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This time I will give basic notions and directions to lead you to create your own energetic audios/fields. I am aware that there may have other tutorials on internet and this would be just one more, at least for those who don't know yet the mechanics behind it.

So, to start, I would recommend having the basics of how to manipulate energy or intend it(there is one post here on the page that you can start practicing). And as well have minimum of energy sensitivity/sensibility, you need to feel energy, that's a must for you to know if you are doing the good work.  The steps will be separated by numbers so you can understand better, and again, this will be very basic and not much detailed the way I create. 

1 - Get some Audio Production Program/Software on your computer/Notebook and open it, I recommend Audacity, which is one I use. Next, create/generate some frenquency tone in the range you want or find better, with the amount of time(minutes) you want and set it. Or you can just open some music of preference instead, don't matter much the option.  Use the first option for learning purposes. 

2 - Search and research what you want to do, acquire accurate informations, if you don't know it already. Take some attention to the subject you desire to create and fill yourself with knowledge.

3 - Supposing you already know the basics of energy control or at least that you FEEL energy, sit and be in a comfortable position, and again for learning purposes, facing your computer with the audio generated from previous step.  Now you try to feel energy, whatever kind or source, but in this example, try to feel your own energy, focus on it. Once you starte to feel it, redirect it to the computer targeting the generated audio/frequency. Visualize the energy going into the computer and forming a field/sphere on the center of the frequency. Your intention plays role here, wether you want a Morphogenetic Field or just a pure energy field. 

4 - Done the previous step, bring up the topic/subject you want to create. Hold it on your mind and start to FEEL energy again. If it is your own, the correct term is MANIFEST it(Read the post on how to manipulate energy basics, there are many important things to know). It may be possible that you start feeling the sensations of what is on your mind, if this happens don't worry, it's only the "preview" you could be experiencing of what it will result of the audio. If you don't feel it, no problem as well, the important is that you hold the informations you want to put on the field while you manifest the energy to do so. 

5 - Once you are ready, visualize the information into your mind going to the field inside the computer on the frequency, in the form of energy. You choose the time you need to spend on this step, it will result on the potency of your creations depending on your creativity. You can choose insert all the information at once or insert it bit by bit(one by one).

6 - When you finish, save this file as extension of the program just in case of backup or other ideas. Then export the audio into some format of your preference, the file will be already charged. Test it and see if it provides the desired effects you intended.

That's basically how energetic audios are created, in basic form. You should practice and persist until you can create your ideal audio, with the potency, efficacy and quality you desire. Creativity is what turn creators different. Creativity both in topics(how you apply them) and the way you make your fields.

I plan to create a course soon, where it is explained in more details, with many different techniques in the same way I use to create my audios, ranging from how to apply potency, boost techniques, how strengthen your energy and therefore your creations, specific audios included to strengthen and auxiliate your progress and more other things. Basically, how to create in the exact same way I do, including how to induce such effects in yourself without the need of formulas, through energy. 

But I hope this post helps enough those that are willingly to learn through pure efforts, trials and errors and make the best of it :) 



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