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So here is an experimental audio about muscle growth that I will be keeping here just to not let 2 weeks pass without a post. Notice that I have made this audio as one of my first and thus may not be as powerful as my current creations. Even so, I think it's providing enough content to at least notice.  Also this audio is not the official for muscle growth one, as I will be upgrading this audio to one a lot better.

What this audio will do is: it is configured in a way to try to integrate new nuclei in muscle cells to let you build more muscle in less time or what others call "muscle memory". And it will try to include calisthenics memory into your muscles so you can get hard moves more easily. It will try as well a mild conversion of fat cells to muscle cells and may as well induce pluripotent cells to become more muscle cells.

You can use it 2-5 times  or how much you can handle if you want. Make sure of drinking water. It is totally unisex and have no inclusion of any hormone.

Regarding Nuclei of muscle cells, it's similar to hyperplasia but not hyperplasia itself. It's the process your muscles undergo when you acquire muscular exertion experiences, like lifting weights, exercises and such. And thus, once you stop training, and try to develop muscles again, it happens in a very faster way, since your muscles already have memory/experience of being big. These nuclei are inside each muscle cell, and different from other cells, there can have more than one or two nuclei in muscle cells, and the quantity of these nuclei that actually determines(At least in a biological natural way) your fast gains or fast muscle building. The audio will try to add more of these physical nuclei so you can have more muscles in less time than in general. But this audio have only one instruction about these nuclei and not so detailed, it's why it is mostly experimental. I will build another audio similar to this one, but focusing entirely on this natural process and infusion of muscular experiences, kinda like Adoptive muscle memory. This is a faster and more natural way of helping in muscle growth under natural context, without using too much hormones or hormone audios.



Thank you! Bro, I wanted to ask, are these intentions? Or something more?

Greek Oak

Hello brother , is this one the superhuman muscular system or you will import this field inside that project along with other effects and huge strength and recovery etc


You mean the audio itself? In a way, yes. Specifically it is energy, intentions are used just to control energies, at least on my audios.


Hello Oak! I apologize for the late in such superhuman series indeed, this one is not the superhuman muscular system but a separate audio just to help in build muscle along your natural methods. The superhuman muscular system will contain some contents of this energetic audio as well but not all, since that will be a different audio than helping in muscle growth.