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As promised, this update will focus on an overhaul to Pilferage and also tweak some other monetization related things about Filly Coins.

  • Added a UI Widget that shows you current Cargo Health
  • Cargo is now protected by a Seal that has to be destroyed first before the package itself becomes damaged. Default Hp for the Seal is 200
  • Reduced Cargo-Health from 1.500 to 1.000
  • Pilferage is now divided into distinct segments (See below)
  • Added an option to change the difficulty of the pilferage system
  • (Re)Added options to adjust payment for completing hauls and overtime bonus
  • Increased minimum amount of cargo that needs to be lost to gain debt during a haul
  • Reduced upper pilferage penalty from 500% to 330% of total payment (increased to 450% for a critical failure (for example, if you lose the Cart))
  • SL Pilferage: The amount pilfered now depends on every actor that participated in the scene
  • SL Pilferage: The pilfered amount is no longer random
  • SL Pilferage is disabled when Pilferage is set to Easy
  • Damage Pilferage: The damage done to your cargo is now based on the base attack damage of the Weapon/Spell that hit the cargo. Easy Pilferage Difficulty disables this feature
  • Cart Haul: The pilfered amount when leaving your cargo behind is no longer random and increases the longer you leave it unattained. After 10 * 30 (in-game) minutes the cargo is likely gone entirely. Staying near your cart will reset that timer after a while
  • Cart Haul: A fully pilfered cargo (Hp <= 0) can no longer be tethered and will untether, forcing you to return without cargo
  • Overtime Bonus now uses your payment over the entire series
  • Overtime Bonus reduced by 50%
  • You can no longer re-tether to your Cart if its more than 1000 units away from you
  • Fixed blackmail seductions damaging the cargo
  • Fixed an issue where the first run would pay you twice the intended amount
  • Fixed an issue causing the Premium Delivery stash to not be "repaired" between chain hauls

Pilferage System

Pilferage is a system that was first introduced back in the original S.L.U.T.S., however back then it only reacted to SL Scenes which created an indirect dependency on mods that introduce such scenes to your travel route.

In V3, I intended to make Pilferage act as a more complete feature by adding a variety of new ways to damage your cargo. However, I did not consider how incredibly harsh this old design was, having you stack debt when losing only 1/5th of your total cargo and a perfect haul being instantly ruined by getting hit by some nearby explosion made the system much more frustrating than intended.

V3.3 hence aims to fundamentally re-designed this system, making it more transparent and less punishing. The approach taken divides pilferage into multiple stages, these stages give you a rough outline to how well you are doing over the course of a run and give you some hints on how much you will be paid of the end of the run. These stages are as follows:

  • Stage A: This is the health of the Seal. As long as the seal is not fully broken, you will be gaining full payment and the haul is considered "perfect". A "perfect haul" qualifies you to earn an "Overtime Bonus" on consecutive hauls. Non perfect hauls will reset this bonus.
  • Stage B: Once the seal is damaged you will start losing cargo. There is a minor payment deduction and you will no longer qualify for overtime bonuses.
  • Stage C: A significant amount of your cargo is lost. The amount you're being paid is reduced to match the lost cargo but no more than 100% of it.
  • Stage D: Majority/All of your cargo is gone. You will not get any payment for this haul and will pay off excess damage as debt.

The current stage you are in will be displayed using a new HUD Menu that is visible during a Haul and gives you a quick and easy way to monitor your status and adjust your playstyle accordingly.

Please clean your save or start a new game when updating to this version


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