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This content is a little different from the usual, and that will be focusing more on the Physics aspect or an approach to start playing with Newton(one of great heads of Physics). This one is for wearing Kinetic Energy in short terms.

It is about to convert/infuse and accumulate Kinetic Energy on your Body.
Kinetic energy is the physical energy representing whatever kind of movement/motion force. If a substance is in motion/moving, it have kinetic energy. So going by this law of physics, the more you have Kinetic energy, the more momentum and magnitude you have. It can translate to having much more(potentially mechanic) energy to do tasks regardless of them being heavy or light, can as well add to your momentum, which can help in building of velocity in relation to your mass and/or magnitude, meaning that slightest appliance of physical force of yours against some surface would be way more effective than normally. In short, it is a boost for doing tasks. It can help boost whatever is a physical movement, including strength, speed, agility etc, of course, it's the theoric part of the audio, it needs to be put in practice to see if it works as intended, for you!

So, it will infuse you with a massive amount of Kinetic energy, which should be used for anything regarding motion and movement, depends much of the usage quantity. I would say 1-2 is good for a start. For safety reasons, it is intended in the audio to actually convert the energy itself into kinetic for you, so it is not the direct appliance of Kinetic energy as otherwise could potentially and most probably cause drastic accidents. So don't expect you becoming one with physics and betting into dangerous situations. It is a form to ease your physical tasks.

Note worth of caution: Remembering that in any case if you have too much kinetic energy accumulated, you may injury yourself if your body can't handle huge impacts.
If functioning as expected for you, this should as well increase the force which you exert physical force(magnitude) as well so take care at first.
Not recommended to use in sleep or before sleep or any instance that is required relaxedness.

Depending if there are some positive experiences or feedbacks, I may continue with these physics topics(though limited) and help you bend slightly some physical laws to your favor :) 



that high frequency in the mp3. is it possible to not have it? i can feel it


High frequency? You mean the vibrations? That's from the bass tone, and it's where the energy is embended at all, so not possible. You may listen at low volumes as well, there is no problem with listening on low volume.