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Forgive me for just a few contents this month as I am keeping multi-focus and hope you understand. Though still planning couple of new fields and possibly might boost all the Freedom Essence series for a whole more powerful version :)

As for now, this one is extremely important and essential(maybe, if you're really looking for freedom of being/expression), just like the previous one(Contracts & Vows Removal). It aims to unplug/remove any and all implants there are in you, demonic and restrictive implants, alien or foreign implants, Artificial Intelligence implants, dimensional and interdimensional implants, metaphysical restrictive implants and all kinds of Overlays or revestiment obstructing your most natural and essential energy and individual being. Depending in most cases, but in majority, it will promote big shifts in every aspect of yourself, allowing you to be more in touch with what is considered to be the "real" you or "True Self". It of course may release many restrictions you have, but this depends from individual to individual, so no certainty of what you may unlock or unblock.

This audio will release and free you, in part, from the concept of "Matrix" or a system, in a metaphysical-energetic fashion. It is not intended in the audio, but it can be possible that your physical body as well change(the internal structure, not how you look or your appearance, just an upgrade), but it is NOT the essence of the audio, this is for some who were altered by implants.

Mechanism of the audio: Energy will access your energy system and Soul, and start unplugging and removing everything(or every form of construction-made) that is unnatural(implants) to your individual nature and as well remove overlays covering your natural aspects.

This can be used 1 to 2 hours straight/on loop for 3 days, then you give a pause of 3 days, and then you use again for 3 days, until you feel there is nothing more to remove. Make sure to drink plenty of water and be well nourished during these days/period.
You may feel different sensations and feelings, if that is the case don't worry as it is the process ongoing and all that is holding you stuck. After 24 hours of finishing using this audio(last day of using), I highly recommend using some energy clearing formula and a shield.

This audio may as well remove any demonic/malignant implants from you placed by evil/corrupted entities, as so you may feel pains and unconfortable sensations while it's being removed, whatever place it may be. Physical implants are not target but the energy may or may not affect it as well, so be aware if you want to use.

As this audio had just a few tests, I may update it later to a better or more powerful/effective version.

Enjoy your natural and rightful Freedom!



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