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This is a very recommendable(personally) program and in most cases pretty useful, and I will let it here for patrons only :)

Basically this will transfer the knowledge of a self of yours generally know as "Higher Self" or "True Self" and transfer to you. This self is believed to be a part of you or inherently you in another and/or evolved form, though I personally by experience, can say it is inside people by nature as an inner self. So this audio will not connect you with anything external to yourself for safety purposes. 

This was one of the first audio I created and used personally, it helps a lot with intuition, though it was not tested enough to know the full extent of this audio. This is experimental for the sole reason I am not able to measure how much benefits you will get from this audio, since it is personal and individual for everyone.

But a very basic benefit, is that you can expect extreme amount of information and knowledge you only dream to achieve or even knowledge you may deem "impossible" for some reason. And of course, these will be transferred to you intuitively, so you may only discover you have it by instictually applying it or if you are intuitive enough you will know that you acquired a new knowledge. It have potential to transfer "keys" to unlock many things in yourself like talents, natural hidden abilities, traits etc.

What this audio will do is: Create an energetic link between you and your Higher/True Self(Inside yourself)
Strengthen and improve this energetic link between you and your Self.
Transfer and install the knowledge of your Self to your directly through the energetic link.
Activate intuition and innate knowledge so that you recognize and be aware of the transferred knowledge you grasp.

You can use it 2-4 times, and notice how it feels. If you experience headaches or feeling overwhelmed, stop and rest and continue later or the next day. 

You may do basic meditations on this audio but not necessary at all. Meditation without much of visualizations, just the traditional breathing meditation or zen state.

As this is old audio I will let 2 stacked versions along, just in case you need a more potent output as this audio is old but gold.



Thank you so much Freedom.. just what I need!