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It is about , basically, to upgrade the DNA to the concept of Perfection, but just genetically, which would lead to remove flaws and imperfections from the genetic structure and enhance it to a pinnacle of evolution. This means then that your biology would be upgraded and body to be in a perfect condition without many problems that are natural in average humans.

The energy encoded in the audio will: Corrects and removes the flaws and imperfections in the genome/DNA, and will also insert/integrate on DNA, qualities and condition of Perfection which would lead to the genetic structure start enhancing itself to match the condition of having perfect genetics and biology. This may have a double effect which is the energy will actually correct flaws in real time while the audio is playing.

Although it will try to bring your biological structure to be in a perfect condition, it doesn't mean that you will be a perfect being or things like that, but just have a genetic make up without flaws, and therefore as a result be more able than humans can. In summary, it could lead you to a peak human state or even beyond human natural limits, while still retaining all your traits as a human in genetics.

Also another thing that is generally misconcepted, there are processes in the genes/DNA that are not actually a flaw but just a modulation/mutation, however people tends to view many natural things on the body as being a flaw or imperfection, but in biology or universal language it's not really but just modifications instead of an actual flaw, regardless of your perspective on the matter. 

OBS: Different from Superhuman Genetics audio, it will actually clear all imperfections that may have in your genetics. And while you would be a peak human under natural conditions, if you are a/or become Superhuman, then you would in logic probably reach the peak of what is considered supernatural/superhuman, and your genetics would be flawless in the standard of your race.

As it has a double effect, it is advisable that you listen 3 times in a row and not separated times in the day. Don't overuse and drink water after listening.

This may also take some time but it will worth it :)

Good Luck!




Can loop this with the superhuman DNA ?


You can use it with Superhuman DNA yes, I only don't recommend listening simultaneously.


Thanks ❤️,with 3 times only every single day ?


Actually, you may listen it more times if you don't feel overwhelmed or any problem, though don't listen overnight :)


Thanks ❤️


Bro ,do you think this has potencial to ,remove Austin or Asperger symptoms ,if I listen over time ?


On this spectrum this may depend a lot really. If this is some malfunction of a gene related to these, it may help probably. Though if it is hereditary or was in genes since beginning, it may not really work since it is considered that you always had this as part of yourself. It is, only if the cause of these conditions is really genetics only.


I think was bcs a vaccine or something bcs my mom tell me that I was okey