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Hey, lovelies! 

Thank you all for the awesome ideas.  We had a TON this month! I had to combine ideas together, so if you don't see yours it's in there, just merged with another idea! (we can only have 30 options in the poll)

FYI: In the future, I'll be limiting suggestions to 2 per person every month! We've just gotten so many lately, I want everyone to have their fair chance! <3

Please vote on your favorite options (you can vote for more than one!) for this month's exclusives <3      

Please Note: I had a lot of submissions this month that unfortunately didn't abide by Patreon's guidelines, or were for scripts I do not have permission to perform privately, so I had to exclude or alter them. If you submitted one of those, I'm sorry! <3 They were all great ideas


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