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Hi, Lovelies! I can't sleep and I had to get this out.

There are going to be some changes coming to Patreon. I brought this up in November 2020, but never got around to making the changes as it was overwhelming. Now it's reached a point where the changes NEED to happen, and I'm going to try and get them into place by April 1st (no jokes, lol). 

This means I want to have the details out to you ASAP, so you can make an educated decision on if you wish to change your pledge amount or continue supporting me. I'm hoping to have that post published on Patreon in the next 24-48 hours.

If you don't want to listen to the audio or do not have the time, here is a brief summary:

1. I'm not happy with my lack of creative growth. I feel extremely stagnant and it sucks, I want to keep improving for you guys, and right now I feel like I'm not, which makes me feel guilty and it starts a whole cycle of frustration.

2. Because of this, I will be making changes to Patreon (as I have already made elsewhere and will continue to do elsewhere) to "prune" my work to encourage growth. This means I will definitely be dropping down to 3 audios max a month, perhaps 2. The debate between 2 and 3 is on the level of editing you guys would like. Currently, my audios on patreon are mostly "Improv" style, but if you prefer them to be more soundscaped & scripted, I would focus on that and spend more time on the audios instead of pushing out more that are improvised instead of scripted. I will be having a discussion in the Patreon general chat on discord today regarding this, so please stop by and put in your opinion!!!

3. Nothing is set in stone yet, and I will be putting out the full information here on Patreon in the next 24-48 hours with exactly what changes are happening, and how they affect the different tiers so that you can decide how you'd like to proceed :)

5. I cannot put into words how thankful I am of all of you and your support. 2021 has been a really hard year for me so far in a few different ways, but your support has been an incredible light. You've helped me realize a dream, and I'll always be grateful to you.

Thank you, guys. I'll be back here soon with more info. As crazy as this is (and i havent slept yet so I'm sure this post reads crazy as heck lmao), I'm so glad to know I'm moving forward to creating better content for you all.

<3 lupine



Yup, I kind of missed the Discord convo earlier today (whoops!) but I'm also just happy to be here, and happy to support your work. Do what you find is most fulfilling and personally rewarding!

who is counting

uhm Im not gonna be much more helpful, you know I just like your voice :D