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So,this is a new method/technique being developed to substitute my Energetic Programming audios very soon. This is a new tool that will allow your reality to change in actual/real time instead of indirectly by energy only. As much the final stage of this new technique is promising, here is a experimental audio that sets the initial stage of the new tool that is to come. It represents approximately only 10% of what this method is supposed to be. It works as well differently than energetic programmed audios in essence.

I explained, the audio may work differently than general energetic programmed ones, but the intent here is to change your voice to a more deep version of your voice, by relaxing and altering the size of vocal folds and vocal cords to ideally match. Really basic without much configuration or instructions in the audio, as it is only an experiment. 

You may use it as much you want. Though as much you use, you may as well feel pain or another annoying sensation, so you stop when you think it's enough. As it is experimental and in test phase yet, you could start slowly like first day you listen to this only once and keep track if your voice changes a little during the day. Next day you can use 2 times and notice the same. On the third day you may use it as many times as you want, and keep track of your voice. 

Well, let me explain a bit more of what this technique should be once developed to the real/complete  state. Reality is what we see/perceive here and now, the objective state of existence. With energy and energetic formulas, you don't see the change but it's doing the change in subtle ways, which can last some time until you really notice something with your physical senses. And many times, this transition can be quite "boring" to really wait since there can be risk of these subtle changes ongoing, unmake itself in the way, which does not always complete. And the other downside is that, no matter if it produces physical changes through your aura or energy, it's still energy, something that is not entirely physical. It's one of the reasons it will not really replace in a literal sense, physical things, such as applying some surgery or injecting hormones on your bones, these are not physical but energetic forms, an energetic effect simulation. The energies can yes, affect physically but the concept I mean here is the same of using an indirect substance to affect the substance, instead of affecting/changing the substance directly...

So what is being done on this "Reality Programming"  technique, is basically allowing to promote change truly physical and not through energy only. So to take a notion, it would be the same as having a physical surgery in real time, where you can see with your eyes, the scar or injury healing or disappearing. Speaking personally, I managed to do these kinds of things many years ago, though there happened a 'block' and couldn't do it anymore. Now I am back at practicing these again, but trying to see a way to put this inside a digital audio, if it makes sense, just the same way people put intended energies on it. So tests, experiments and hardwork are being done to complete this method. Reality Programming in the full stage, in resume is: changing your actual state of existence in real time, as if I were there with you physically, realizing the process. Then the primarily and main purpose of these tracks are to deliver change on your personal reality in one listen instantly or one listen and you start changing until achieve the full result without needing to listen the audio daily like other formulas. But this is only when this technique is fully developed.

You may still feel energy in this experimental audio or others, although the energy there may not be as powerful as the energetic programmed ones because the energy inside the file is only a vestige of my application in the audio, and because I didn't really focused on energy to give it instructions what to do. You may understand it better if you see the energy only as the "conduit" of accessing your fabric of existence into reality, so the personal reality changes directly. As well there can be energy in there, it's not guaranted that will have in the future audios, it may or may not contain energy present in it. It may sound unrealistic or illogic to some, but the better to understand this Reality Programming audio is the act of change, thus if you can't or may not feel energy in these kind of tracks, it's irrelevant since the alteration intended will occur anyway. 

So, as this is a experimental one, I hope you can share your experiences with it, so I may take note and possibly give continuation to this new technique until completion. You may as well notice metaphysical energy in different ways, so if you feel energy, differently from physical sensations, I ask to let me know. You may post your experiences here on comments or send me a email.

Good luck! 




This sounds phenomenal. I'm already tall, so I took voice for experiment. I noticed voice going deep 2 minutes after play. Several hours later it came back to original, so I played again with the same result. Then again it got back after hours. This time I played audio and I was talking during it - I noticed voice changing around half of audio and now it's deep again. Now - I don't know if voice should be going back to original if this is physical change? I take into consideration that I may be seeing my subconsciousness in action - I got excited about your post, AFAIK subconsciousness likes that state so she may be happy to do changes (like from subliminals etc.). I don't really mind if it is sub or not, but take my results with grain of salt please. Also the thing that I woke up with sore throat (before experiments) doesn't help. Do you plan more experiments for other areas?


Not a problem really, you're totally fine. this don't target subconscious at all and is not subliminal. So to have a clear sign that the result is real, people around you may notice or you may ask if the voice is a little different than they used to sound. This is the best to comprove you're not having a placebo effect. And remember, this audio is only experimental, so it may revert after a time, which is one of the things I will be fixing along experiments, to let this more complete. But yes, the FINAL purpose of this technique is to actually provide fully physical change equal to one listen. I'll be of course, doing more experiments on this technique for sure until it is complete. Though I'm having to test these experiments on myself first then let others do them to confirm, so it might take a bit to see another experiment with this method. I just posted these two for let people know/test it for them to have a notion of what the fully developed may be, and that I'm preparing new method of work. Anyway, thank you for your feedback :)


This is strong. After listening twice I feel pressure in my throat, pain in my upper jaw (why??) and a headache. I tried recording my voice and it seemed a tiny bit deeper. Maybe it could get deeper if I keep listening, but I don’t like these side effects. I hope you can do something about it.


Thanks! My update after several days is that it has 100% reliability on me. I'm listening 3-5 times daily, once every several hours. If I listen 5 times, I have deep voice all day. 3 times - it sometimes starts to revert before next listen time. I wanted to mention about sensations - usually I don't feel anything from this audio. Maybe I felt something in the throat during first days, but I had sore throat back then (not caused by audio), and also I could have just felt my focus as I was focusing on throat. Also some slight sensations generally in body maybe, but hard to tell. But on first day I felt pain in third-eye during audio. I did not mention that, because I'm wearing objects (stones, mandalas, scalar pendant etc.) and it may be them activating when I sit still. But now I recall reading about imagination - that if it is centered in third-eye, then what you imagine becomes reality, there is no distance between dream and reality. So maybe third-eye is somehow involved, if not - then it must have been something else. But back to results - they really are phenomenal. Although it seems like nothing happened. I sit, listen for 2 minutes, done, go back to other things. And voice is deep. I can't ask people as I meet people rarely. But I was talking to myself, talking to people through headset, talking with dentist. And I was observing my voice for a long time, for many months - seeing how it changes based on many factors. And I don't remember having such voice you know. The weeks before audio I had more high-pitch voice daily, I went deep sometimes but it was kind of forced-deep. Currently I need to force it to go high-pitch. If I don't do anything it's deep and it feels natural, efortless. I truly like my new voice :). BTW I did not mean that I suspect this audio is subliminal (but I can see I wrote that way). I meant that maybe subconsciousness is doing changes based on description or based on my excitement about description, I think she's capable of such things. I would like to have another question - you mentioned this method may substitute your Energetic Programming audios. This means replace right? Can it replace spiritual audios? Like you clean gland and chakra gets cleaned? What about connection to True Self?


Thank you for your feedback sotsemod. Not sure about the upper jaw pain, since this is not really connected to deepening voice. The sensation you might get which is connected to changing voice is in the lungs, since sound is produced by air. Regarding the headache, it could mean you're not adapted to the energy resquice in the audio, so I recommend ALWAYS drinking water after any audio or formula, since your body in processment of change, the first thing it will ask, aside any other thing, is water. Though it depends really from case to case. Until now, you're the first to relate the upper jaw and headache, so take it really as an experiment. If you mean the side effects being pain on the subject, this will not be fixed as it is the importance of this formula, to provide phyiscal change obviously you will feel something on the first using. The pain otherwise may only be reduced in the next stages of this formula. Take care, as I recommended on description, if it is your first time listening, listen only once per day. If you feel you can handle more times, then you might listen the much you can handle at a time.


Sure, thanks for replying on more details. This is kinda interesting the pain in Third Eye, since it is similar to someone who commented having headache instead (I don't know how specific the headache was so I can't really give the same attribution). Though in this case I confess I don't know really if this is related because the intention on the audio was to work on deepening voice processes. The only thing I can say is that, as ths is different from the energetic programmings, the energy in the audio may be whole different but yet strong to channelize the action. It might have the same potency of the boosted ones without really focusing on that, so as I recommended listening once in a day and slowly increasing the number so you can possibly accostume with the energy resquice in there. It may not be really powerful and may feel very faint to some, but yet the efficacy is very high, so it may cause sensations overall. On the part where seems like nothing happened, do you mean you don't feel nothing, not even energy? Or because it fades? On the reverting process, I am working to fix this part first than other things, so next time it may stay permanent/retroactive effect. On your statement on subconsciousness, it might be possible it is changing alone even if this audio is not targeting subconscious mind, because of your desires regarding description, though I would say it's something unique from you, wether you had any work regarding your subconscious or it is this way by nature. This is not general. Yes, it will replace energetic programming audios, though what I meant is that after some point, I will start only applying this method. The old audios will remain the same. As if you're wondering if it can affect spiritual topics or topics beyond physical things, yes it will be able to affect such as well. planes of existence are still part of Reality, it includes physical, mental, emotional etc. The main purpose of this method is actually alter the very existential state, which means alter your personal existence in the base. You may get it better if looking at quantum phenomena which can be wether physical and same time beyond physical. Besides I'm proposing myself to offer this method for public, there will be limited topics I will offer due to it being whole different than usual formulas. As explained, it will be a straightfoward change in your state of being, thus a drastic alteration in your personal reality. This makes some topics way too much for people to take lightly just because they desire it, so it's one reason it will focus more on basic aspects, otherwise it would contradict the purpose of Freedom. For example, connecting to True Self in a reality based, is the same as forcing you to connect with your deeper nature, while ignoring steps necessary for growth while in this journey of self-discovering. So while this method will help in many ways, I wiill be as well selectively considering topics to prevent misuse and too drastic things, as depending on the people and their usage's choice, the responsability is of my work.


Thanks. When I said that it seems like nothing happened, I was mainly referring to that I don't feel anything (or only slightly), yes. But there are other aspects - audio is very short, so the process is quick. For other audios (I'm talking about from all producers I use) I sometimes have effects, sometimes not. I need to lay down, try to be calm, loop several times, drink more water. It's usually better when I'm more tired, maybe I get into a little meditative state then. Or when I am after laying in bed for several hours, listening to very long subliminals - fields work better after that. For this audio I also sit down and not think too much, but as it's short, it's easy. When I need to loop 3 times a long audio = not so easy. So I don't need much of a ritual for this. Maybe nothing is needed, I have not yet tried playing while I work. For other focused body audios (other producers) I either did not feel and they did not work or I felt sensations/pain - in brain, eyes, around teeth, I had skin burning feeling around ear when trying to remove tinnitus, was exhausted from weight loss field. About results - there were some, or not, or temporary and then did not work again, or were good but slower and I got accustomed and did not notice the process, or were good and fast but not always work etc. So having such experiences - this audio stands out for me: not much process needed, I don't feel it, but results are huge immediately. Maybe it will also end up not working anymore one day, time will tell. So far it's working great every time. Also - I think it may happen that other Reality Program audios won't work, probably they still can be blocked by maybe subconsciousness? I'm wondering about permanency - when you fix that, make results permanent, that sounds great, but what if someone dislikes the result :). It's weird, I always wanted effects from fields to become permanent, and now it started to scare me a little :). Maybe it scares because Reality Program worked so fast, with immediate result. And also excites me at the same time. This is just a comment about small feeling, I'm not against or anything like that. Regarding subconsciousness, I observed sometimes - for instance I got high (well, I got paranoia mostly, but also other sensations) from colleagues talking about THC... But things like that were quite short-living and did not happen again. Back to audio - I don't think this is subconsciousness, I was taking that into consideration, but currently I'm pretty sure it's audio. Thanks for info about third-eye participation and for the explanation on spiritual possibilities of Reality Program method, I think I get it. I think I don't have much to comment, at least now, so just thanks :).


Interesting. It's indeed intriguing. If ever there happen a chance of developing something like this without much feelings like pain, tiredness and such, it would be an advantage in some topics occasion, like teeth alignment or growth for example. But overall, physical sensations are the most general for these audios at all. not a rule but yet. It's very unlikely but not impossible for block these audios, but just while they are this stage. Later, depending on the progressess of this project, there will not be a way to block it, since it will be altering your state, then not depending of none condition regarding you (Not dependent of your desires either since it will be straight), it will be totally objective. And once the audio works, it may not work again since your individual state would have been already changed and it would just be like overwriting the same reality. Unless otherwise, that you may change from that state naturally over time. Though don't be so worried of the idea of permanency totally, you will still be able to change it just naturally like any other change in your body, Example: like gaining muscles, if you don't keep training or don't have any alternative to keep it, your body will lose mass naturally over time. The audios will works the same in cases like these. I will make sure to make these audios intelligently enough to not have these problems. There will be topics that are temporary like muscles and others, and permanent topics like like height, teeth etc.