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Hello fellow people!

I want just to apologize for the late in build/providing new contents, for the late few days/weeks. Since I have had a physical injury recently, I was focusing more in healing it though without especial tools (including mine, since my own energy was causing me overwhelming on the organs being recovered at all), so I've been just recovering naturally with time(few weeks until today yet). It's why I didn't even posted new videos on youtube channel in a while, and been late to post new ones here on patreon as well(I usually post 1-2 audios per week), so just want you to know that I didn't forgot you, and I may compensate with a few audios directly on boosted version for free, soon! Including that I'm boosting the audios on youtube(normal version) as well, so it's another reason I'm taking some time to provide new videos. 

There are some already made, and others still to be posted on Gumroad as well, I'll be letting the link here. I would also advice to take very care with boosted audios version as they are stacked the power and effects of normal version. These boosted version are constantly being used new techniques to help accelerate the desired change, so boosted ones that were few months ago are different than the boosted recently, and the recent will be obviously different from tomorrow boosted versions, as it is in constant upgrade.

So, I want just to take the opportunity and recommend way previously for not to share audios I provide here or on Gumroad, as there will be protective preparations for new audios to come in the future, since there are happening misuse and disrespectful ways of using the work I provide here and in the Gumroad. I may make a different post about this situation, as a previous warn and explanation why I'm being forced to protect my work. 

Also there will be more preparation of bonus/extra contents for patrons, different than general(Youtube) audios as well. So I want to apologize again for such lateness recently and  as well thank you for your genuine support until now!





Take care