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Hello guys!

I haven't made yet a poll like this since there are few pratons and I was kinda busy with list of contents and other things going on in other areas of life. But it's worth to know your opnion as well on the matter of content offered, what you would like to see more frequently, which topics you like etc, because as you may have noticed I don't make topics too popular or trendy as there are already a lot of same contents out there available from diverse creators.

So in this poll I want to know about your preferences, let me know in a few options, what you would like to see more. Vote on it and let me hear your suggestion on comments about it, if it is creative and different from popular contents, there is high chance I will do it eventually.
I will continue with my creative contents, though it don't pains enough to know your preferences as well, right? :) 

Update: 19/12/22

So, Limitation/Restrictions topics and Competence topics seem more approved.

Are there any ideas you would like to see regarding these topics?
Let me know in the comments so I can start preparing for it. 



can you make something for someone who is forever alone? asking for someone else...