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  • Reworked Simple Slavery Integration
    The event should be more stable, immersive and fluent
    Dialogue properly reflects if you worked for SLUTS before and offers multiple ways to roleplay through this encounter to improve replay-ability
  • Improved tether-management
    The cart will now properly be recognized as "un-thered" in expected situations, such as entering a dungeon or house
  • Added missing scripts during the intro scene
  • Replaced gameplay related debug messages with message objects to allow translators to publish their translations without editing scripts
    Please notify me if there I missed a notification somewhere that should be moved into a message object. Please note that this does NOT include shop related strings as the shop will get a full scale rework with 4.0
  • MCM Default-Weight for the Special Delivery Haul has been set to 50 (from 0)
  • Fixed the Escrow chest not properly spawning if the chest location between 2 haul series did not change
  • Fixed LE meshes not being compatible with LE



Needed for new save or clean save or not at all?