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Well, this is WIP images of Captain Doyle. There will be around 30 images of this series, exclusively for my Patrons!




Wow! I am really looking forward to this one! Love Captain Doyle's design with her juicy ass and every-dirty body! Nice contrast with the sexy very busty nurse she is with and it's fun to see her tough exterior fall away to being completely aroused and flustered during her exam because of how gorgeous the nurse is haha -Captain Doyle and the exam nurse are perfect specimens to clone too!!! I think I Captain Doyle's eyes should be in a darker color however to match her overall colors better -her eyes are striking but in some angles and lighting they make her look a little cartoony. Thanks! I can't wait to see more of this!

Hari Sado

I am working on this story! I will post this comix after the 30 pages of the "The Stranger Cp. 1". :)