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The days following the McCallum family’s return were mildly uneventful, considering what they’d been through only a short while ago. Victoria had returned to running Cups, Pam had returned to the LIFT gym, and Anna was preparing to return to school. Meanwhile, the boys of the house were living out their lives as close to normal as they could. They still faced the frequent dangers and trials of life at the size of an insect, but at least it was within their home rather than out in the so-called wilds.


Things were continuing to change as the world tried to adapt. One of those changes came in the form of a new policy for students affected by the virus. The school board decided to implement a new program to reintegrate tinies with the rest of the class. It was optional and entirely up to the parents, but it was something that Bram had been considering. Chad and Pam both agreed that it was Bram’s choice to make. Whatever he chose, they would sign off on and agree to. It was dangerous, but no more than anything they’d faced and endured while adapting.


The choice was in Bram’s to make, and it wasn’t one that he took lightly. There were pros and cons to it, but the pros were more selfish for him than anything. He could have argued that he’d do better with in-person learning, but he didn’t stress about that much. He’d been keeping up with his studies well enough on his own up to this point. No, the real reason he was thinking about going back was far more self-serving. His reasoning was born out of teenage want and curiosity that took the form of a certain stand-offish giantess named Peyton. 


Anna had given a slight boost in morale after their first morning together. Bolstering his confidence might have been a bit of an overstatement, but he certainly felt more assured that he was right to continue his pursuit of her. His fears of being abused and tormented by her had been put to bed. However, there was still the fear of being rejected that lingered in the back of his mind. That was normal, though, when it came to this sort of thing; it was probably the most normal thing that he’d felt in quite some time.


Of course, then there were the cons that came with attending such a public place. The most notable one was also the most obvious, and it was precisely what he’d been petrified of not too long ago. There was the threat of being taken advantage of yet again or facing dangers of being overlooked. There was the genuine possibility of being taken by someone like Sarah, or even Sarah herself, and used as a toy for an entire day, or worse. The thought of being taken to a stranger’s home against his will made his blood run cold and sent a chill down his spine. It wasn’t a guarantee, but the possibility was impossible to deny. 


Fortunately, Bram still had time to think and to decide. Nothing was set in stone just yet. The school board had made it clear that this wasn’t a matter that was time-sensitive given the potential risks that were involved in integrating tinies with regular students. Bram was fairly sure that if he went back a short while after the break, he wouldn’t be the only one getting a later start. If there was one thing he’d learned over the last few months, it was often better to think twice than jump into a new situation.


It was a topic that he’d been discussing with his father this afternoon alongside a handful of others as they went about their day. It had started off average enough. Pam had brought Chad out, Victoria, and Bram so that they could enjoy breakfast as a family. Pam was wearing her workout attire: black and purple leggings, tennis shoes, and a form-fitting tank top with LIFT stitched across the chest. Her hair was tied up in a bun, whereas Victoria’s was tied back in a ponytail. Victoria was wearing more of a casual outfit with her jeans and t-shirt combination that the Cups apron would cover once her day officially began.


The morning passed quicker than anyone expected. Anna had joined them just before their morning together came to a close. Anna was supposed to meet with Jessica around midday, but she’d agreed to hang out and keep an eye on the boys until Rose could come by. Not long after finishing their breakfast, Pam and Victoria were gone, and Bram and Chad were left at the mercy of Anna’s whims. Truth be told, both of them expected the worst: to be used or toyed with. However, that wasn’t what happened. Instead, their morning passed by virtually without incident or mishap. 


Anna spent the first part of the day in her pajamas while they waited for Rose to arrive: purple polka-dotted fleece bottoms and a loose-fitting t-shirt to match. She didn’t take her usual shots at the guys for their size or interests but instead opted to relax in the living room and enjoy the big television. Of course, she chose what was on, and neither Chad nor Bram cared to object or offer their input. 


Eventually, Anna got up to grab a shower and get changed before Rose showed up. This meant leaving the boys alone for a brief bit while she got ready to meet Jessica. That had been a little over ten minutes ago. Currently, both Bram and Chad were sitting on the table in front of the couch, catching up. “So, which way are you leaning towards going back to school?” Chad asked.


Bram had already voiced his concerns to his father, albeit without the specifics of Sarah. He’d also hidden the fact that part of his want to return was because of Peyton with the clever ruse of prom and other upcoming milestones that he was liable to miss. “I go back and forth on it,” he replied, his indecision still shining through, “I’ve missed so much already, and I don’t want to keep missing things because I’m that scared. Of course, I can’t really experience a whole lot if I’m dead or in some stranger’s basement.”


“Is that really something you worry about?” Chad asked, having noticed that it wasn’t the first time his son had mentioned scenarios like this.


“It’s one of those things that’s ugly but possible, Dad,” Bram shrugged, neither confirming nor denying how often he thought about it, “I don’t like it; it isn’t pretty, but it doesn’t mean that it’s any less possible. The news isn’t talking as much about it anymore, but what we saw at the beach told me that it’s still a very real thing that happens. It’s one thing when the girls forget about us, but it’s something else when you’re not at home and with people you don’t really know.”


Chad thought back to his excursion and misadventures that happened at LIFT. He remembered fighting against physics and trying to free himself from sweaty and humiliating positions. The women he hitched rides with, tried to avoid, or had to escape didn’t have a clue about his existence, but he could remember the fear of being discovered running through the back of his mind. It was the threat of the unknown that often scared him; it was almost more frightening than the present dangers that came at their size.


“I can’t really argue against that,” Chad shrugged, “You wouldn’t happen to be thinking about going back because of a certain young woman on Anna’s team, would you?”


“That is not related to the conversation at hand,” Bram looked away, deliberately choosing an exaggerated response.


“Uh-huh, so that’s a yes,” Chad chuckled, glad to see his son more like his old self, “I’m not saying that you’re making a good decision, or a bad one, by going back, but I want you to think about this. There is a lot to consider with this, and I want you to be sure about whatever you decide.”


“You and Pam are seriously okay letting me make the choice?” Bram asked, still finding it hard to believe that his father would trust him with such a massive decision.


“We talked about it, and after everything that you’ve been through, that we’ve been through, I trust you to make a decision that won’t put yourself in danger,” Chad admitted, “Plus, Anna is also attending the same school. You might have noticed she’s a little more focused than most when it comes to guys like us. I trust her to make sure you get home safely, and so does Pam.”


Bram smirked and chuckled, “Yeah, tell me something I don’t know.”


“I know she can be a little over the top at times, but I trust her with my safety and yours,” Chad said, “If you decide to go, then Pam and I are alright as long as Anna takes you and brings you home.”


Bram shook his head and sat down on the coaster beside him. After what they’d been through on vacation, Bram felt equally confident in his stepsister as his father and stepmother. Anna had an uncanny ability to put him at ease and simultaneously scare the hell out of him. Thinking back on their vacation, there was something that he’d been thinking about since the night at the club.  “Can I ask you something?” Bram asked, changing the subject from school for the moment.


“I don’t see why not” Chad nodded.


“It’s about that night at the club, more specifically when we were leaving,” Bram began, “Back when we made it out of that club at the beach, when we were riding in Anna’s purse, you were talking with David, remember?”


“Yeah, I remember, what about it?” Chad frowned, unsure where Bram was going with this.


Bram frowned as he tried to figure out the best way to ask what he’d been wondering. “Are you and David still friends?” he finally asked, not sure how else to phrase it.


“Of course we are,” Chad chuckled, “After everything he and I have gone through, I wouldn't throw that away because of one dumbass decision. What’s bringing this on?”


Bram frowned and sighed, “It's just some of the stuff you said to him that night. David’s always been like an uncle to Victoria and me, but I don’t remember ever hearing you sound so short with him. I know you guys have gotten into it more than once, but you didn’t sound like you had a lot of empathy for him despite what he’d gone through.”


Chad looked away as he tried to determine the best response. He knew he’d been hard on his best friend that night, but he’d had his reasons. He just didn’t think he’d be sharing them with his son or anyone who wasn’t David after that night. It was a talk that he’d been expecting to have with David sometime the next time they met, but maybe now was as good a time as any. “Right, I guess I should clear the air on this,” he finally said, sitting down beside Bram.


“Are you mad at him?” Bram asked.


“There’s a part of me that is still pissed,” Chad sighed, “The thing is, son, David let his insecurities push him into a position that he didn't need to be in, and one that me and the other guys had to ride through. Now, in all fairness, it was Joey who pushed things to a head, and I could have opted to stay behind. But that’s not what I did. Instead, I went along for the sake of indulging my best friend and giving him a night that he wouldn’t forget.”


“If you know that, then why are you still mad?” Bram asked, “You’re saying you’re just as much at fault as he is, but you seemed pretty focused on him and his mistakes that night.”


Chad frowned as he thought back to some of the things he’d said that night. Bram was putting it mildly when he said he was being hard on David. “I was angry that night,” Chad explained, “I was angry at David and myself for letting things go as far as they did. Because of poor choices, David’s worries, and my inability to stand up and act, I gave myself a secret that I’m going to have to keep from my wife for the foreseeable future. More than that, I have to keep what happened a secret from my daughter and my mother. I hate lying to my family, but what other choice do I have?”


“David didn’t make them do anything, though, Dad,” Bram said.


“I know, and I’m not angry about what happened,” Chad clarified, “I’m angry about why it happened. I was angry about lying, but then you got involved, and I almost lost you. Then there’s the fact that Anna and I have been going back and forth in our relationship, and that night added another layer of strain to our bond. The last thing she wants is for me to hurt her mother, but she also doesn’t want me to lie to her. Now, I’m caught between a rock and a hard place when it comes to this. I’m grateful that you two were there and that you showed up when you did, but you should never have been there. Neither of you should have been, and you didn’t need to see any of what was happening that night.”


Bram was slowly starting to understand. “So you let your emotions get the better of you,” Bram surmised.


“In a nutshell, yeah,” Chad nodded, “I wanted to be there for my friend, but everything was still so fresh in my mind. Seeing the women that I’m closest to behave like that, endangering my friends and my son, and having to carry that to my grave was more than I was ready to handle. Throw in another wrinkle in an already rough relationship with my stepdaughter, and I couldn’t keep my composure.”


“Did he say anything to you at the wedding?” Bram asked, more curious than anything.


“It’s not something that we’d talk about that soon,” Chad explained, adding when his son gave him a confused look, “This isn’t the first time that something like this has happened between David and me. Okay, maybe the first time something like this happened, but I meant one of us pushing the other to a point like this. Sometimes, I’m the one on the receiving end; other times, it’s him, but we’ve been at junctures like this before. It’s something that’ll take time for either of us to work up the nerve to talk to each other about, but we’ll sort through it before too long.”


“Is this the part where you tell me guys don’t talk about this sort of thing?” Bram asked, trying to lighten the mood.


“Oh, guys, talk about this stuff, but everyone is different,” Chad shrugged, “I’ve known David for twenty years, Bram. Our friendship didn't last this long by us not talking about when one of us is an asshole. In this case, both of us have a guilty part. Neither of us is innocent, but part of being an adult is accepting that you, and often the people you care about, aren’t perfect.”


Bram nodded as he took in what his father was saying. “Have the roles ever been reversed with you and David?” he asked, more curious than anything.


Chad shook his head and chuckled, “A few times, yeah, David isn’t the only one allowed to be a dumbass. That’s part of what’s made our friendship work over the years. It’s like I said, none of us are perfect. A good friend will tell you when you’re making a mistake, but they’ll also help you up whenever you fall down. David had a moment of bad judgment, but that’s not a reason for me to hate him. I could be angry, I can stay a little mad, but it doesn’t mean he and I are done being friends. I hope one day you have someone like that you can count on, Bram.”


Bram smiled as his father finished speaking. It was good to get some perspective on things, and hearing his father’s side of the story was refreshing. He hadn’t realized the extent of the situation he’d found himself in after that night, but hearing it said aloud made it seem almost painfully obvious. Bram knew all too well what lying to people you cared about could do to someone. He still hadn’t come completely clean about Sarah and that fateful afternoon, but at least he’d been able to get some of it off his chest. It was good to be unburdened, even if it was just a partial. Maybe his father would get a similar relief from sharing his story, and it would make life a little more bearable.


“Good to see you two idiots didn’t get yourselves lost or in trouble,” Anna said above them.


Anna was wearing a pair of faded jeans with a graphic T-shirt. She looked comfortable and casual at first glance, but both Bram and Chad noticed that her hair was straightened and that she was wearing eyeliner and lipstick. It was subtle, but both of them knew it was her attempt at dressing up for her crush. “Look at you getting dressed up for your date,” Chad smiled as she leaned down to check on them.


“Shut up, dork, before I flick you,” Anna rolled her eyes, “It's not a date. I'm just going to meet her for lunch and maybe walk around the mall.”


Bram kept his mouth shut as he watched his father and stepsister go back and forth. It was clear that the two of them had come quite a long way from the first time they’d all gotten together as a family. Anna was still rougher on his father than he would have liked, but he’d seen the care break through her tough facade more than once. Sometimes, it was a grin; other times, it was a slight inflection in her tone when she talked. Above all else, he’d noticed that there was considerably less venom in her voice whenever she spoke to her father. Even now, as they exchanged light jabs at one another, Bram could practically see that it was all in good fun.


“Are things still going well between you and Jessica?” Chad asked as Anna picked them both up and carried them over to the couch.


Anna shrugged after setting them on the arm of the couch, “I think so, at least as far as I can tell.”


Chad smiled and nodded, deciding not to push it further than that. He’d learned that if Anna wanted to talk, she’d come to him. “Are you excited to see her in person again?”


“You gonna give me crap if I say yes?” Anna asked, raising an eyebrow.


“No, not when it comes to this,” Chad replied, “I think it’s good that you kids have someone special. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t worry about one of you getting hurt, but admittedly, you’re lowest on that list.”


“The hell is that supposed to mean?” Anna asked incredulously.


“Relax, I just meant that you know how to take care of yourself,” Chad quickly replied, realizing how it might have come across, “You’re a smart girl and tough to boot. I worry more about Bram and Victoria because they’re more likely to let someone get too close.”


“Hey!” Bram exclaimed, “What’s that supposed to mean?”


“I just mean you wear your heart on your sleeve more than most people, you and your sister both,” Chad sighed, shaking his head.


“How’s your foot taste, dumbass?” Anna smirked.


“Not great, but you’d think I’d be used to it by now,” Chad chuckled, “I hope that both of you know that I don’t mean anything bad by those comments.”


“Uh-huh, sure you didn’t,” Anna scoffed, although she couldn’t conceal her grin.


“No offense taken,” Bram smiled, ignoring Anna’s tone.


The sound of the door opening cut through their conversation. Anna looked up along with the boys to see Rose walking in. She wore a somewhat loose sky-blue blouse with white capris, pants, and sandals. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail, and she wasn’t wearing makeup. She smiled at the trio as she walked into the living room. Anna’s phone suddenly started to ring, and she stood up quickly to answer it and step away. This left Chad and Bram sitting on the arm of the couch. Luckily for them, the couch was butted against an end table in case one of them fell. Sadly, both of them had learned the value of such a thing the hard way more than once now.


“Hey, boys,” Rose greeted, having spotted the pair on the arm, “How are we feeling this morning?”


She was too far away for her to hear them reply; they both knew that from personal experience. Chad rolled his eyes at the slightly patronizing tone his mother was using. She didn’t mean anything condescending by it, but he knew that she often thought it was silly to have to watch him and her grandson. Truth be told, a part of him understood where she was coming from. He was a grown man, after all, yet here he had to rely on his mother, daughter, and others because of his size. With the novelty having worn off some time ago, there was a slight sense of ridiculousness and inconvenience that came with having to be supervised almost constantly.


Once Rose was closer, Bram responded, “Hey, Gran, we’re doing alright. Trying to enjoy life and make the best out of a small situation.”


Rose laughed lightly at Bram’s bad joke, “That’s cute. I guess that the three of us are going to be spending the day together from what Pam and Victoria said. I understand Anna has an afternoon date.”


“Don’t let her hear you say that too loud, Mom,” Chad said, “She’s a little touchy about her relationship.”


“That’s because you don’t know how to talk to her about it, Chad,” Rose countered, “You’ve always struggled with it, even with Victoria.”


“That’s not true,” Chad balked.


“You’ve gotten better, but do you remember when Victoria got her first boyfriend?” Rose narrowed her eyes with a smirk,  “You called me asking for advice because she didn’t want to talk to you about it. I came over, and she told me that you were incredibly rude.”


“That is an exaggeration, and you know it,” Chad sighed.


“I may be paraphrasing, but we both know she didn’t want to talk to you,” Rose said.


Bram covered his mouth to hide his laughter. Rose was about to sit down when her phone rang. She stopped, pulled it out, and smiled widely as she answered, “Hello there, handsome. It’s good to hear from you, too.”


Chad stopped and tilted his head at his mother’s words. He knew she was on the market, but it was still strange to hear her talk in such a manner. She was a grown woman, but she was still his mother. However, he did what he always did in these situations and tried to tune it out. It was easier that way. He was about to say something when Anna’s purse dropped onto the couch near them. It didn’t jostle them too much, but Anna had dropped it without a second thought as she walked by. She was still on the phone with someone he assumed was Jessica. It seemed that there was, in fact, someone who could distract her from them after all.


Bram looked at him, and both of them watched as Rose stepped away. She had her earbuds in now, but she muted her phone to call out to the two of them, “I’ll be back soon, boys; holler if either of you need anything, okay?”


“Is she serious?” Bram asked as she walked into the other room, “That was a figure of speech, right?”


“Knowing your grandmother, probably not,” Chad sighed, sitting down, “I suggest getting comfortable, son. We might be here for a while, and with any luck, we can keep relaxing.”




Still waiting for that ass and fart chapter damn it !!!!!!! I’ll be patient but I know it’s coming soon since we got my girl rose again 😏😏😏

Lane Pizza

Very good chapter! I can't wait to find out what happens next!