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This is a especial designed pheromone and probably the last of pheromone series.

Strictly speaking, this is the pheromone of attention and highlights, though there were added a few twerks to transform it in Charisma and social matters. Different from the other pheromones this one is not much present  in great noticeable quantities in people. And it is a pheromone for both Male and Female.

This will possibly allow you to be more charming and attractive to others and give you more persuasion power over people. This can be used for various purposes and situations that you want favorable for you, whether it be attention of the opposite sex(potential partners), or atttract more friends, or help in your job interviews, lectures, social magnetism and interaction etc. This is the pheromone to give you the aura of a charismatic and attractive person and give you power over social matters.  In shorts, it will brighten you to the people around. You might feel more comfortable in making and starting conversations, and as well may feel yourself more sociable.

What the program will do is: Stimulate your body and glands to produce around 28-30mg of Androstratrione. It will give you a charismatic presence and personal magnetism due to the qualities added in the molecules. 

Use it 1-2 times or in any situation you want to be more socially or the center of attention.

You can also combine this with other pheromones for more strong effects. In short, this pheromone will add a boost in other pheromones of whatever nature. Examples are: Androstratrione X Androsterone or Androstratrione X Estratetraenol. 



SKa Sh

I loved it! It really makes you shine! THANK YOU!