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Thank you guys so much for your kind words, messages, and discussion since my last ramble talking about making changes. I really fucking appreciate it, I can't even begin to explain how much it meant to me. My biggest fear is people feeling like they're getting taken advantage of, and you guys helped me by being there for me and reminding me you're here to support me  haha. Thank you.

If you don't want to listen to the audio attached (oh god, it's ramble-y lmfao), the major change is that I'll be going from uploading four improvised audios a month to two scripted & soundscaped audios a month. This is super exciting to me, because it means I'll have more time for creating free content and that I'll be able to feel more creatively empowered by the content I make for Patreon (my improvised content doesn't always leave me feeling creatively fulfilled like my soundscaped content does)!

Here's the breakdown by tier:

$1 Cuties - no change. Thanks for your support!

$3 Honies - you are still getting one audio a month, but it will be scripted and soundscaped instead of just a minimally edited improvisation. It will come out within the first week of the month and because of that new timeline being solidified, I won't be leaving the prior month's audios available anymore.

$10 Sweeties - you are still getting two audios a month (scripted and soundscaped) but won't have access to voting on content. 

$15 Darlings - this is still where you get access to the audio backlog, but there will no longer be a 3rd audio available, there will no longer be an official game night attached to the tier, it will just be something I do randomly throughout the month and will be available to all tiers, and now instead of submitting "ideas" for audios, I'll be doing tag submissions. You can submit the tags you'd like to see, I'll make a poll and then pick the top few tags to create the Listener's Choice audio! (this is the second audio of the month, will come out end of 3rd week or beginning of 4th week).

$25 Lovelies - no changes besides no longer having a 3rd audio available 

$50 Good Boys - no changes besides no longer having a 3rd & 4th audio available

Thank you guys so much for being here. If these changes make it so that you wish to unpledge for future months, I totally understand, and am so grateful for the support you gave me!

Have an amazing day guys. Can't wait to see what awesome stuff this brings! 


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