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Themes: Semi-Willing; Cooking; Family

Synopsis: Samantha stood in the kitchen, alone, and began to remove her clothing. She hadn't requested this fate - it had been chosen for her by her mother before she was even born. She had spent the previous 18 years being raised for this singular purpose, and in an hour's time, she would be gone.

She folded her clothes neatly and placed them in a hamper in one corner of the room. She picked up a bottle of cooking oil and started drizzling the viscous liquid over her body, making sure to coat every inch of her nubile flesh, and rubbing it into every nook. Once her skin was suitably glistening, she stepped up to the oven, opened the door, and stared into the black metal tomb where her short life would soon be coming to an end. Her breathing quickened. She climbed inside and reached her hand out to turn the knob, listening to the fan hum into action and begin blowing warm air over her body. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heartbeat, and pulled the door shut. A loud click signalled that the locking mechanism had activated, meaning it could now only be opened from the outside...

Three hours later, Samantha's mother placed her sizzling, lifeless body on the dining room table, and eager family members started piling in and taking their seats. Mouths watered as the matron made the first slice of Samantha's crispy flesh. She sliced up Samantha's juicy breasts, legs, and arms, and portioned the succulent meat amongst the family, who devoured it greedily. By the end of the night, Samantha's body had been picked to the bone, and her 18-year-long mission was finally over.


There will be a poll at the end of each month where VIP patrons can vote to decide which sketches become finished pieces! A finished piece will include one full-colour artwork, and a written story between 2,000 and 5,000 words. Feel free to ask in the Discord if you have any questions! :3



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