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Jeffrey LaClair

Your An Amazing Young Woman don't ever Change I probably watched this movie 5 time. love it


It doesn't make a difference to me personally whether a person likes a movie that they are reacting to. I'd rather that they share an honest opinion. I can see why this story appealed to Denzel Washington. The two things I know about him is that his church, his home life, and his family are very important to him, as is the Boys & Girls Clubs of America who he attributes to providing him with guidance when he was growing up. The printing press and typesetting equipment depicted in the movie was how books and newspapers were printed less than a hundred years ago, before the age of desktop publishing and printers. I saw this movie at original release in theaters and had forgotten most of the details of the story. I remembering liking it when I walked out of the theater but it isn't one of my favorite Denzel Washington movies. Also, while his action films are popular with people these days some of his more interesting works have no killings at all but they don't get a lot of traction in polls - films like "Philadelphia" (1993) where he played an attorney hired by Tom Hanks to sue his employers for firing him because he was gay, or "Roman J. Israel, Esq." (2017) where he plays a once well-respected civil rights advocate but has since fallen on hard times and mental instability.