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Hello, loves!   

As many of you know (especially if you listen to the weekly rambles, haha!) I have a full-time day job and a fairly busy personal life. Lately, I've been dealing with a lot of stress trying to balance work, life, and my Patreon responsibilities, and unfortunately I feel like I'm slacking a bit on all fronts and I'm needing to make a change for my mental health.

It's a big dream of mine to be able to support myself solely through voice acting, but since I'm not able to do so yet and need to keep my day job, I've realized that I need to ease back a bit on the Patreon workload I've taken on.

Because of this, I'll be making changes to the tiers again. Trust me, I hate having to make changes again so soon after the last change, and I wouldn't be doing so if it wasn't necessary.

I wanted to make sure I posted this notice a couple weeks before it goes into effect so that you all have time to alter or delete your pledges as you see fit. Thank you so much for the support you've shown me, and thank you again if you decide to continue to support me after the change!  

So, effective August 1st, the following changes will take place:  

  • The $100 Princes tier and $250 King tier will be removed. 
  • There will no longer be monthly custom personal audios. Instead, the $15, $25, and $50 tiers will be adjusted as follows:  
$15 Darlings will receive access to the content from the previous tiers as well as access to two additional Patreon Exclusive Audios per month. These audios will be chosen via a monthly poll. You can submit suggestions for the exclusive audios you'd like to hear that month, and the top three choices will be recorded. That means you'll have access to four exclusive audios per month, including those from the previous tiers!
$25 Lovelies will receive access to the content from the previous tiers as well as access to a private channel in my discord server where I'll host a monthly hangout where we can watch movies, play video games, or simply chat!
$50 Good Boys will receive access to the content from the previous tiers as well as access to an additional two Patreon Audios per month exclusively for Good Boys only! That's six exclusive audios per month, including those from the previous tiers!  

As I said, this change is effective August, so if you are in a tier that receives custom audios as of July, you will still be getting the benefits you pledged for.

Thank you so much for your patience and understanding. I love voice acting so much, and the work I do through Patreon is some of my favorite work. I just need to keep myself from burning out, so that I can keep producing content for you guys for years to come. 💖

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let me know!

💖 Lupine


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