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This is an audio for energetic clearing to purge negativity and impurities, as well as to banish and remove entities attached to your energetic system and parasites.

What this audio will do is: Clear and purge Junk and negative energies away from your energetic system and personal energy, also purge impurities and energetic debris. Then it will remover and banish away entities that may be attached to your energy/energetic system and also remove energetic parasites. This will potentially pull these energetic def from deep inside on the root to the surface and then out.

With daily suggestibility to the environment, there are many variables that cause you to get attachments to many impurities and negativity, which causes energetic blockages on your energetic body/system, including parasites that drain and feed from your energy. Many times you may notice that you're feeling weak or fatigued (just one of many symptoms) by no reason whatsoever, and not really get to know the source of this tiredness. Some cases can be energetic parasites that plug on your energetic field and remain there feeding of your energy, or in other cases, there are entities attached/interested in your energy which can cause lots of influence on your thoughts and overall unnatural behaviour and habits you are not aware or used to at all. And so, it makes you vulnerable to many debris, illness and bad state of your life-force, along disconnect you from your personal energy. This audio will manage to banish and purge any kind of entity attached to your energy, be it weak or strong, as well doing the same with energetic parasites, so it will clear negativity and impurities on the root cause, which in turn clear away many energetic blockages and stablish your energy system to your natural state.

This one is intended to be a powerful cleanse in a purge of negative energetic effects from your system, and so it's possible that you may feel emotional or pains on certain parts of the body or even a burning sensation. You may feel disgusted from things or from yourself for a brief time and possibly feel ashamed for things that don't make much of a logic to be feeling this way at all. All of these can be some part of releasing yourself from such negativity or to things that are unnatural to your energy.

Listen once or two times only whenever you feel you need it. It's not strictly supposed to be listened to everyday but just while necessary, so it's your choice. Don't over use this audio, the amount of energy from the audio or unnaturalness contained inside you, may overwhelm your system completely if not used moderately. Drink water and rest after.

Be safe!



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