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Hi lovelies!

I hope your weekend is starting off well!
I wanted to sit down and make a post about two very important topics regarding Monthly Custom Audios.

The first, is that starting this month, I very sincerely request that you have your request for the month's audio in to me by the 15th of the month. (So for example, for your April custom, I ask that you have your custom request in to me by April 15th). This is so that I can guarantee that I can get all of the audios out by the end of the month, instead of trying to record 20+ audios in two days because most people forget to send a request until later in the month (no shame, I would too! haha) and then feeling really bad when I run late on a few because of that. 

If I do not receive your request on or before the 15th, I will try my hardest to get it done before the end of the month but can't guarantee. Thank you for understanding! <3

The second topic is regarding the nature of content that can be requested. I recently revisited Patreon's Community Guidelines regarding Adult Content and noticed these two lines:

 > We have zero tolerance when it comes to the glorification of sexual violence which includes bestiality, rape, and child exploitation (i.e., sexualized depiction of minors)   
 > We also do not allow other fringe sexual fetish content, such as incest, necrophilia, or fetish content that is hard to distinguish from non-consensual sex.  

Please keep these in mind when requesting your monthly custom audio, as I will not be able to accommodate your request if it includes any of the banned content listed above.

Thank you so much for your continued support. I love you all so much! This community is frigging amazing, and I hope I can continue producing the content you love for a long, long time. If you have any concerns, please contact me and let me know!

Also, if you have any extra content you are interested in having incorporated into my Patreon, please let me know :)  

<3 Lupine


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