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This is another audio from Freedom Essence series, and as the title says itself, this programs helps you free yourself from Contracts and Oaths. Be they spiritual(soul), mental, emotional, karmic, metaphysical, energetic etc, any kind of Oaths, be they vows, promises, assignments etc. Any kind of contract you may have aware or unaware, this audio will cancel and nullify, freeing you from binds, pacts or whatever have been placed on you to restrict, or keep you imprisioned.

These contracts, especially those placed on Soul, they very much limits a person's life to a purpose, destiny or even control one's life behaviours and interactions. Many are made hidden, negative and unwillingly with influences of entities and mostly unfavorable to the individual. So to prevent your life is controlled by some form of contract or oath, this tool may help you get free from it if used properly. 

This might as well dissolve any contract on your energy(if there is any) blueprint. Sometimes there are oaths made with your energy and therefore your energy becomes or is limited/restricted in some aspect.

Mechanism of the program: The energy will enter your individual and slowly access different levels of your being and start to negate and nullify the blueprint impressed(where is made or called Contract) in your Soul, energy, mental plane, and your metaphysical essence. This will dissolve and cancel the contracts you have for any purpose.

Of course, this audio will works only with your consent in cancelling the contracts, so you should at least allow consciously the energy to access your being privately. To do this just consciously allow or mentally say that you want cancel any contracts binding you.
You may use 4 times a day, depending on each individual, it might take time or take no time at all, so recommended to listen for 3 months as well.

As an observation: Be sure you want to listen this and get rid of contracts. By some spirituality perspectives, you may not want to remove them at all if it's your choice. Also, there are contracts that your soul has made willingly, these may or may not be removed. The energy program will remove only what is not made willingly. 

Good luck!




Will this remove attachments. I'm sick with Wegeners disease (autoimmune) and have low vibration. It is affecting my family. They are being visited at night. Can you help or suggest something please. Thank you.


You can use this too, but for your case it could be probably Implant Removal audio would be better. I suggest you use some field or energy shield for protection and clearing energy before you use this or implant audio. If there is something on you, wether it be some form of implant, contract or other thing, it may turn agressive since you're trying to remove it. The same method for your family would be ideal but it could get better through you as well.


Thanks man. Appreciate it.