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Happy New Year, Lovelies!
I can't believe it's the end of 2021 already. Seriously, it's shocking. This year has felt like such a blur and I can without a doubt say it has been a rough year for me... as I'm sure many of you can relate. With the state of the pandemic and the ripple effect its had on the world, my mental health has been a constant struggle and something I've had to face and fight... while also tackling my first full year as a full-time content creator! It has been... a lot.

BUT! I am so thankful for 2021. Seriously. It was a STRUGGLE, and I'm not going to lie... I'm still struggling. But it taught me a lot about myself, my limits, and what I want for my future. And it also was a reminder of how many amazing people I have in my corner, supporting me!
(PSSST!!! That's you guys!!!!! Holy hell!!)

So.... 2022?
I don't have any set goals for 2022. If you've been on my Patreon for very long, you'll probably remember that at the end of every year I usually release an anonymous form asking for what you guys want to see in the new year and how I can improve. This year I'm going to avoid putting out the anonymous form because I want to focus on improving for ME, which I know will result in better content for you. There are already a few things I want to focus on to make slight improvements for your Patreon experience better (including making it a rule for Listener's Choice audios that we don't do the same tags back-to-back over the months... looking at you, MILF 😂) 💖

Ultimately -- Thank you!
Thank you for your kind words, your support, and your enjoyment of my content.
I love creating for you. I love the messages telling me I've helped you in some way, or just made this shitty year a little bit easier to deal with, or just given you a 15-minute break from thinking.
Thank you for understanding when the year hit me hard, thank you for your patience when I struggled through depression and burn out, and thank you for being the best support I could ask for.

You're amazing and I can't wait to see what 2022 brings us all.



Congrats on your fist full year of doing this full time! You've done great things this year and I'm sure with the things you've learned you'll do even better next year.


If there's anything you do Lupine, it's make shitty days better just by being who you are, and by doing the things that you do. So here's to you doing everything you need to look out for yourself and take care of yourself! Happy New Year! <3