

"My room, dork," she said with a smile, "I figure it's better for you to sleep there than by yourself. Wouldn't want you to end up in another situation like today."

"I guess that's a good point," he replied as they walked down the hall towards her room, "Where am I going to sleep?"

"My nightstand," she said as though it were obvious, "I'll see if I can get a matchbox for you like dad's tomorrow, but tonight you'll just have to make due. Maybe an old sock or something?"

"Not. Funny," he replied, earning a laugh from his sister.

"Relax, I wouldn't do that to you after the day you've had," she said, "Come on, let's get you settled in."

They'd entered her room, and she had set him down on his temporary lodging space. The two had talked about many different things, and for a brief time, things felt almost normal. Ignoring the fact that his sister looked like a skyscraper, of course. They joked, laughed, and watched a bit of television before either of them realized what time it was. That brought them to now. Victoria had been the one to notice the time, and she'd only just gotten up to get ready for bed. Either she'd forgotten about him, or she didn't care that he was there because she began stripping down to her underwear. It was hard not to admire her figure, and he had to keep reminding himself that this was his sister.

It wasn't that she was trying to be sexual by any means. Instead, she undressed as she would if she were alone. She started with her shirt, and she casually tossed it off to the side. She then unhooked her bra and let her breasts free. Her back was to her brother, but something about the simple act of such a Goddess was mesmerizing. Her pants were the next to fall away; the faded denim came loose with a slight tug. He swallowed nervously as his eyes became glued to the simple blue cotton panties that covered her butt. Terrifying and captivating were the two things that came to mind when he looked upon her backside. Twin peaks that could consume him, hide him away from the world, and possibly spell his demise. Still, he felt a wave of shame when he felt his member twitch after another moment of staring.

He shook his head and forced himself to look away. "What is wrong with me?" he asked himself.

Victoria walked over to her dresser, opened a drawer, and bent over to locate a nightshirt to sleep in. Bram tried to keep his attention elsewhere, but it was more complicated than he would have liked to admit. He watched as Victoria slipped the baggy shirt on. A faded gray t-shirt with holes in it that their dad had gotten years ago. The Cups logo on it reminded him of when their father had just started his business. He was taken away from his walk down memory lane before it truly began by Victoria walking back over to the bed, "Ready for bed, little bro?"

He nodded, "Yeah, after everything that's happened, I could use some sleep."

She folded up a clean rag she'd brought from the bathroom and set it down on her nightstand for him, "I know it's not much, but we'll figure something better out for you tomorrow."

"It's fine, sis," he said as he crawled onto the rag and began settling in, "Thanks for doing this for me and for taking care of me."

"Anytime, Bram," she said as she climbed into her own bed, "We'll get through this together as a family. You're in good hands."

He wanted to believe that. He really did. Time would tell as far as how well that promise would hold up. He knew, deep down, that no one in his house would do anything to hurt him seriously, but he'd already been overlooked several times today alone. However, he was well aware that his only option was to trust them. If it had worked for his father, then it would have to work for him. He settled into his spot, closed his eyes, and drifted off into a much-needed sleep.


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